Jan Scott
Nacimiento : 1918-05-08, Carbondale, Illinois, USA
Muerte : 2003-04-16
Key Grip
Two brilliant, but dull, scientists set out to invent a love potion, but failing in that they attempt to create the ultimate artificial woman with stunning results. Only problem is their new creation only has eyes, and lust, for busty next door neighbor.
Production Design
When a lonely ex-New Yorker moves into the home of a rural senior to act as a hospice worker, the two initially couldn't seem to be less alike. However, as time passes, the two find much kinship including a lost child. Slowly the two build a bond and learn about life.
Production Design
Scotty Carrigan compra un antiguo escritorio y encuentra una carta escrita por una mujer durante la I Guerra Mundial. Sin saber por qué la contesta y sorprendentemente la carta llega al pasado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Production Design
René Chadaway sospecha que su marido, Clay, le es infiel. Una noche, René desaparece y, aunque todo parece indicar que se trata de un secuestro, la policía sospecha que Clay la haya matado. Jo Anne, la hija del matrimonio, empieza a investigar por su cuenta y acaba descubriendo los motivos de la extraña relación de sus padres.
Production Design
Set early during World War II, the film has a lot to say about love, honor, relationships, commitment and power. Keeping their promise to their dying black housekeeper, a white family takes in her teenage mentally-slow son. The movie details the joys and conflicts the family faces as a result of their decision.
Production Designer
Erik Eriksen, who has become a successful pianist in New York, is back in Templeton, his Mormon community, where he is still treated distrustfully by its members, including his family, for having 'betrayed' them in not living the life God had planned for him. Only his mother and his younger brother Jens, support him unconditionally. Erik falls in love with Chelnica, a beautiful young woman who plays the piano at the local cinema and a dedicated Mormon. The big trouble is that she is also Jens's fiancée, due to marry him soon...
Art Direction
Breaking out of prison with a child in her womb and a dream of a normal existence, Arlene Holsclaw (Rebecca De Mornay) resolves to get a job and lead a good, Christian life. But the ghosts from her past -- including an ex-boyfriend (Rob Knepper) who wants to pimp her out and a sadistic mother (Ellen Burstyn) who plots to take away Arlene's baby -- have other plans. This made-for-TV drama is based on Marsha Norman's off-Broadway play.
Production Design
Production Design
Una vibrante historia de amor entre una reportera de televisión y un cirujano.
Melanie parece tenerlo todo: éxito profesional, dos hijas gemelas y un estilo de vida rutilante, pero su corazón está vacío. Peter es una eminencia mundial, pero acaba de enviudar y sus hijos sufren la pérdida de su madre. Ambos afrontan un terrible reto: ser capaces de amarse sin eclipsar sus personalidades ni enturbiar las difíciles relaciones con sus hijos. Basada en la novela de Danielle Steel.
Production Design
Annie Nations and her husband Hector loved their life together in the Blue Ridge Mountains, but when Hector dies, Annie has to decide if she can handle the wilderness on her own.
Production Design
Narra el despertar a la vida de una adolescente (tema recurrente en el cine americano en los años setenta y ochenta). Gemma es una chica de trece años que vive en el campo con su abuelo. Un día llega su madre, que acaba de casarse, y quiere llevarsela de vuelta a la ciudad. Una vez en la ciudad, Gemma conoce a Rory, un guapo chico algo retrasado
Production Design
Basada en hechos reales, narra la historia de la tenista Renee Richards, cuya situación fue cuestionada en 1976, cuando se reveló que era transexual.
Production Design
Tim Pearson, un adolescente de un pueblo de Illinois, está deseando graduarse en el instituto, para irse a Florida, a estudiar Oceanografía, pero se siente atraído por Michelle 'Mike' Cody, que es la encargada de un espectáculo de coches de choque. Cuando intenta conquistar a Michelle, tropieza con un inesperado rival: uno de los pilotos del espectáculo, cuyo matrimonio hace aguas.
Art Direction
The life and times of silverscreen goddess Rita Hayworth.
Art Direction
Updated version of the Jacqueline Susann best selling 1960's novel shows the lives of three very different women who come to New York City to achieve fame and fortune in show business and get all messed up in the process.
Production Design
Estados Unidos, años 40. Merry Noel (Bergen) y Liz Hamilton (Bisset), íntimas amigas desde el colegio, donde habían sellado un pacto de fidelidad, se separan cuando Merry se casa. Veinte años después, Merry, prototipo de mujer burguesa, madre y ama de casa, se ha convertido en una popular escritora de best-sellers. Liz, en cambio, como escritora de carácter intelectual, no goza de la misma popularidad. Aprovechando una gira por California, Liz visita a Merry, que parece feliz dentro de un ambiente frívolo y superficial. El reencuentro sacará a relucir lo que ambas han cambiado durante todo ese tiempo.
Art Direction
The story of the life and times of the legendary Hollywood blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe, from her meteoric rise to stardom to her marriages and untimely death.
Art Direction
Los viejos valores y la nueva moralidad chocan frontalmente en esta comedia. Sátira cómica sobre asuntos y enredos amorosos.
Art Direction
A dedicated social worker organizes a train trip for a group of slum orphans in 1894, taking them from New York City to the Midwest in search of new families and new lives.
Production Design
A dedicated social worker organizes a train trip for a group of slum orphans in 1894, taking them from New York City to the Midwest in search of new families and new lives.
Production Design
Sonny Lawson es un agente inmobiliario muy conocido que recibe la noticia de que le quedan pocos meses de vida porque tiene una enfermedad incurable. Desde ese momento se dedica a despedirse de todo el mundo, especialmente de su mujer e hija.
Production Design
The story of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt during their 12-year stay at the White House.
Production Design
Una pareja de recién casados encuentra aventura y tiempos arduos cuando se establece en Dakota alrededor de 1870.
Production Design
A young girl in the hills of Indiana, who had been abandoned by her family and raised by a bootlegging old woman, is taken by the authorities and made the ward of a childless couple.
Art Direction
Una antología de terror que contiene tres historias: una profesora universitaria es perseguida agresivamente por uno de sus estudiantes; una morena mojigata determina que su hermana rubia de espíritu libre es malvada; y la noche de una mujer se pone patas arriba después de que compra una antigua muñeca fetiche Zuni.
Production Design
China, 7th century. On their way to a provincial center Judge Dee and his three wives spend the night at a Taoist monastery. Soon the judge discovers that the secluded place holds a secret - the former abbot died of unnatural causes. After a number of mysterious events and more cases of murder Dee tracks down the true villain.
Art Direction
A young girl in search of spiritual enlightenment joins a religious cult, and becomes the focus of a struggle between her family and the group.
Production Design
A young couple searches for the cure for the girl's terminal cancer.
Art Direction
An Ingmar Bergman script. Produced for Swedish Television as "Reservatet" (1970) and for BBC as "The Lie" (1971). An American couple is trapped in their marriage and way of life. Locked up in their bourgeois inferno.
Art Direction
A television adaptation of Lillian Hellman's play about the Hubbards, a rich Southern family of greedy, ruthless individuals.
Art Direction
The story is set during the South American Wars of Independence. Simón Bolivar, the liberator, has escaped from Spanish custody with the aid of an idealistic Spanish officer, Captain Montserrat. The Spanish commander, Colonel Izquierdo ('left' in Spanish), threatens Montserrat with torture to find out where Bolivar can be recaptured.
Art Direction
A story of the friendship between an elderly Jewish man and a young African-American boy set during the Vietnam War.
Art Direction
A rich, jet-setting playboy has a secret life: he's also a professional Mafia hitman. When he decides it's time to retire from that life, he finds that his former employers don't like the idea that someone who knows so much about them won't be under their control anymore, and decide to send their own hitmen to eliminate him.
Art Direction
Workers in a high-powered New York business office are stranded on the 50th floor when the power fails during the East Coast blackout of 1965.
Art Direction
The story follows one fateful day as a beggar-poet and his daughter cross paths with a wicked wazir, a wily temptress, a handsome prince, a magical curse, opulent sets and exotic adventure. Adapted from the Broadway musical.
Art Direction
In a Maine coastal village toward the end of the 19th century, the swaggering, carefree carnival barker, Billy Bigelow, captivates and marries the naive millworker, Julie Jordan. Billy loses his job just as he learns that Julie is pregnant and, desperately intent upon providing a decent life for his family, he is coerced into being an accomplice to a robbery. Caught in the act and facing the certainty of prison, he takes his own life and is sent 'up there.' Billy is allowed to return to earth for one day fifteen years later, and he encounters the daughter he never knew. She is a lonely, friendless teenager, her father's reputation as a thief and bully having haunted her throughout her young life. How Billy instills in both the child and her mother a sense of hope and dignity is a dramatic testimony to the power of love.
Art Direction
Every 100 years people stumble upon the Scottish village of Brigadoon, which will never be found on a map. A wonderful, fun filled day will be had by all who find it.
Art Direction
Dos colegialas, fascinadas por un concertista de piano, lo espían, lo siguen por todas partes y conspiran para introducirse en su vida en una desenfrenada y loca historia. Con Nueva York como telón de fondo, las precoces adolescentes harán todo lo posible por no perder de vista a su héroe, poniendo patas arriba la vida de Henry Orient.
Production Design
A young girl named Alice falls down a rabbit-hole and finds herself in Wonderland, a fantasy land of strange characters and ideas.