Jay Sun


Tigre y dragón 2: La espada del destino
Executive Producer
La renombrada guerrera Yu Shu-Lien abandona su retiro para impedir que el malvado señor de la guerra Hades Dai se haga con la legendaria Espada del Destino.
Un agente chino pelea contra la yakuza japonesa y un grupo de mercenarios británicos para recuperar un pergamino antiguo.
Call For Love
After being married for seven years, Xu Lang, a white collar office manager, has started to get tired of the same routine in his marriage. After asking his wife for a divorce, he is given a magical cell phone by an angel. The cell phone allows him to have romantic encounters with different women. After various dates and courtships with 12 beautiful women, he still cannot meet the right one. He attempts to mend things over with his wife, only to find that his ex-wife has met another man and found happiness. The movie ends with Xu meeting his old love interest from 15 years ago, suggesting a new relationship between them.