Janusz, a pawnbroker in his late 40s, is confronted with the sudden death of his estranged wife. To cover up for all his failings, he hires the young prostitute Irena to act as his girlfriend and join him for the funeral. A tale about guilt, abandonment and love.
Continuity begins as a straight-forward story of an emotional homecoming and turns uncanny as the two protagonists – a middle aged couple living in a small town in Germany – repeatedly invite different young men into their home to perform an inscrutable ritual. This is a remake of Continuity (2012) by the same director, expanding on the original idea.
The daughter of a famous writer believes her mother is responsible for her father's death. Since then the relationship between them is cooled increasingly, to the point that she did not invite her mother when she marries. The husband, far from promoting good relations between them, takes them away even more, which sees the mother and begins to suspect him when he receives a note threatening to kill his daughter.
It is the spring when Iris is 9 years old. It is the spring when Iris is in love for the first time. And it is also the spring when her mother again begins to cry, when the Grandmother is desperate and when the teacher Mrs Linke wants to rehearse a fairy-danse at school. Above all it is the spring when Iris is deciding that she wants to become a man when she grows up because life as a man is easier.
2차 대전 당시 소련군의 포로가 되었다가 10여 년의 세월이 지난 후에 가족의 품으로 돌아온 클레멘스 포렐의 실화를 영화로 만든 작품. 2차대전 당시 소련군의 포로가 된 포렐은 강제노동 수용소에서 4년을 보내다가 탈출에 성공해 고국으로 돌아가려한다. 하지만 탈출과정은 순탄치 않아 수용소의 소장이었던 카마네프가 그의 뒤를 쫓고, 도중에 만난 사람들의 위협에 처하기도 하고, 스파이 혐의를 받기도 한다. 포렐의 탈출과정은 소설로도 출판되었을 뿐 아니라 이전에도 영화화되었다.