Florence Bresson


Premières urgences
Amin, Evan Hélène, Lucie and Mélissa are medical students. During six months, they will go through their first internship at Delafontaine Hospital in Saint-Denis, in northern Parisian suburbs. Do their vocation will withstand to the difficulties of this new life ?
School of Hope
In the vast expanse of desert East of Atlas Mountains in Morocco, seasonal rain and snow once supported livestock, but now the drought seems to never end. Hardly a blade of grass can be seen, and families travel miles on foot to get water from a muddy hole in the ground. Yet the children willingly ride donkeys and bicycles or walk for miles across rocks to a "school of hope" built of clay. Following both the students and the teachers in the Oulad Boukais Tribe's community school for over three years, SCHOOL OF HOPE shows students Mohamed, Miloud, Fatima, and their classmates, responding with childish glee to the school's altruistic young teacher, Mohamed. Each child faces individual obstacles - supporting their aging parents; avoiding restrictions from relatives based on traditional gender roles - while their young teacher makes do in a house with no electricity or water.
Les Cobayes
Emilie, una de las jefas de recursos humanos de la multinacional Esen, ha sido recientemente contratada por su superior, Stéphane Froncart, por su "elegante impiedad", su habilidad para encontrar las palabras más adecuadas para conseguir que los empleados que la empresa quiere despedir, renuncien antes ellos mismos. Se rindan de cara a unas circunstancias adversas, especialmente planteadas para ello y así no ser acusados de despedir a cientos de trabajadores. Emilie, sigue el programa con total obediencia, hasta que uno de los empleados que está atrapado en él se suicida saltando desde la ventana de su oficina. A partir de ese día, Emilie no sólo tendrá que lidiar con esa tragedia, también deberá afrontar la vigilancia de la nueva inspectora de trabajo así como la voluntad de sus superiores de desviar toda la culpa del suceso hacia ella.
I Forgot!
Climb up, let’s jump, the fields are green and the houses grey. We’re all small. It feels like the pores of my skin have become gigantic.
Love Thyself
Daniel Schwartz is humouriste. Trash tendency. He does his show all over France. It is a great success. But Daniel is tired and alone. Is there a woman ready to share his solitude? A woman or two?
Nada a ver
Nada a ver
A young woman prepares a recipe for American-style lobster, which calls for cutting the live lobster into pieces, before throwing it, still alive, into boiling oil. Alone in her kitchen, faced with the two lobsters that are still moving, she tries to kill them as cleanly as possible.