Iris Böhm

Nacimiento : 1967-05-28, Remagen, Germany


Love - or Memory of Judith R.
Janusz, a pawnbroker in his late 40s, is confronted with the sudden death of his estranged wife. To cover up for all his failings, he hires the young prostitute Irena to act as his girlfriend and join him for the funeral. A tale about guilt, abandonment and love.
Katja Fiedler
Continuity begins as a straight-forward story of an emotional homecoming and turns uncanny as the two protagonists – a middle aged couple living in a small town in Germany – repeatedly invite different young men into their home to perform an inscrutable ritual. This is a remake of Continuity (2012) by the same director, expanding on the original idea.
Rottmann schlägt zurück
Caroline Brandt
A Houseboat to Fall in Love
Claudia Weigoldt
Three children of a single father escape from the town in order to find a houseboat which was once owned by their mother.
Instinto perverso
La hija de una conocida escritora cree que su madre es la responsable de la muerte del padre. A partir de entonces la relación entre ellas se enfría cada vez más, llegando al punto de que la joven no invita a su madre cuando se casa. El marido, lejos de fomentar la buena relación entre ambas, aprovecha para alejarlas aún más, cosa que ve la madre y empieza a sospechar de él cuando recibe una nota que amenaza de muerte a su hija.
Maximum Speed - Renn' um dein Leben!
Petra Sänger
Iris Mutter
It is the spring when Iris is 9 years old. It is the spring when Iris is in love for the first time. And it is also the spring when her mother again begins to cry, when the Grandmother is desperate and when the teacher Mrs Linke wants to rehearse a fairy-danse at school. Above all it is the spring when Iris is deciding that she wants to become a man when she grows up because life as a man is easier.
Hasta donde los pies me lleven
Kathrin Forell
Narra el increíble y eterno viaje que el soldado alemán Clemens Forell emprendió en su dramática huida de un campo de concentración de Siberia después de la II Guerra Mundial. A través del crudo invierno siberiano, y con la única obsesión de regresar con su familia, Forell tiene que recorrer, paso a paso, un difícil camino hasta llegar a Irán y así poder salvar su vida y conseguir la libertad.
Die Sitte
Hannah Koch
Der Mörder in dir
Hanna Relach
Eine Hand schmiert die andere
Sigrid Stein
Der Venusmörder
Nicole (uncredited)
A serial killer kills redheaded women and drapes them like Venus from Sandro Botticellis artwork.