Christian Rodska

Christian Rodska

Nacimiento : 1945-09-05, Cullercoats, Northumberland, England, UK


Christian Rodska (born Christian Rodskjaer; 5 September 1945) is an English actor who has appeared in many television and radio series and narrated a number of audiobooks, including Sir Winston Churchill's Nobel Prize winning The Second World War. He is perhaps best known for his regular role as Ron Stryker in 1970s series, Follyfoot. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Christian Rodska


Churchill: When Britain Said No
Winston Churchill
Documentary which examines the reasons why Winston Churchill and the Conservative Party lost the General Election of 1945, after Churchill had just led the country to victory in the World War II.
Monuments Men
President Truman
A finales de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a un selecto grupo de historiadores, directores de museos y expertos en arte, tanto británicos como norteamericanos, se les encomienda la importante y peligrosa misión de recuperar las obras de arte robadas por los nazis durante la guerra para devolvérselas a sus legítimos propietarios. Era una misión imposible: las obras estaban muy bien custodiadas y el ejército alemán tenía orden de destruirlas en cuanto el Reich cayera. Pero aquellos hombres, en una carrera contrarreloj, arriesgaron sus vidas para evitar la destrucción de miles de años de cultura de la humanidad.
Inside the Titanic - Countdown zum Untergang
L'appel du 18 juin
Winston Churchill
John Rabe
Dr. Lewis Smythe
John Rabe era un hombre de negocios alemán que tenía contactos con el gobierno nazi. Sin embargo, tras la invasión de China por los japoneses, libró de la muerte a más de 200.000 chinos durante la masacre de Nanking (1937-1938). Basada en hechos reales.
Coacción misteriosa
Shaston Driver
El profesor de universidad Neil Tannahill se introduce en una siniestra conspiración que implica un secreto almacenado de residuos nucleares soviéticos en un remoto centro nuclear británico después de recibir una nota enigmática del legendario científico atómico y del ex jefe de "Doomwatch" (el infame grupo de vigilancia científica de la setenta), el Dr. Spencer Quist.
The Galactic Garden
A pair of space travellers arrive on Earth to study the planet's lifeforms, landing in an English garden. However, on Earth they are about three quarters of an inch tall and therefore find themselves encountering its natural and giant indigenous life, such as worms, spiders, goldfish and a tortoise. A drama documentary on natural history with a science fiction twist.
The World Cup: A Captain's Tale
Creshie Crawford
The true story of the First world football competition, won by a team comprised of miners from Durham.
Come and Find Me
Daughter’s Husband
An investigation into sightings of a young woman’s ghost at a mansion.
Max Beeza and the City in the Sky
Max Beeza (voice)
A mysterious airship attacks the towering city in the sky and only comedian Max Beeza can save the day.
The Likely Lads
Pump Attendant
With the destruction of their previous neighbourhood has inevitably come the destruction of the lads’ favoured watering hole The Fat Ox. Again, it’s Bob rather than Terry who is visibly distressed by this. Upset and much the worse for free alcohol, Bob then storms into the library to seek sympathy from Thelma - who is, predictably, unimpressed. So when Thelma finds out that Terry has been getting semi-serious with glamorous Finnish shop assistant Chris, she takes it upon herself to try and pair them off for good via planning first a dinner party and then that mainstay of 70s comedy, a camping expedition. Of course, things don’t go quite according to plan and before you can say ‘I can see the way this is going’ we are set up for japes, larks and embarrassing incidents aplenty, which culminate in the lads getting rather fed up with their partners’ attempts to inflict the rugged outdoor lifestyle upon them and trying to hitch up and drive off with the girls still asleep in the caravan.
Penny Gold
While investigating a murder case, a detective stumbles upon a rare-stamp swindle involving the victim's twin sister.
The Reckoning
Michael Marler, a successful business man in London, is about to make his way to the top. The death of his father brings him - after 37 years - back to his hometown Liverpool, where he is confronted with his lost Irish roots. He finds out that his father died because of a fight with some anglo-saxon teddy boys. It becomes "a matter of honour" for him, to take his revenge without involving the British police
A Beast with Two Backs
A young local girl is murdered by a mentally disturbed youth, but the villagers blame a stranger, an Italian traveling showman and his bear, rather than see the rot in their own camp.