Christine Verheyden

Christine Verheyden


Christine Verheyden


El fiel
Bank Employee
Cuando Gino (Matthias Schoenaerts) conoce a Bénédicte ( Adèle Exarchopoulos), surge el amor a primera vista, apasionado e incondicional. Ella trabaja en el negocio familiar, pero su hobbie es conducir coches de carreras. Él es un chico normal y corriente que esconde un secreto que puede poner en peligro su vida y la de los que le rodean. Juntos tendrán que hacer frente a su turbulenta historia y contra el destino, la razón y sus propios miedos para salvar su amor.
Quixote's Island
A workaholic businessman provides well for his son San, but the emotional neglect since his mother died a few years ago grimly affects the shy knave. In San's heroic daydreams, a cool father leads him into modern Quichote exploits, yet even those tend to turn sour. Slipping, like his grades, into rebellion and school incidents, San, who just went on a fugue, becomes the prime suspect after a schoolgirl turned novice drug slut has been beaten into a coma. The clueless police and irresponsible school staff will probably blame San. Her friend, a regular drug harlot, is the worried-sick father's only lead to find San and the truth, and shamelessly exploits that.