Anthony Batarse


The Devil's Fortune
Fund Manager James Treage arrives at his office to discover the headless body of his best friend. He soon learns that his dead partner took millions from Saddam Hussein's regime, and a team of Iraqi assassins have come to collect. Treage must uncover the secrets his partner was hiding and find the missing money before the Iraqis, LAPD, or the federal government destroy everything he's built.
Rescate en Afganistán
Una fuerza militar de operaciones especiales, dirigida por el experto francotirador, el sargento Jake Chandler (Steven Seagal), es enviada a una ciudad remota de Afganistán para extraer un congresista estadounidense que está en manos de los talibanes.
Justicia Sangrienta
Un notorio terrorista del Medio Oriente (Dourif) está planeando un gran ataque contra los EE.UU. que incluye la detonación de una bomba nuclear de gran alcance en el corazón de Los Ángeles; la única cosa que se interpone en su camino es un dúo poco probable formado por un vampiro misterioso (Bailey Smith) y un policía canalla (Elliott), que sin querer se unen para frustrar su banda de terroristas variopintos antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Academy Award nominee James Cromwell plays an enlightened clerk who works in the Admissions Room for the afterlife. He is called on to guide an Israeli couple (Anna Khaja & Anthony Batarse), and a Palestinian (Oren Dayan), who go through Admissions together because they have suffered similar tragic endings. As the details of their deaths and how their fates are intertwined become clear, the Clerk attempts to teach them the wisdom required to find everlasting peace.
La sombra del reino
Un equipo de agentes del gobierno de EE. UU. son enviados a investigar el bombardeo de una instalación estadounidense en Oriente Medio.
A remarkable journey of a driver on the same eventful night.