Christine Verheyden

Christine Verheyden

프로필 사진

Christine Verheyden

참여 작품

레이서 앤 제일버드
Bank Employee
상류층 출신의 카레이서 베네딕트를 만난 지노는 첫눈에 사랑에 빠져 열정적이고, 조건 없는, 격렬한 사랑을 한다. 지노는 잘생기고, 털털하고, 평범해 보이는 남자지만 베네딕트에게 털어놓을 수 없는 비밀이 있다. 자신과 주변 사람의 목숨을 모두 위험에 빠트릴 수 있는 그런 비밀. 과연 베네딕트와 지노는 과거를 뒤로하고 미래로 나아갈 수 있을까?
Quixote's Island
A workaholic businessman provides well for his son San, but the emotional neglect since his mother died a few years ago grimly affects the shy knave. In San's heroic daydreams, a cool father leads him into modern Quichote exploits, yet even those tend to turn sour. Slipping, like his grades, into rebellion and school incidents, San, who just went on a fugue, becomes the prime suspect after a schoolgirl turned novice drug slut has been beaten into a coma. The clueless police and irresponsible school staff will probably blame San. Her friend, a regular drug harlot, is the worried-sick father's only lead to find San and the truth, and shamelessly exploits that.