Ariel Gordon


Cosas imposibles
La vida es tan curiosa e impredecible que, a veces, uno encuentra la felicidad donde menos lo espera. Matilde es una mujer que, tras la muerte de su esposo –un hombre que abusó de ella constantemente–, encuentra a su nuevo gran amigo en Miguel, su vecino joven, inseguro, desorientado y hasta dealer..
Todo en juego
Post Production Supervisor
Ismael, un niño de 12 años, sueña con convertirse en beisbolista profesional pero es asmático. Una noche, mientras se acerca a la chica que ama, es testigo de un crimen.
Todo en juego
Ismael, un niño de 12 años, sueña con convertirse en beisbolista profesional pero es asmático. Una noche, mientras se acerca a la chica que ama, es testigo de un crimen.
Executive Producer
El mundo de Andy cambia totalmente cuando su madre sufre un terrible accidente. Sin nadie que lo cuide, es llevado a Cuernavaca, una localidad situada al sur de México. Allí se encuentra la casa de su lejana abuela paterna. Mientras su madre se debate entre la vida y la muerte, el niño se enfrentará al rechazo de su propia abuela, al mundo seductor y peligroso del hijo del jardinero y a la búsqueda de su padre. Ópera prima del cineasta mexicano Alejandro Andrade, protagonizada por el debutante Emilio Puente y Carmen Maura, leyenda de la interpretación española y antigua musa de Pedro Almodóvar en películas como '¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto?' o 'Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios'.
Sopladora de hojas
Post-Production Manager
Three friends have a special mission: find some keys lost in a pile of dead leaves. It may seem a simple task, but it will turn into an odyssey when it confronts them to their fear to grow up. This afternoon, as trivial as it may sound, could change the course of their lives.
La calle de la amargura
Post Production Supervisor
Es la madrugada y dos prostitutas de edad provecta vuelven a sus cuchitriles. No están cansadas de trabajar. Están cansadas de no hacerlo. Una, en su casa, tiene problemas con su hija adolescente y con su marido travestido. La otra con su soledad. Pero para esa noche, tienen compromiso para celebrar la victoria en el ring de dos luchadores enanos.
Post Production Supervisor
The film is not constructed as a lineal story, instead, each scene works as a painter’s brush freely tracing a distinctive shape; the lifestyle of the Raramuri people, the particular way in which they relate within the family, the community and their surrounding nature. Nararachi’s warm, intimate and profoundly human insight of the indigenous lifestyle and culture is so powerful that it enables the viewer to expand her horizon.
Post-Production Manager
Lidia is a responsible and dedicated maid for a hugely wealthy, elderly Tijuana matron who loves only her pet whippet. Rafael is a quiet and dignified janitor who buys a new pair of shoes to celebrate his imminent retirement from the large corporate facility where he's worked for 30 years. When Lidia's boss dies, leaving everything to her dog, and Rafael's plans get derailed, they both turn to criminal subterfuge to get what their harsh lot in life has denied them.
La demora
Post Production Supervisor
Agustín forgets things; he is aging and he knows it. María is never alone: she watches over everyone, sleeps very little, and works too much. She’s increasingly overwhelmed. One day, on impulse, María decides to abandon Agustín.
Black Box
After Emiliano dies from poisoning, a vault in Zürich opens to reveal a video tape of edited fragments from surveillance cameras that captured the most important day in Emiliano's life. That day he learned that what matters most in life are not beginnings or endings, what matters most is one defining moment: his peculiar encounter with Juan when he recruited him to assassinate a former presidencial candidate.
Black Box
After Emiliano dies from poisoning, a vault in Zürich opens to reveal a video tape of edited fragments from surveillance cameras that captured the most important day in Emiliano's life. That day he learned that what matters most in life are not beginnings or endings, what matters most is one defining moment: his peculiar encounter with Juan when he recruited him to assassinate a former presidencial candidate.
No existen diferencias
A voluble hypochondriac and an HIV patient clash. On the phone, Tomás agrees to see his new girlfriend that evening, so he begs off study when Pablo arrives to work on their joint architecture thesis. Before Pablo leaves, Tomás discovers a vial of pills: AZT. Tomas presses Pablo, who admits he is HIV-positive. Tomás throws a fit: how could Pablo be so selfish as to expose him to AIDS! Pablo tells Tomás to relax, but anger follows. Pablo is leaving when Tomás's mom arrives and insists he stay for supper. Table talk turns to homosexuality. With rancor in the air, Pablo tells his story. The doorbell rings.
Adiós Mamá
A man on a supermarket encounters a woman who tells him he reminds her of her late son.