Dinarte Branco

Dinarte Branco


Dinarte Branco


Um Filme em Forma de Assim
Organized like a dream, structured like a musical and with texts, both spoken and sung, that lead us to unexpected, chaotic and exciting situations, which try to grasp part of what the unattainable Alexandre O'Neill left us.
Salgueiro Maia - The Implicated
Comandante Morgado
On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal
Inspired by the biography of the portuguese painter Maria de Lourdes Ribeiro, known as Maluda, who found the stage of her art in Lisbon.
Empty Hands
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Colega Dirigente
Fernando Pessoa, one of the greatest writers in Portuguese, created an immense parallel world and several heteronyms so as to endure the loneliness of genius. José Saramago, 1998 Nobel Laureate in Literature, has a heteronym, Ricardo Reis, return to Portugal after a 16-year exile in Brazil. 1936 is a perilous year with Mussolini’s fascism, Hitler’s Nazism, Spain’s Civil War and Salazar’s New State in Portugal. And Fernando Pessoa meets his creation, Reis. Two women, Lídia and Marcenda, are Reis’ carnal and impossible passions. “Life and Death as one” allows for literature and cinema.
Moral Order
Egas Moniz
In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, heiress and owner of the Diário de Notícias, leaves the social, cultural and family luxury in which she lives to escape with a petty chauffeur, 26 years younger.
Soñando con grandes aventuras y con defender a su patria, un joven portugués se une al ejército durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y es enviado a África. Descolgado de su pelotón, inicia un solitario viaje a través de las místicas comunidades Macua en Mozambique.
Deputado 1
The story about the romance of Snu Abecassis and the former Portuguese prime minister Sá Carneiro.
Blood Lines
Presidente da República
Threatened by a fascist plot, the Portuguese government recruits several "special people" to stop the coup.
Soldier Millions
Presidente da Câmara
A Portuguese soldier, who got stranded from his team during the La Lys battle, struggles by himself through dozens of German offensives so he can guarantee the safety of his companions.
Adventurer, pilgrim, penitent but above all outstanding writer, Fernão Mendes Pinto left us an unparalleled romance, the living and human palpitation of one of the greatest historical adventures of man.
I don't belong here
I Don't Belong Here" follows the creative process of the play, with the same name, conceived from the personal experiences of the performers themselves, who were deported unexpectedly to Azores from the United States and Canada.
I don't belong here
I Don't Belong Here" follows the creative process of the play, with the same name, conceived from the personal experiences of the performers themselves, who were deported unexpectedly to Azores from the United States and Canada.
Las mil y una noches Vol.1: El inquieto
Homem do Patronato
En un país europeo en crisis, Portugal, un director se propone construir ficciones a partir de la miserable realidad que le rodea. Pero incapaz de encontrar sentido a su trabajo, huye de manera cobarde, dejando su lugar a la bella Sherezade. Ella necesitará ánimo y coraje para no aburrir al Rey con las tristes historias de ese país. Con el transcurrir de las noches, la inquietud deja paso a la desolación, y la desolación al encantamiento. Por eso Sherezade organiza las historias en tres entregas. Comienza así: "Oh venturoso Rey, fui conocedora de que en un triste país...". Libre adaptación de 'Las mil y una noches' ambientada en el Portugal de hoy, y dividida en tres películas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Arabian Nights
Some of the chapters from Arabian Nights are adapted to a modern Portugal in this epic.
The Maias: Story of a Portuguese Family
Marquês de Souselas
En compañía de su amigo cercano, Joao da Ega, supuestamente un escritor brillante, Carlos, con su existencia ociosa como un médico aristocrática, pasa su tiempo para disfrutar de los amigos y amantes. Hasta que se enamora. Ella es un personaje nuevo en esta novela revolucionaria. Es una pasión vertiginosa que va más allá de oscuridad pasado para llegar a un nuevo y más oscuro abismo, el incesto.
A Moral Conjugal
A Moral Conjugal
Assim Assim
Five characters intersect at a sidewalk beginning a journey through their lives.
My Name Is Bernadette
Basile Constant
Between February and July 1858, in the Massabielle cave, the Virgin appeared eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous, a miserable little girl from Lourdes. A true revolution in the heart of the Second Empire that shakes the established order by his universal message of love and prayer.
América, una historia muy portuguesa
Paulo Armando
Lisa, una hermosa joven rusa, está casada con Víctor, un portugués. Fernanda, la ex-esposa española de Víctor, aprovechando la llegada en oleada de inmigrantes ilegales a Portugal, quiere hacer negocio con unos pasaportes falsos.A partir de entonces, y para la desesperación de Lisa, su casa se convierte en un centro de reinserción social para los inmigrantes de varias nacionalidades y razas diferentes, todos en busca de un futuro mejor. Entre ellos se encuentra Andrei, un joven ortopedista ucraniano que es buscado por la mafia rusa. Andrei termina enamorándose de Lisa, que ve en él la oportunidad de salir de esa vida. Pero las cosas no son sencillas
Misterios de Lisboa
La trágica historia de las numerosas vidas del padre Dinis, sus oscuros orígenes y sus piadosas obras, y los diferentes destinos de todos aquellos que, atrapados en una siniestra red de amor, odio y crimen, se cruzan con él a través de años de aventuras y desgracias en la convulsa Europa de finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX.
Doomed Love
A loner, narcissistic and suicidal teenager attracts most of the people he meets like a fatal aura, a black light. He falls deeply in love with Teresa but does she exist or is she a mere figment, an image, a reflection? Teresa is an apparition. A pretext for an amoral violent uprising, for doomed love.
Urban Landscape with Girl and Plane
Boy meets girl. The daily life of Dino and Helena is difficult and the grief is growing in a way that encloses them while they search for an urgent solution.
Homem de Luto
In this evocative story told ingeniously with minimal dialogue, men and women from various backgrounds and places each deal with the loss of a loved one.
the medic
A crime drama based on the life of a woman who lived for years with a man that was the head of a corruption network in the Portuguese football world.
Newspaper Distributor
Pedro, un joven ingeniero de caminos de 27 años que está destinado en una pequeña aldea del norte de Portugal, espera ansioso su traslado de vuelta a Lisboa. Justo cuando está a punto de regresar, recibe una carta de una multinacional en la que le ordenan que cierre la página web que ha creado, aduciendo una infracción en el nombre del dominio. Si no lo hace inmediatamente, la compañía amenaza con ponerle una demanda por 500.000 euros. Sólo hay un problema: la página está a nombre de la asociación del pueblo y sólo sus miembros pueden cerrar el sitio. Pero ahora los habitantes del pueblo se niegan, siguiendo un razonamiento aplastante: si les pueden poner una demanda por 500.000 euros significa que la web vale 500.000 euros. Si la multinacional quiere cerrarla, primero tendrá que comprarla. La situación rápidamente queda fuera de control; el peculiar litigio da la vuelta al mundo. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Murmuring Coast
During the war of in-dependency Evita moves from Lisbon to Mozambique to marry Luís. She slowly discovers how different and disturbing life is in a country of war and when her husband is send on a military mission she starts to fight loneliness. Over time she finds out more about her husband and Mozambique than she would have imagined in her peaceful European home. Racism, violence, injustice and fatalism make life unbearable...
Daqui p'ra alegria
Three girls from the Lisbon suburbs, Bruna, Marta and Sara, are having a bit of fun. They've discovered that people in general are prepared to give things to young, attractive and good-natured people, and they exploit this shamelessly. Francisco, a neighbour of theirs, has given up on life. He's abandoned his wife and child to take refuge far from those who might hurt him ; in effect dying. He's ashamed of this, and never ever looks at anyone. This has given him, amongst the women of the neighbourhood, the reputation of being able to tell, just by looking at a couple, how long they'll stay together. The sudden news of the death of his much loved wife, upsets Francisco's routine.
Sem Movimento
Three people in a car, who will stay there the longest, wins the car.