Danish film has never felt stronger on the international stage than it did with the Dogme films, which at the world premiere of 'The Party' and 'The Idiots' during the Cannes Film Festival in 1998 put Denmark on the film world map. Another eight films under the strict Dogme rules followed and created great international careers for several of the talents in front of and behind the handheld camera. Thomas Vinterberg, Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, Paprika Steen, Ulrich Thomsen, Trine Dyrholm, Iben Hjejle, Anders W. Berthelsen, Lone Scherfig, Sonja Richter and many more of the country's greatest filmmakers look back on when Denmark became Dogme.
The dangerous paranoia lurking beneath the seemingly idyllic existence of a family of hermits living on a remote island begins to come to the fore when their daughter starts to question her parents' worldview.
Executive Producer
Tras una pared falsa se hallan tres cadáveres momificados alrededor de una mesa, junto a un asiento libre. Carl y Assad siguen las pistas hasta una institución donde tenían lugar experimentos médicos. Allí, intentan descubrir quién debía ocupar el cuarto asiento.
Executive Producer
Estados Unidos, década de 1970. Seguimos al brillante Jack durante un período de 12 años, descubriendo los asesinatos que marcarán su evolución como asesino en serie. La historia se vive desde el punto de vista de Jack, quien considera que cada uno de sus asesinatos es una obra de arte en sí misma.
The moving love story of a dancer on the rollercoaster ride of her life, a drama about the rise and fall of a modern woman as she summons the courage to face her greatest trial.
Executive Producer
El respetado director Frederik es arrestado y acusado de defraudar millones. Frederik ha sufrido un tumor cerebral durante los últimos tres años, lo que ha creado un cambio en su personalidad. Su esposa Mia, asistida por el abogado Bernard, tendrá que reunir todas sus fuerzas para lograr que sea absuelto y tratar de salvar a su familia.
In a dystopian realm underneath the ground, a mysterious boss dictates the rules of the young people living and working here. They each work in a club, taking care of dedicated club members day after day. It is a lonely life with no escape. Carla is responsible for the Aquarium Club, Zac is in charge of the Motor Club. When their paths cross, a whole new world opens.
Una antiguo mensaje es encontrado en una botella en Escocia tras un largo viaje a través del océano. La nota es difícil de descifrar, pero cuando el investigador danés del departamento Q lo consigue, tratará junto a su particular equipo de resolver otro diabólico caso abandonado a pesar de que las huellas de este prácticamente han desaparecido
El detective Carl Mørck y a socio Assad, del Departmento Q de la Policía de Copenhague, especializada en casos especiales, investigan el brutal asesinato de dos jóvenes gemelas en una casa de verano. La película, relata la apertura del caso, que fue cerrado con la confesión de un personaje marginal del pueblo, a pesar de que la policía sospechaba de un grupo de estudiantes de clase alta.
Executive Producer
Historia de una ninfómana contada por ella misma. Una fría noche invernal, un viejo solterón (Stellan Skarsgård) encuentra en un callejón a una joven (Charlotte Gainsbourg) herida y casi inconsciente. Después de recogerla y cuidarla, siente curiosidad por saber cómo pudo haber llegado esa mujer a semejante situación; escucha atentamente el relato que ella hace de su vida, una vida llena de conflictos y turbias relaciones. Para su estreno comercial se dividirá en dos partes. Hay una versión completa de cinco horas y media que sólo se verá en ciertos actos culturales.
Historia de una ninfómana contada por ella misma. Una fría noche invernal, un viejo solterón encuentra en un callejón a una joven herida y casi inconsciente. Después de recogerla y cuidarla, siente curiosidad por saber cómo pudo haber llegado a semejante situación; escucha atentamente el relato que ella hace de su vida, una vida llena de conflictos y turbias relaciones.
Después de cometer un error que costó la vida de uno de sus colegas y dejó tetrapléjico a su mejor amigo, el inspector Carl Mørck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) atraviesa una de las peores épocas de su vida. Su sentimiento de culpabilidad aumenta cuando su jefe y la prensa dudan de su actuación. Relegado a un nuevo departamento dedicado a casos no resueltos, Carl, junto a su nuevo compañero de origen sirio Hafez al-Assad (Fares Fares), ve la oportunidad de demostrar su valía al descubrir las numerosas irregularidades cometidas en el caso de Marete Lyngaard (Sonja Richter). Cuando en 2002, esta joven promesa de la política danesa desapareció mientras realizaba un viaje en ferry, la policía decidió cerrar el caso por falta de pruebas. Este es el nacimiento del Departamento Q y su primer caso por resolver...
Executive Producer
Hace un año, justo antes de su ruptura, Marc y Rachel consiguieron reservar mesa en uno de los mejores restaurantes del mundo. En ese rincón increíble de la Costa Brava tendrán que compartir una de las mejores experiencias sensoriales de su vida junto con otros comensales. Pero lo que prometía ser la velada perfecta, acabará siendo inolvidable… para todos.
Executive Producer
Adrian is a classic outsider. His playful, dreamy imagination distracts him from everyday life, for the reality he lives in could not be more different. Neither his chronically depressed uncle nor his overworked grandmother understand the ten-year-old’s games. His mother abandoned him when he was very young and he is bullied at school. Just as news arrives that three children are missing, a new family moves in next door. Adrian develops a close relationship to their tomboyish, ten-year-old daughter Nicole and believes he is getting close to solving the mys- tery of the missing children. New Zealand forms the backdrop for this universal story for adults and those who have never wanted to grow up. It is a story about friendship and loneliness, emotions which Adrian already feels so poignantly as a child. The Danish first-time director’s expressive visual language dramatically merges water and air, reality and a hint of fantasy.
Noruega, 27 de abril de 1940; en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras un enfrentamiento aéreo varios pilotos enemigos, unos del bando británico y otros del alemán, terminan perdidos en el frío y desolado desierto helado de la tundra Noruega. Allí, juntos, tendrán que dejar atrás sus diferencias por el conflicto bélico e intentar colaborar para conseguir salvar sus vidas. Una experiencia que puede hacer surgir la amistad o acabar con ellos para siempre.
Executive Producer
En Glasgow, Escocia, mientras una misteriosa pandemia comienza a extenderse por todo el mundo, Susan, una brillante epidemióloga, se enamora de Michael, un hábil cocinero.
Executive Producer
Justine (Kirsten Dunst) y Michael (Alexander Skarsgård) celebran su boda con una suntuosa fiesta en casa de su hermana (Charlotte Gainsbourg) y su cuñado (Kiefer Sutherland). Mientras tanto, el planeta Melancolía se dirige hacia la Tierra...
Executive Producer
Two Danish comedians join the director on a trip to North Korea, where they have been allowed access under the pretext of wanting to perform a vaudeville act.
Executive Producer
Anton es un idealista médico danés que trabaja en un campo de refugiados de un país africano que está en guerra. Su mujer y su hijo Elia viven solos en Dinamarca. El niño es maltratado en la escuela por sus compañeros y se siente aislado. Pero cuando llega al colegio Christian, un niño huérfano de madre que expresa su dolor por medio de la violencia, él y Elia simpatizan y se hacen amigos. El problema es que esa amistad se convierte en un peligroso juego de venganza y rabia que, además de perturbar la vida de sus familias, lleva a Anton a cuestionarse sus ideales
Dimension is a short film written and directed by Lars von Trier, released in 2010. The film was shot in three-minute segments over several years. The original intention was to continue production for a period of 30 years for a final release in 2024. However, von Trier lost interest in the project and it was shelved in the late 1990s. The short film consists of the completed footage at the time the film was abandoned.
Executive Producer
Una pareja sumida en el dolor se retira a una cabaña perdida en medio del bosque, llamada "Edén", con la esperanza de que el contacto con la naturaleza cure sus corazones rotos y su tambaleante matrimonio. Pero la naturaleza sigue su curso y las cosas empiezan a ir de mal en peor.
Película ambientada en varios escenarios internacionales: Estados Unidos, Tailandia y Filipinas. Leo es un hombre que ha alcanzado el éxito en la industria de los videojuegos. Y Ellen, su mujer, trabaja como médico. Ambos viven en Nueva York con su hija pequeña, que, debido a que sus padres están absortos en sus respectivos trabajos, pasa la mayor parte del tiempo con una nanny llamada Gloria, asunto que preocupa en gran medida a Ellen, temerosa de perder el cariño de la pequeña. Un día, y debido a un asunto de negocios, Leo deberá realizar un viaje al extranjero, y a partir de ese momento tendrá lugar un cúmulo de hechos que afectarán de forma profunda a su vida familiar.
Tres chicas se conocen por casualidad en una unidad de oncología. Mientras luchan por hacer frente a su destino, las tres recuerdan un momento decisivo de sus vidas. A Sara, una nadadora profesional sometida a la presión incesante de su ambicioso padre, se le privó de su única oportunidad real de ser feliz. Mette ha abandonado a su familia, profundamente religiosa, porque le parece demasiado difícil soportar que ellos hayan aceptado su destino mientras que ella no lo ha hecho. En cuanto a Stephanie, ha dejado a su novio de repente por temor a ser rechazada. Aunque sus historias son muy distintas, la búsqueda del amor y de la amistad unen a las tres chicas.
Executive Producer
Set and shot in the city of Durban, My Black Little Heart pummels the viewer into a world where Internet porn on Durban’s beach front meets Nigerian voodoo in the inner city and a young girl from the wrong side of the track-marks finds herself stuck in a hazy sub-city seaside vortex of decrepit flats, poisoned streets and abandoned office blocks littered with self mutilators, ex-cons, gangsters, street delinquents, hustlers and addicts.
An Arabic tale that takes place in Scandinavia. About ancient religious hatred, about love, punishment, guilt and redemption, about being responsible for one's own actions and refusing a path of violence. Jamil stands in the middle. He is fighting the war of his life; a war within himself.
Executive Producer
Two couples, old friends, end up in a heated debate over adultery at a dinner party.
Una historia de amor sobre Anna, que sueña sólo con una cosa: llegar a ser actriz. Sin decir nada a su acomodada familia, se muda a Copenhague para perseguir su sueño secreto. Pero el destino le tiene reservada otra cosa. Se queda embarzada y tiene una niña... (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
A satirical drama revealing the consequences of the Danish government's "New Copenhagen Criteria", a new policy aiming at securing the nation's survival. Citizens who fail to meet the criteria - those who have received more from society than what they have contributed - are eliminated.
The last summer the five boys are together in Falkenberg. They are now grown up to be young men, on their way out into the world. At least most of them.
Executive Producer
Un hombre desea vender su empresa. El problema es que, cuando la fundó, se inventó un presidente ficticio, tras el cual poder ocultarse cuando tuviera que tomar medidas impopulares. Cuando los posibles compradores insisten en negociar cara a cara con el presidente, el propietario se ve obligado a contratar a un actor fracasado para que interprete ese papel. De repente, el actor se da cuenta de que no es más que un títere envuelto en una trama que quizá ponga a prueba su catadura moral.
Executive Producer
The story of August who loses his beloved sister Christina, a former porn star known as The Princess. He adopts Christina's five-year-old daughter Mia. Weighed down by grief and guilt, August breaks down and with Mia in tow, he embarks on a mission of vengeance to erase Christina's pornographic legacy.
Executive Producer
A drama about a boy who's inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and challenges repressive school authority in 1969 Denmark.
Executive Producer
Jacob ha dedicado su vida a ayudar a los niños pobres que viven en las calles de la India. Cuando el orfanato que él dirige está a punto de cerrar, un hombre de negocios danés le hace una oferta muy generosa: cuatro millones de dólares para evitar el cierre del centro de acogida infantil que regenta. Pero Jacob debe volver a Dinamarca para tratar el asunto. Una vez allí, su benefactor lo invita a la boda de su hija.
Asst. Director Tómas Gislason and Producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen reflects on their "faecal location" when they shot Lars von Trier's Europa (1991) in Poland.
Memorable anecdotes about film director Lars von Trier told by people he has worked with on his films.
Co-Executive Producer
Después de que su ex-novia le deje, John conoce a sus dos hermosas vecinas, Anne y Kim. Es la primera vez que se ven y, sin embargo, las dos chicas parecen conocer todo sobre su vida. El comportamiento provocador de las dos hermanas resulta incómodo para John pero Anne le convence de que se quede con su hermana, trastornada por un supuesto ultraje, mientras ella debe salir. En un extraño juego de seducción, Kim lo guía por su laberíntico piso, llevándolo a un mundo donde se vuelve difícil diferenciar la realidad de la ilusión. John comienza a perder el control de su existencia y a transgredir unos límites inimaginables.
Executive Producer
Dick es un joven solitario y retraído que vive en el deprimente pueblo de Estherslope. Un día, encuentra un pequeño revólver y, a pesar de su ferviente pacifismo, empieza a sentir una extraña y creciente atracción por el arma. Ayudado por un amigo, no tarda en convencer a los demás jóvenes marginados del pueblo para formar un club secreto llamado "Los Dandies", cuya filosofía se basa en el pacifismo y la pasión por las armas. A pesar de que todos aceptan a rajatabla la regla de oro del club, que consiste en no empuñar nunca un arma, la combinación de ciertas circunstancias adversas los lleva a saltarse esta regla.
Documentary with interviews of the cast and crew of Lars von Trier's 1991 film "Europa."
Brodre es un melodrama familiar que, poco a poco, se convierte en un drama de resonancias más profundas. Historia de hermanos en la que la guerra, el dolor y el amor se conjugan en un triángulo de consecuencias imprevisibles. Michael tiene todo bajo control: una exitosa carrera militar, una mujer bella y dos hijas. Su hermano menor Jannik va dando tumbos por la vida, siempre al borde de la ley. Cuando Michael es enviado a Afganistán en una misión de las Naciones Unidas, la relación entre los dos hermanos cambia radicalmente. Michael desaparece en acción -es dado por muerto- y Sarah es consolada por Jannik, que contra toda previsión demuestra ser capaz de asumir responsabilidades tanto en su propia vida como en la de la familia. Pronto se hace evidente que los sentimientos de ambos han transcendido la mera simpatía mutua. Cuando Michael regresa a casa, traumatizado por su experiencia como prisionero en las montañas de Afganistán, ya nada es lo mismo...
Executive Producer
DAY AND NIGHT is about people that love and want to be loved. It's the story of a father, his young son, his unfaithful wife, her secret lover, his young mistress, his lonely sister, his forgetful mother, a fanatic football coach, a pregnant whore and an angel disguised as an old man. They are all looking for the answer to the same question: "If love is the answer - what is the question?"
Martje is the manager of a successful laundry service, but in her personal life she struggles with her self-image after the amputation of one of her breasts. After she is humiliated when Loe, one of her employees, is startled by the discovery of her prosthesis during foreplay, she imprisons him in the laundry plant. As Loe is slowly dying in imprisonment, Martje loses contact with reality and starts imagining having a family with him.
Executive Producer
Lars von Trier challenges his mentor, filmmaker Jørgen Leth, to remake Leth’s 1967 short film The Perfect Human five times, each with a different set of bizarre and challenging rules.
Executive Producer
Caroline is forced to leave her unfaithful boyfriend, and the only place she can crash is with her sister Sarah, with whom she does not get along. Sarah graciously offers Caroline a tiny room in her apartment and decides to help her find Mr. Right. Caroline isn't sure she's cut out for the dating game, but Sarah assures her there's nothing to it. Caroline is sent on a series of grueling and comic dates with everything from nimble pickup artists, to adventure sports freaks and a karaokesinging stockbroker. But in the end what the two sisters really find is themselves.
Caroline is forced to leave her unfaithful boyfriend, and the only place she can crash is with her sister Sarah, with whom she does not get along. Sarah graciously offers Caroline a tiny room in her apartment and decides to help her find Mr. Right. Caroline isn't sure she's cut out for the dating game, but Sarah assures her there's nothing to it. Caroline is sent on a series of grueling and comic dates with everything from nimble pickup artists, to adventure sports freaks and a karaokesinging stockbroker. But in the end what the two sisters really find is themselves.
Executive Producer
The story revolves around Jakob, Bo and Mikkel - three friends who spend their days lusting over unattainable women and engaging in a variety of illegal activities (i.e. they'll rent a movie and then break into a house to watch it). After he's assigned to work with Mathilde on a school project, Jakob finds himself falling for the girl - despite the fact that Mikkel has been secretly lusting after her for years...
Executive Producer
Grace llega a la remota localidad de Dogville huyendo de una banda de «gangsters». Persuadidos por las palabras de Tom, que se ha erigido en portavoz de la pequeña comunidad, sus integrantes se avienen a ocultarla. Grace, en justa correspondencia, acepta trabajar para ellos. Sin embargo, cuando Dogville sea sometido a una intensa vigilancia policial para dar con la fugitiva, sus habitantes exigirán un acuerdo más favorable, que les compense del peligro que corren al darle cobijo. Grace aprenderá, de un modo brutal, que en este lugar la bondad es algo muy relativo. Pero ella guarda un secreto que no quiere desvelar.
Executive Producer
Skagerrak is the story of being hit by happiness when you least expect it. In their late twenties and tired of partying their way around the world, Danish Marie and Irish Sophie come ashore in Northern Scotland. After another drunken night they are soon parted from all their accumulated cash. Out of money and out of luck ambitious Sophie pressures Marie into accepting a lucrative job as surrogate mother. Months on, Marie finds herself alone, life having taken a dramatic turn. Heavily pregnant, and wanting to terminate her pregnancy, she's on the run from the future parents, searching for Sophie's old flame, Ken. In a case of mistaken identity, Marie ends up in hiding with three strange men in a seedy Glasgow garage. But then happiness strikes again.
Executive Producer
John y su mujer Elena, una mundialmente famosa patinadora sobre hielo, están a punto de firmar los papeles del divorcio, pero cuando el mundo está a punto de sufrir un colapso cósmico, ambos se dan cuenta de que quizá merece la pena luchar por su amor.
Executive Producer
Una extraña comedia acerca de dos hermanos. Uno, Wilbur, se quiere suicidar, y el otro, Harbour, trata de evitarlo. Cuando su padre muere, les deja su librería, y conocen una mujer que les hará la vida un poco mejor pero que también les traerá nuevos problemas.
Executive Producer
Cècile (Sonja Richter) y Joachim (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) están a punto de casarse, pero ven truncado su futuro porque él sufre un accidente y se queda tetrapléjico. Sin embargo, lo más terrible es que Cècile se enamora del marido de la responsable del accidente, un padre de familia con tres hijos.
Executive Producer
Svensson is a wealthy, aging blusterer who has just had a rather unusual funeral for his late wife and is now on his way to Spain with his cracker of a young mistress. But his trip is delayed when a lawyer turns up with a paternity suit. With a young undertaker as the new chauffeur at the wheel of his Jag, he sets off to confront the woman who claims to be the mother of his unknown daughter, turning his life and that of his companion upside down in the process.
Quixotic Martino Sclavi dives deep into the Danish film scene to uncover the truth behind the Dogme 95 Manifesto, along the way the film systematically breaks each and every one of the Dogme 'vows of chastity' - employing special effects, comedy sound design, and a singing narrator to boot.
The girl Eva's parents are too busy at their jobs in the airport to go on summer vacation with her, so she decides to go with her grandmother in the attempt to find Eva's grandfather Åge, who used to be a pilot.
Executive Producer
Un curso de italiano une a seis daneses que tienen problemas sentimentales y de comunicación. Andreas, un joven sacerdote, es enviado a la parroquia de un pequeño barrio de Copenhague para reemplazar a Wredmann, un cura que vive enfrentado con sus feligreses y que no le pondrá las cosas fáciles. Provisionalmente se aloja en un hotel, donde conoce a Jorgen, un tímido conserje. Para aprovechar las noches, Andreas se apunta a un curso nocturno de italiano. Allí conoce a Olympia, una ayudante de pastelería, y a su amiga Karen, que es peluquera. El ambiente latino de las clases, favorecido por la presencia de la italiana Giulia, empieza a producir sus efectos, y los enredos pasionales se suceden.
Executive Producer
Kaj es un hombre que trabaja en un proyecto de reinserción hecho por el ayuntamiento, ya que tiene problemas con el alcohol y está parado. Al arrabal donde él vive, se muda Liv, una mujer y su hijo Jonas. Huyen de los maltratos que ésta recibe por parte de su marido, que es además el padre de Jonas. Poco a poco las vidas de Liv, Kaj, Jonas y Stig, un amigo de Kaj se entrecruzarán. Sin embargo el pasado común de Kaj y Liv, y los problemas personales de ella aún sin resolver se interpondrán en su relación.
Executive Producer
La película se desarrolla en Estados Unidos en el año 1964. Selma (Björk) es una inmigrante checa que se muda a aquel país con su hijo Gene. Además padece una enfermedad hereditaria degenerativa que le está ocasionando una rápida ceguera progresiva. Por este motivo Selma ahorra centavo a centavo en una lata que guarda en su cocina para pagar una operación que evite que su hijo sufra el mismo destino.
Executive Producer
Varado en un desierto africano, un autobús con once pasajeros se protege del calor entre las ruinas de un pueblo abandonado. Cuando la posibilidad de ser rescatados va disminuyendo día a día, y crece la ansiedad, surge la idea de montar una obra de teatro. Sin embargo, la elección de "El rey Lear", de shakespeare, sólo les produce confusión, al tiempo que luchan para reprimir tanto la cólera que los invade como el miedo a la muerte. En medio de esta situación, surgen en ellos agudas tensiones emocionales y sexuales. Una vez eliminadas todas las inhibiciones, su único objetivo será sobrevivir.
HotMen CoolBoyz (or H.M.C.B.) is a Danish adult film directed by Knud Vesterskov and starring Ron Athey and Billy Herrington. It is the only gay hardcore pornographic film ever produced by an established mainstream film company, yet upon its release was almost completely ignored by the Danish press, and only later started to gain an international reputation for its unique artistic imagery.
The summer of '58, the year Sweden almost won the world championship in soccer over Brazil, Yngve Johansson accepts two children to live with him during the summer, as told through the eyes of a young boy. His name is Mårten, and the other child's name is Annika. She is a rough girl, with many problems. The three of them do not get along, and Yngve is a true dictator to the children's eyes. However, when the children discover that their new guardian has a crush on their teacher (Cecilia Nilsson), they do what they can to bring the two together. Soon enough, the three will discover that they have a lot more in common than they previously imagined, and together they can make their lives worth living again. This is a sweet story about life in Sweden in the mid 1900's. It is about family, love, hate, innocent friendship that we all can relate to, and much, much more...
In the middle ages a small Greenlandic boy comes drifting with an Iceberg to a remote and superstitious settlement in Iceland and is believed to be an evil spirit by his looks. He saves a young boy from an avalanche and they become friends. The young Icelandic boy has to fight for his friends existence against the ignorant villagers, who want him imprisoned or even killed
The story of an Icelandic man and his slow descent into madness. Along his journey he meets Dagný, the initial cause of his breakdown. Other people he meets in the asylum have been committed for various reasons, such as signing cheques for Adolf Hitler and, believing themselves to be writing songs for the Beatles and telepathically transmitting to the band.
Executive Producer
36-year old Mila makes a bet that she can make a photo-report from inside the Pink Prison. She does not manage to get in legally, but at night she breaks into the prison. This is the start of a different erotic adventures.
Based on director Lotte Svendsen's own memories of her childhood on the Baltic island of Bornholm, but though it is set in 1981 the conflicts portrayed do not seem far away. At the start of the film Lars Erik and his wife Sonja are doing well on the Baltic island of Bornholm. Lars Erik is a successful fisherman, Sonja is a traditional housewife, proud of their new house bulging with consumer goods. Their love for each other is the sturdy footing on which their home is founded. Lars Erik employs three men on his trawler, and spends as fast as he earns, so when fishing quotas are cut he faces a crisis. One by one his men leave the boat, but he refuses to give up. Being a fisherman is like being a farmer - you depend on the wealth of mother nature herself. However, mother nature is like romance, highly capricious!
Executive Producer
A stranger arrives in Copenhagen from a plane from Romania. Shortly after the power is lost in the whole city.
La película relata la historia de Agnes Ahlberg y Elin Olsson, alumnas de secundario en el "insignificante" pueblo de Åmål. Elin es extrovertida, popular y ha estado con innumerables chicos, pero encuentra su vida exasperantemente aburrida. Agnes, por el contrario, es tímida y no ha conseguido hacer amigos desde que se mudó con su familia a Åmål hace un año.
Executive Producer
The waitresses at a Copenhagen bar find themselves listening to and advising various clients who wander in to unburden their current problems. The Blue Monk is so named because its jukebox constantly plays music by jazz musician Thelonius Monk. ...The Blue Monk
Después de algunos años, Ossy va a visitar a su antiguo compañero de juergas Jimmy, que vive en Islandia. Jimmy no le recibe muy entusiasmado ya que ahora tiene un trabajo, una casa y está viviendo con Anna, con la que tiene un hijo y a la que tampoco ha contado nada sobre su pasado salvaje y criminal. La falta de sinceridad hace que la vida perfecta de Jimmy se convierta en un infierno, y culpa por ello a Ossy, que tampoco le ha contado la verdadera y trágica causa de su visita al que probablemente sea el único amigo que ha tenido alguna vez.
Constance, a young woman, arrives at the mansion of the experienced Lola, where she is initiated into the mysteries of sexuality.
Executive Producer
Un grupo de amigos se reune con la intención de liberarse de las ataduras morales que la sociedad imprime sobre los individuos. Para ello, se hacen pasar por retardados mentales. El grupo se dedica a enfrentar a la sociedad con sus idioteces.
Lucky People Center International takes us on a journey around the world through human souls. Music's rhythms and the film's pulsing form reminiscent of the music video aesthetics and gives the documentary a new face. The film traveled around the world for two years to find people and lifestyles that reflect the world before 2000.
Mona is a young woman, engaged to a man who never shows up. She relies strongly on her supportive friend, Anne. Mona suspects that Anne's psychologist, Dr. Lark, is acting funny towards her friend, and decides to investigate. Mona and Anne will find themselves embroiled in a strange world of psychiatry and fanaticism, in which both young women's lives will be endangered.
A Jewish family leaves Germany after surviving the Holocaust and heads to Norway. Mendel, their youngest son, is too young to make sense of the Holocaust but tries to comprehend his family's actions during the war and their nightmares now. His imagination frequently runs away from him.
Executive Producer
Two comedians set out to make their own exploitation video.
The two medicated low-lifes Carsten and Peter are long time partners, an old flame of Peter's turns up to tell him that he has a twelve year old daughter, whom he should present himself to. Her adoptive father is a mean bastard, and incestive undertones lies in the relationship between the two. The daughter escapes from her adoptive father, turns up at Peter's place, and Carsten, Peter, and the daughter escapes to Sweden.
Devil's Island is a bitter sweet tale of Iceland in the fifties. Life is rough in Reykjavik's post-war slum of Camp Thule, where the abandoned US military barracks have been turned into makeshift homes. Struggling wives and their hard-working husbands try to make ends meet. The younger generation dreams of dollars, Rock'n'Roll and the American way of life. To celebrate or to drown their misery - they're never short of a good reason to booze. Devil's Island vividly depicts the everyday life of a wacky family, their neighbours and friends and shows how some of their dreams come true and others don't.
Executive Producer
Frank trabaja como camello para Milo, un gángster al que debe 10.000 dólares. Cuando Milo le exige que pague su deuda, Frank se embarca en una operación de gran envergadura, pero la policía se incauta de la mercancía. Milo pierde la paciencia y está dispuesto a cobrar como sea; así que Frank se lanza frenéticamente a la búsqueda del dinero. (FILMAFFINITY)
A principios de los años 70, Bess (Watson), una ingenua joven de un pueblo costero de Escocia, se enamora de Jan (Stellan Skarsgård), un hombre mundano que trabaja en una plataforma petrolífera. A pesar de la oposición de la rígida comunidad puritana a la que pertenece, Bess y Jan se casan. Tras la boda, él vuelve a su trabajo, y ella cuenta los días esperando su vuelta. Bess, una creyente devota, cree que su amor está bendecido por el cielo; pero un día sucede un terrible accidente. Primera película de la trilogía "Corazón dorado" de Lars Von Trier.
The basic story of a young criminal not quite living up to his won ideals of "not to give a damn" sidesteps out of his criminal career while dragging his younger brother into it, could have been interesting. Unfortunately the implementation is simply not good enough. As so often with Danish movies, there is little appreciation for detail thus leaving us with hoodlums talking like they've done time at a business academy rather than a prison. Dialects completely out of here and idiosyncratic bikers without bikes or even character for that matter. An ever accelerating surrealism towards the end doesn't help to clear the slow pace of this film but it does give a glimpse of what the story could have unfolded to become.
Executive Producer
Anton is 10 years old. Anton's father was a jet fighter pilot who died in an accident. Anton's mother told Anton that his father is flying angels around in heaven. Anton is obsessed with aeroplanes (his bedroom is full of models and posters) and is (re-)building a full-size aeroplane in the Garage. He plans to use this aeroplane to fly up to his father. The film is about Anton coming to terms with his father's death and about friends, enemies and first love.
Harry works as a hairdresser in a mental hospital. He likes to play bingo and is married to Anna. One day he meets the cleaning lady Sonja.
Set in 1962 during the Berlin crisis, the contented lifestyle of Carmen and her kid brother, whom she's nicknamed Babyface, comes to an abrupt end when their parents acrimoniously separate.
Executive Producer
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", a number of characters, staff and patients alike, encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
Hindu god Indra has a daughter Agnes, who visits Earth to find out if people have legitimate complaints. She marries a lawyer from Bergen and has children, but is disillusioned by marriage and embarks on a journey among men.
Jan thinks he is Swedish-Danish, but after his mother's death he discovers he was adopted. As his world begins to fall apart, he decides to find his birth parents. The hunt leads him to Portugal - in a taxi - where more surprises await him.
Nick is a handsome 13-year-old runaway whose search for a family leads him into the arms of male prostitution. While Nick's sexual exploits with strange men keep his pockets lined with cash, the experience does nothing to preserve his waning innocence. Soon enough, he's as hardened as a man three times his age.
Nick is a handsome 13-year-old runaway whose search for a family leads him into the arms of male prostitution. While Nick's sexual exploits with strange men keep his pockets lined with cash, the experience does nothing to preserve his waning innocence. Soon enough, he's as hardened as a man three times his age.
Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Leo Kessler, un joven americano de origen alemán, se traslada a Alemania para trabajar con su tío en una compañía de ferrocarriles. Su trabajo le permitirá viajar, fascinado, por un país destruido por la guerra; pero también tendrá que enfrentarse poco a poco a los horrores de la barbarie nazi.
Benjamin act as a moral guardian as he saves both a female thief and a child during Christmas in a futuristic Denmark.
Benjamin act as a moral guardian as he saves both a female thief and a child during Christmas in a futuristic Denmark.
Production Manager
The neighbourhood is tough. New-built concrete towers, which are not yet completely finished but already slum. Daily police raids. Daily suicide jumps from the roofs. Here lives Sally in a two-bedroom, with her parents and younger brother. Sally is dreaming big. She wants to be a fighter pilot, and she wants to be rich! She has already started her own business, collecting empty bottles and bits and pieces of scraps. And Sally don't care much for the immigrants in her area. She takes every opportunity to vent her inner racist. Turkish Zuhal move in with his family. "A new flock of Bedouins" Sally condescendingly comments. But what she does not know is that this will be one of the major turning points in her life ...
Executive Producer
A series of ten black and white shorts.