A group of sexy young nurses who work at a local hospital live in dormitory housing provided by the hospital. The hospital also provides the dorm's supervisor, a strict older nurse who runs the dorm with an iron fist. The nurses have to find "creative" ways to sneak their boyfriends into their rooms for some steamy sex sessions
Nami is a masochistic high school student who is attacked and almost raped by a gang of hoodlums before being rescued by handsome teacher Muraki. The near-miss triggers bizarre hallucinations in Nami, and she imagines herself engaged in various S&M situations with Muraki, in which she is beaten, forced to urinate, and tortured on the titular wooden horse. The hallucinations grow progressively more real (and exciting) to Nami, and soon Muraki is accused of raping her and loses his teaching position.
Junko miyashita (A Woman Called Sada ABE, Himatsuri), un ícono de las películas eróticas japonesas de los años 70, interpreta a una misteriosa autoestopista recogida por un bruto de un trabajador de la construcción llamado Kenzo (Renji Ishibashi, Audition) que la lleva de regreso a su ruina. y apartamento estrecho en una parte no tan buena de la ciudad. Afirmando que está huyendo de un marido abusivo, vive con él. En un intento inútil de escapar del sombrío entorno de la clase trabajadora, la pareja entabla una relación erótica obsesiva.