Paul Copley
Nacimiento : 1944-11-25, Denby Dale, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Paul is a long established and much respected British actor and voiceover artist.
Born in Denby Dale, West Riding of Yorkshire, on 25th November 1944 he grew up beside a dairy farm. His father, Harold, was involved with local amateur dramatic productions, as were the rest of his family. He went to Penistone Grammar School, then the Northern Counties College of Education in Newcastle upon Tyne, where he received an Associate of the Drama Board (ADB) in Drama. He taught English and Drama in Walthamstow, before he joined the Leeds Playhouse Theatre-in-education Company in 1971.
In 1976, Paul won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in a New Play for his role in John Wilson's For King and Country.
With many and varied roles to follow, Paul soon established himself as one of the UK's leading stage, film, television and radio actors.
In 2011-2015 Paul gained worldwide recognition appearing in 16 episodes of the hugely popular television series Downton Abbey playing the popular role of farmer Mr Mason.
Paul is married to the actress Natasha Pyne. They married in 1972, after both performing in a Leeds Playhouse production of Frank Wedekind's Lulu, adapted by Peter Barnes, directed by Bill Hays in 1971.
Lord y Lady Grantham anuncian que están encantados de volver a contar con la grata compañía de los amantes del cine en su mansión de Yorkshire estas próximas navidades 2021 en esta secuela de la adaptación cinematográfica de la popular serie.
Great Uncle Geoffrey
Henry is forced to stay with his passionless great-uncle and slips into a fantastical world where he meets Raygo, an elf-like hunter who reveals that all he needs to restore his uncle's imagination is a single drop of blood from a hideous beast that enjoys sucking people's brains out of their eye sockets.
Station Master
Enola Holmes, una intrépida joven que busca a su madre, utiliza su brillante instinto investigador para superar a su hermano Sherlock y ayudar a un lord en su fuga.
Larry Windsor
A veteran washerman hangs thousands of wet clothes under the scorching sun: one oddity, he doesn't want them dry.
In June 2003, Reg Keys and his wife Sally return to their home in the Welsh countryside. As they switch on the TV to hear six military policemen have been murdered in Iraq, two men arrive bearing the terrible news that their son, Tom, was among them.
The Nest Egg: the story of a chicken suit, benevolence and eggs.
The popular musical is brought to life on soundstages at London's Three Mills Studio, in a live TV dramatisation of the timeless story of Maria and the Von Trapp Family singers, one of the world's best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War II.
King Lear
In the summer of 2012, a company of nine actors and director Tim Crouch came together to create a production of King Lear specifically for young audiences. It toured to schools across England before touring to New York's Park Avenue Armory, where the production was filmed.
La joven Sally Lockhart se ha convertido en asesora financiera. La tragedia de una anciana que pierde su dinero en una inversión la pone tras la pista de Bellman, un tipo que constituye una gran amenaza para la humanidad. Mientras, su amigo Jim Taylor ayuda a un mago perseguido por matones.
Phillip Walsh
School teacher Chris Bevan is a dutiful husband to his dull wife, Josie, and ingrate daughters. His best friend knows Chris' heart always belonged to Marian, his vibrant, flippant fiancée, who mysteriously disappeared years ago. Suddenly he sees her in a shop and can't help following her. He gives up as she has a new identity, as wife of plumber Bernie Sullivan. Bernie's real passion is Houdini-era 'real' magic, while in fact she's his terrified captive, forced to replace his late assistant. Furthermore one of Bevan's daughters has a phone-relationship he forbids, deeming it dangerous on principle, ignoring this is real and ties in to Marian's plight.
The story of three generations told against the backdrop of the 20th century. The drama focuses on the life of Mary Corrigan, from her days as a rebellious mill worker in 1915 and her doomed love affair for a man who must fight for his country, through to her final days in the run up to the British General Election of 1997.
Admiral Pellew interrupts Hornblower's wedding reception and tasks him to locate a British ship which has disappeared off the French coast, where Napoleon's troops are engaged in covert activities.
Hornblower must deliver a French nobleman to a secret rendezvous near Brest, all while coping with enemy agents in his own ranks.
Danny Peck
After killing his English partner, a Canadian businessman assumes his identity. Things begin to fall apart for him when the murdered man's body is found.
Hornblower and the other officers of the Renown must return to Jamaica to face a court-martial and possible execution for their actions in relieving their unstable captain.
Hornblower and his comrades come under the command of a revered but mentally unstable captain and are forced to mutiny in order to save their ship, the HMS Renown.
El concurso anual de peluquería llega un año más a la pequeña población de Keighley. Phil, el propietario del salón más famoso del pueblo, no participa en el concurso desde que lo dejó su mujer hace diez años. Sin embargo, en esta ocasión ella se empeña en que participen juntos en la competición. Por su parte, el vigente campeón del concurso, dispuesto a todo con tal de ganar; sólo teme a un rival y ése es Phil.
Lieutenant Hornblower and his shipmates are sent to accompany a doomed royalist invasion of revolutionary France.
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower and his crew are captured by the enemy while escorting a Duchess who has secrets of her own.
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower attempts to study for his promotion examination, but becomes distracted by the serious supply problems that face his crew.
Portsmouth, 1794. Under thundery skies and in lashing rain, 17-year-old midshipman Horatio Hornblower takes the first tentative steps of his naval career, but a feud with a shipmate causes complications.
Brian Chappel
A best selling author finds his horror novels coming to life.
Mr. Willis
Siglo XIX. Jude Fawley es un campesino que, desde niño, sueña con convertirse en un hombre ilustrado. Sin embargo, entre Jude y los libros no tarda en cruzarse Arabella, una seductora mujer con la que acaba casándose. El matrimonio resulta un fracaso y, tras la separación, Jude conoce a su prima Sue, una mujer muy avanzada para su época. Entre ambos se entabla una amistad que pronto se convertirá en amor.
Charlie Heppelwhite
Receiving a tip from his dentist Jack Shorter, policeman Peter Pascoe takes a closer look at the Calliope Kinema Club, a film club notorious for showing adult entertainment movies. Shorter is convinced that one particular scene in a movie he recently saw was too realistic to have been staged with fake blood, but when Pascoe and his bluff superior Andy Dalziel starts investigating, they soon comes across the actress in question, Linda Abbott, who obviously didn't suffer from any harm and assures Pascoe that the concerns are unnecessary.
Harry Smith
Stevens es el perfecto mayordomo inglés, un ideal que lleva hasta el extremo al servicio de su señor, Lord Darlington. Como muchos otros miembros de la aristocracia británica en los años 30, Darlington es captado por los nazis para intentar establecer una vía de comunicación con el gobierno del Reino Unido. La señorita Kenton es el ama de llaves de la mansión, una mujer joven y llena de vida que contempla horrorizada lo que sucede escaleras arriba. A pesar de sus temores, ella y Stevens se van enamorando poco a poco, aunque ninguno de ellos quiera reconocerlo.
During World War II a young city boy is evacuated to the country.
Being accused of child abuse is a nightmare every family dreads. The Taylors are an ordinary happy family, but Paul and Jill are worried about their 11-year-old son Mark, who is not eating. The family GP has diagnosed 'failure to thrive', and Mark is sent to the hospital for a check-up.
Local Man
Oedipus's wanderings come to an end when he finds his final resting place, as foretold by the gods. But his brother-in-law and his son each try to take him away.
William Dane
Adaption of George Eliot's novel. When a respectable weaver is wrongfully accused of theft, he becomes a virtual hermit until his own fortune is stolen and an orphaned child is found on his doorstep.
Narrator (voice)
The documentary features the British miners and their family experiences told through songs, poems, pictures and words.
Social Worker
Examines contradictory male attitudes towards women in 1980's Britain
Documentary drama.
Mr. Reed
Judith Allchurch and Ian Stevens star in this drama based on the story by Edward Chitham. When young historians Teresa (Allchurch) and David (Stevens) discover that the name on a piece of embroidered cloth belonging to Teresa's family matches that of a strange gravestone in the local churchyard, their intrique is piqued and they set out to find out what happened to the mysterious Abigail Parkes.
PO Jordan
"That order to scatter was as good as a death sentence to those merchant ships. And there isn't one officer or rating who doesn't agree with me." A British Allied convoy designated for the Soviet Union comes under attack from German forces during World War II.
James van Santen, a white South African writer facing imminent arrest for acts of sabotage, has escaped to England. He leaves behind him not only a violent political life but also his handsome lover, Stephen. With little money or inclination to work, he fights a battle of wills with his Jamaican landlady, Katherine.
"They're nice affable gobblers and we're in the nice affable gobbling business." But Tom and Gwen soon find that their gastronomical retreat from the rat race is anything but an escape when the Porters come to dine.
Steve Jackson
A journalist investigates a newspaper story of the execution of an Arab princess.
A watchmaker finds his livelihood is threatened by cheaply imported digital watches.
Hacia 1750, en Yorkshire, un chico debe hacerse cargo del cuerpo ahorcado de un vagabundo francés conocido como Jack Black, pero éste, aún con vida, lo secuestra. Así comienza un picaresco viaje de aprendizaje al que se sumará una niña huida del manicomio.
Cpl. Storey
1879 el Imperio Británico trata de imponer su voluntad sobre el poderoso rey zulú Cetshwayo, que controla parte de la zona de ZuluLand. Al negarse Cetshwayo a cumplir las órdenes de su Majestad la Reina de Inglaterra, los británicos deciden movilizar sus tropas lideradas por el General Chelmsford hacia los dominios de los zulús para someterlos confiando en su aparente superioridad táctica, técnica, militar y armamentística.
Brian Wilson
'I'm an expert on pigs now. How many people can claim they've castrated 1.000 baby pigs? Not many.' Brian is enthusiastic about his new job, but Thomas has seen it all before.
Paul McShane
A small town shopkeeper is conned into standing for an extreme right-wing party at a by-election and later discovers his financed by the corporation that has dispossessed him of his business.
Fred (Scrooge's Nephew)
Un hombre avaricioso y miserable, Ebenezer Scrooge, obligado a enfrentarse con sus fantasmas interiores, personificados en tres espíritus: el espíritu de las navidades pasadas, el espíritu de las navidades futuras. El anciano se dará cuenta de los terribles errores cometidos y del terrible futuro que le espera, por lo que cambiará recuperando la bondad y generosidad de su alma. Al historia tuene el genial acierto de mostrarnos cómo una sociedad cruel puede influir en sus propios ciudadanos, hasta convertirlos en un mero reflejo de sus propias injusticias. Ebezner Scrooge es un reflejo de todos nosotros y nos enseña cómo su pasado ha moldeado su presente, cómo la única salida para vencer su futuro es aceptar las consecuencias de sus actos, y tomar las riendas de su vida para llevarla en la dirección que él de verdad quiere.
Pvt. Wicks
En septiembre de 1944, alentados por el éxito de la invasión de Normandía, los aliados emprendieron con determinación la operación "Market Garden", un arriesgado plan para poner fin lo antes posible a la guerra, invadiendo Alemania y destruyendo la industria bélica de Hitler. La clave era conquistar varios puentes por los que pasarían las tropas. No obstante, las estrategias en el campo de batalla, combinadas con los errores del servicio de información, la mala suerte y un clima, si cabe, peor, condujeron la operación a un desenlace inesperado.
Secuela de la película Alfie de 1966 protagonizada aquí por Alan Price. En esta ocacisón, Alfie es un camionero que conquista mujeres por toda Europa y se enamora de una editora.
Teenager Diane Weaver lives in a small council flat with her brooding father, the groundskeeper of a local church. What no one realizes is how close Diane and her father are.
Woodwork Master
Speech Day is a bit of a laugh if you are not one of nature's prize-winners. But now that they've finished with school and school with them, what comes next for Ronnie, Wally and Rob?
Howard drives his partner Joseph from their farm to hospital to undergo high risk surgery. The unexpected discovery of an old mix tape in the glove compartment sees the masculinity of their forty-year relationship start to yield.