Jonathan Taïeb


Молодая пара, Антон и Влад, возвращаясь вместе на машине домой, увидели молодого человека, жестоко избиваемого на улице. Антон хочет помочь, но Влад уговаривает его не вмешиваться. Позже, они узнают, что жертва находится в больнице в критическом состоянии. Врачи подозревают, что нападение было одним из череды преступлений на почве ненависти в городе, на это указывают свастики, вырезанные на его коже, побои и следы синей краски на теле. Парень умер, но полиция не спешит расследовать санкционированное государством гомофобное убийство. Движимый гневом и виной, Антон намерен найти преступников.
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...
Find the Way
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...