Jonathan Taïeb


Después de tomar un camino equivocado en su auto, una joven pareja gay rusa es testigo de lo que creen que es un violento ataque a los homosexuales; su dilema sobre qué hacer al respecto los impulsa a un territorio cada vez más peligroso. Para Anton, la carga de lo que pudieron haber presenciado supera el miedo de Vlad de indagar demasiado en el incidente. Cuando la policía se muestra indiferente, Anton convence a su escéptico amante de que inicie su propia investigación amateur sobre el incidente. Su arriesgada búsqueda de la verdad tiene consecuencias inesperadas, y sombrías, en este drama de suspenso que comenta el maltrato continuo a las personas LGBT en Rusia.
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...