Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
La industria de la moda y Paris son el escenario de una comedia en torno a la impresión, equivocada, de que Samantha Blake (Joanne Woodward) es una prostituta de lujo a la que tiene que entrevistar Steve Sherman (Paul Newman), un periodista que busca información de ese mundillo.
Werner Lampe
En 1948, tres años después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), cuatro jueces, cómplices de la política nazi de esterilización y limpieza étnica, van a ser juzgados en Nuremberg. Sobre Dan Haywood (Spencer Tracy), un juez norteamericano retirado, recae la importante responsabilidad de presidir este juicio contra los crímenes de guerra nazis.
Thornton Wilder's tale of a matchmaker who desires the man she's supposed to be pairing with another woman.
Gaston (uncredited)
El industrial François Delambre es llamado a altas horas de la noche por su cuñada, Helene Delambre, quien le dice que acaba de matar a su marido, André. Reacia al principio, finalmente le explica a la policía que André inventó un aparato de transporte de materia y, mientras experimentaba con él mismo, una mosca entró en la cámara durante la transferencia de materia.
Malcolm Smith, un joven hipercinéfilo locamente enamorado de la exuberante actriz sueca Anita Ekberg y Steve Wiley un pícaro trampón metido en líos gangsteriles logran como premio en un sorteo un flamante automóvil de color rojo. El primero lo necesita para largarse hasta Hollywood e intentar conocer a su ídolo Anita y el segundo (que había falsificado los boletos) lo quiere vender para pagar sus cuantiosas deudas de juego. Al final decidirán irse a la capital del cine mundial, pero con diferentes objetivos.
Bill Benson y Ted Adams son dos estrellas del mundo del espectáculo que viajan alrededor del mundo en busca de las dos mujeres que necesitan para la comedia musical que preparan. Segunda versión musical de la obra de Guy Bolton y P.G. Wodehouse, tras la realizada por Lewis Milestone 20 años antes, "Todo vale" (1936). Sigue teniendo las canciones de Cole Porter, y vuelve a estar protagonizada por Bing Crosby y a ser desarrollada en un crucero, pero el argumento es diferente. Esta fue la única película dirigida por uno de los tres fundadores del Actors Studio, Robert Lewis (1909-97), al margen de uno de los fragmentos de Ziegfeld Follies (1945), y también representó el último trabajo de Bing Crosby para la Paramount, estudio al que estuvo ligado durante 22 años.
Butterfly Man (uncredited)
Joseph (Humphrey Bogart), Albert (Aldo Ray) y Jules (Peter Ustinov) son tres presos recién fugados de la cárcel de la Isla de Diablo. En su huida llegan a una pequeña tienda familiar para robar ropa y algún dinero que les permita escapar de la isla en barco. A la espera del momento oportuno para embarcar, los fugados convencen al dueño para arreglar el tejado de su casa con el propósito de pasar inadvertidos.
Man in Saloon
La película consta de tres episodios. "El amante celoso" es la historia de una bailarina (Moira Shearer) que se ve forzada a abandonar la danza a causa de una lesión cardíaca. "Mademoiselle", es una fábula fantástica sobre un niño de once años (Ricky Nelson) que se convierte en adulto por unas horas, para seducir a su institutriz (Leslie Caron). "Equilibrio" narra la tragedia de un trapecista (Kirk Douglas) que intenta animar a una mujer al borde del suicidio (Pier Angeli).
Sally Adams es una rica viuda famosa por las fiestas que celebra en Washington. Amiga del presidente, será enviada como embajadora a un pequeño país de Centroeuropa. A pesar de que no tener ni experiencia ni formación para el puesto intentará hacerlo lo mejor posible. (FILMAFFINITY)
Francia, 1918. El capitán Flag tiene a su cargo una compañía de marines de mala reputación, en la que, además, el nuevo sargento primero es su viejo enemigo Quirt. Ambos se enfrentarán para conseguir los favores de Charmine, la hija del tabernero; pero esta rivalidad cambia completamente cuando ella muestra su interés por casarse. Finalmente, la compañía es llamada al frente y, a partir de ese momento, sus cómicas disputas darán paso a la cruda y cruel realidad de la guerra
Un cómico de cabaret es contratado para suplantar a un espía internacional en Tánger. Allí conoce a la bella novia del suplantado, una espía que se halla en tratos con su enemigo.
Photographer (Uncredited)
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
Mr. Petrushka the Baker (uncredited)
Un clásico de vacaciones conmovedor sobre una familia que tiene mala suerte en Navidad. Poco antes de Navidad, se mudan a un apartamento donde Rupert, la ardilla, vive en las vigas del ático y actúa como el ángel de la guarda de la familia, no solo para salvar la Navidad, sino también para cambiar sus vidas para siempre.
Hans Heinrich
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
El director de orquesta Alfred De Carter (Rex Harrison) sospecha que su mujer le es infiel. Durante uno de sus conciertos, imagina tres maneras de resolver sus problemas conyugales. Pero la realidad dista mucho de la ficción.
Courtroom Interpreter
John Hoyt plays a high-ranking Nazi being prosecuted by an army tribunal in the aftermath of World War II. Sentenced to death, the general appeals to the American investigating Major (Ray Milland), claiming mitigating circumstances, and providing the names of witnesses who will clear his name. This sends the Major in a search through the ruins of post-war Germany to determine the degree of the general's guilt.
Elderly Frenchman (uncredited)
An American serviceman remains in France after WWII and becomes a black marketeer.
Sea Captain
In 17th-century England, Charles II, the rightful heir to the kingdom, is driven from his country by militants working for rogue leader Oliver Cromwell. Charles ends up in the Netherlands, where he falls for local beauty Katie and spends his days happily in the quiet countryside. Unfortunately, Cromwell's associate Col. Ingram and his men track Charles down, and the would-be monarch must resort to swashbuckling his way to freedom.
Catherine Brown y Amber La Vonne han ido a Hollywood para hacer carrera en el cine. Visitan el Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, el Brown Derby y otros lugares típicos de de Hollywood antes de estrellarse ante las puertas de los estudios Paramount, donde se ven implicadas en numerosas situaciones cómicas con varios actores y técnicos de los estudios.
Barber with Mustache
Veintitrés años después de anotar el tanto ganador del equipo de fútbol americano de su colegio, Harold Diddlebock, que ha estado trabajando de contable sin futuro durante años, es despedido por su estirado jefe, el magnate Wagglebury, con nada más que una pequeña pensión.
Second Brewer
A retired prizefighter becomes the unlikely guardian of a young orphan recently arrived in the United States. Director John Waters' 1946 period comedy, set in New York's Bowery, stars Wallace Beery, Dean Stockwell, Aline MacMahon, Edward Arnold, Cameron Mitchell, Dorothy Patrick, Aubrey Mather, Clinton Sundberg, Milton Parsons, Morris Ankrum and Oliver Blake.
Geoffrey Holden (Lloyd Corrigan) is an elderly con-man who is a lovable old man when providing his beloved granddaughter (Gigi Perreau) with the simple luxuries of life, yet has no qualms when working a racket devised to relieve his victims of their property. Trudy Marshall is the governess of the granddaughter, and is in love with a detective (Michael Duane) who is about to expose the old man's unsuspected activities.
Thief at Ball
Arlette Lafron, una joven delincuente que se escapa de un reformatorio, entra a formar parte de una banda de carteristas de París, cuyo jefe, un famoso ladrón, la convierte en la mejor de su promoción. Inexplicablemente, es sorprendida in fraganti en su primer hurto por un aristócrata que, a cambio de no denunciarla, le exige que ejecute un robo para él.
Stooge (uncredited)
El joven y apuesto teniente Alexei Chernov (William Eythe), llega a palacio para advertir a la emperatriz Catalina de Rusia (Tallulah Bankhead) de que está siendo traicionada y su vida corre peligro. Pero al ser revelado por el canciller Nikolai Illytch (Charles Coburn) que ya ese caso está resuelto, la zarina se decepciona un poco con el mensajero… aunque queda encantada y supremamente halagada al saber los sacrificios que hizo pensando tan solo en protegerla. Se iniciará así un intenso romance, en magníficos tonos de comedia, entre dos seres muy dispares que miran claramente hacia objetivos distintos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Martin Richter, alemán que trabaja para los aliados, consigue escapar por los pelos de la Gestapo. Se refugia en un hotel, en espera de que la II Guerra Mundial llegue a su fin.
Dr. Meyer (uncredited)
La tranquilidad de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos se ve alterada después de un baile al que asistieron algunos soldados. Trudy Kockenlocker (Betty Hutton), una hermosa chica, aparece al día siguiente borracha, con un anillo de casada en el dedo y embarazada de un hombre del que sólo conoce el apellido. Había seis soldados, pero no recuerda quién es el afortunado.
Dr. Dahlmeyer
The biography of Dr. W.T. Morgan, a 19th century Boston dentist, during his quest to have anesthesia, in the form of ether, accepted by the public and the medical and dental establishment.
Hotel Manager
Jerry Flynn es un famoso empresario teatral de Broadway que está a punto de perder su teatro si no salda en breve una deuda de cien mil dólares. Paseando por la calle encuentra a un niño que juega con una oruga amaestrada llamada Curly. Si convence al niño para que se asocie con él, sus problemas pueden estar resueltos
Cuatro meses después del ataque a Pearl Harbor, una escuadrilla aérea estadounidense recibe la orden de bombardear Tokio como represalia. Durante la operación algunos aviones americanos son derribados, y los pilotos supervivientes no ven ninguna posibilidad de ser rescatados.
Cannery Clerk (uncredited)
Dos años después de la invasion de Noruega por los nazis, los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo pesquero esperan la llegada de armas para iniciar la revuelta contra los alemanes. Karen Stensgard, la hija del médico del pueblo, y Gunnar Brogge, un pescador que pensaba combatir a los nazis desde Inglaterra, serán los jefes de la sublevación.
Erno a Gypsy (uncredited)
El resucitado Hombre Lobo, buscando una cura para su enfermedad acude en busca de la ayuda del doctor Frankenstein. Cuando llega a su castillo descubre que el Dr. ha muerto a manos del los habitantes del pueblo, y levanta las sospechas de éstos, que comienzan a perseguirlo. En su huida se esconde en las galerías del castillo donde libera del hielo al monstruo de Frankentein.
Dutch Banker at Cafe Table (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Casablanca era una ciudad a la que llegaban huyendo del nazismo gentes de todas partes: llegar era fácil, pero salir era casi imposible, especialmente si el nombre del fugitivo figuraba en las listas de la Gestapo. En esta ocasión el principal objetivo de la policía secreta alemana es el líder checo y héroe de la resistencia Victor Laszlo, cuya única esperanza es Rick Blaine, propietario del 'Rick’s Café' y antiguo amante de su mujer, Ilsa. Cuando Ilsa se ofrece a quedarse a cambio de un visado para sacar a Laszlo del país, Rick deberá elegir entre su propia felicidad o el idealismo que rigió su vida en el pasado.
Dr. Kluck
Inexplicablemente, un novio y una novia no pueden asistir a su propia boda porque se lo impiden sus dobles, que son los que se casan. Seis años más tarde, el administrador del piso de Park Avenue de Tom y Gerry Jeffers enseña la casa, aunque todavía viven en ella, a otros posibles inquilinos, ya que ellos se han retrasado en el pago del alquiler. Gerry se siente frustrada porque su marido, un arquitecto que intenta sacar adelante sus proyectos, no permite que ella utilice su belleza para conseguir que alguien se los financie. Entonces, Gerry conoce accidentalmente a John D. Hackensacker III, uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo.
Dana Andrews plays Bill Roberts, an American radio commentator station in Berlin in the months before Pearl Harbor. Having witnessed Nazi brutalities first hand, Roberts hopes to alert his listeners of impending dangers, and does so by sending out coded messages during his broadcasts. The Gestapo begins to suspect something and assigns glamorous secret agent Karen Hauen (Virginia Gilmore) to spy on Roberts. When she discovers that her own father (Erwin Kaiser) is supplying Roberts with vital secrets, she turns her back on the Nazis and joins our hero in his efforts.
The Doctor
Estrenada primero en Portugal el 5 de Diciembre 1941. Obsesionado con la idea de rodar una película sobre la miseria y el sufrimiento, el director de cine John L. Sullivan convence a los ejecutivos del estudio para que le permitan recorrer el país disfrazado de vagabundo antes de empezar a rodar. Después de trabajar como peón para una viuda que espera de él algo más que cortar leña, huye de su casa, pero el camión que lo recoge lo lleva de vuelta a Hollywood. Sintiéndose completamente frustrado, Sully entra en una cafetería, donde conoce a una actriz rubia, que, entusiasmada con su proyecto, decide acompañarlo en su aventura.
Mr. Clink - Purser (uncredited)
Durante un viaje en un trasatlántico, Charles Pike, un soltero millonario experto en serpientes que vuelve de la jungla, se enamora de Jean Harrington, una jugadora profesional que, junto con su padre, hace trampas con las cartas. Jean, que también se ha enamora de Charlie, decide abandonar el juego pero, cuando Charlie se entera de cuál es su medio de vida, rompe su compromiso con ella. Jean, dolida, intenta vengarse. La oportunidad se presenta cuando Los Harrington se encuentran con un estafador amigo suyo. Entonces Jean decide hacerse pasar por su sobrina: Lady Eve Sidwich. Charlie conoce en una fiesta a Lady Eve y queda anonadado por su parecido con Jean.
Perky young Nanette attempts to save the marriage of her uncle and aunt by untangling Uncle Jimmy from several innocent but ensnaring flirtations. Attempting one such unentanglement, Nanette enlists the help of theatrical producer Bill Trainor, who promptly falls in love with her. The same thing happens when artist Tom Gillespie is called on for help. But soon Uncle Jimmy's flirtations become too numerous, and Nanette's romances with Tom and Bill run into trouble. Will Uncle Jimmy's marriage survive, and will Nanette find happiness with Tom, Bill, or somebody else?
Mr. Schmidt
Jimmy McDonald, empleado de la Compañía Cafetera Baxter, se niega a casarse con su novia, Betty Casey, hasta que no haya prosperado. Para ver cumplido su sueño, Jimmy, al que le encanta participar en concursos, envía un lema al concurso de la Compañía Cafetera Maxford. Tres de sus amigos deciden gastarle una broma y le mandan un telegrama diciéndole que ha ganado los 25.000 dólares del primer premio. Jimmy, Betty y toda la oficina empiezan a celebrarlo. El señor Baxter piensa que las ideas de Jimmy deben ser buenas y le asciende al departamento de publicidad. Pero aparece el señor Maxford y denuncia a Jimmy... (FILMAFFINITY)
Bald Barbershop Customer (uncredited)
Un humilde barbero judío tiene un parecido asombroso con el dictador de la nación Tomania, que promete sacar adelante y que culpa a los judíos de la situación del país. El dictador ataca al país fronterizo, pero es confundido con el barbero por sus propios guardias, siendo ingresado en un campo de concentración. Simultáneamente, el pobre barbero es confundido con el dictador...
Sandor Nemzeti
Paul Kriza is a cashier of a bank in a small town, and the happy husband of Anna and the father of four children. He is sent to New York to deliver some securities for the bank. There, he is tagged as easy-pickings by a con-game gang and Mary Brown, gang accomplice, proves he is. Waking up in the morning he discovers he has been robbed of the securities and, when he confronts the gang, he is hit on the head and taken out to be left on a railroad track. He comes to, struggles with the henchman and the man is killed when a train comes roaring by. Paul escapes but his watch is found and he is reported as the dead man. But he can't go home again.
Four Sons is a 1940 film directed by Archie Mayo. It stars Don Ameche and Eugenie Leontovich. It is a remake of the 1928 film of the same name.
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.
Station Master
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
Bit Role
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
Doorman (uncredited)
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
German Police Prefect (Uncredited)
Las mafias campan a sus anchas en la ciudad de Nueva York, por lo que los ciudadanos deciden unirse y pedir ayuda a Simon Templar, 'El Santo', para que expulse al crimen organizado de toda Manhattan. Una vez en Nueva York, Simon intentará desmantelar la banda de gángsters de Big Fellow.
Art Critic
A Paris sculptor (Richard Dix) fakes blindness in Los Angeles to recover his blackmailed sister's love letters.
Prof. Jacobsen
A baritone aids a young servant in making her dream of singing professionally come true.
Drummond's wedding with Phyllis is interrupted when the inspector guarding their gifts is killed. He tries to trace the killers and uncovers the mystery of diamond counterfeiters.
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
When upper-class Parisian Charles Dupont and his family hire Tina and Michel as their servants, they have no idea that the domestics are in fact Tatiana, the Grand Duchess Petrovna, and her husband, Mikail, Prince Ouratieff. Recent exiles from the Russian Revolution, Tatiana and Mikail befriend the Dupont family, keeping their true identities a secret -- until one night when Soviet official Gorotchenko arrives for dinner.
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
Second Tailor
Social butterfly marries Park Avenue doctor and learns that his nurse is in love with him.
Max the Butler
En un imaginario país, la víspera de su coronación, Rodolfo V, es secuestrado por su ambicioso hermano que desea arrebatarle el trono. Los súbditos más leales convencen a un turista, que se parece asombrosamente al rey, para que lo suplante por unas horas. Al día siguiente, se prepara una expedición para rescatar al rey, que está encerrado en el Castillo de Zenda. El turista, enamorado de una princesa de la corte, participará activamente en la lucha.
Show Producer (uncredited)
La estrella del ballet Pete "Petrov" Peters se las ha arreglado para cruzar el Atlántico a bordo del mismo barco en el que viaja la bailarina de la que se ha enamorado perdidamente, Linda Keene, aunque apenas la conoce. Pero, en el momento en que el trasatlántico llega a Nueva York, una pequeña mentira se propaga como un rumor: que las dos celebridades están casadas en secreto.
A small town drunk beats a teetotal banker guilty of a shady transaction.
Police Inspector
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
Pett's Butler (uncredited)
Jim's father wants to marry Eugenia, but her sister Netta refuses to allow it. When Jim sees Ann at a club, he falls for her even though she is with Lord Priory. He meets her the next day at the riding path, but she quickly loses him. He searches all over for her, not knowing that his father's hopeful fiancée is her Aunt. As his caricature work suffers as he searches, he is fired from his paper. But he makes a comeback with the comics 'Rags to Riches' which is based upon the Pett's. But this upsets the Pett's so much that they go back to New York, and he follows, being careful not to let them know that he is the one who draws the strip that parodies them.
In London, August 1914, Austrian star Elsa Duranyi (Gertrude Michael) and English matinee idol Alan Barclay (Herbert Marshall) are in love and plan an immediate marriage. But the War comes and Elsa mysteriously disappears. Alan's ease in speaking German results in his appointment to the British Intelligence and, to aid his use as a spy, they announce he was killed in action. He takes the name and personality of "shell-shocked" Hans Teller, a German prisoner, and is sent into Germany on an exchange of prisoners.
Smith's Butler (Uncredited)
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Swedish Servant (uncredited)
Jim Buchanan es un ejecutivo de capa caída cuya novia no le ama; pero un día conoce en un parque a Joan, una cocinera desempleada que está buscando un cocinero. Ambos deciden hacerse pasar por marido y mujer para un trabajo que requiere una pareja.
Lackey #1
Londres y París. Cuando Lucía viaja con su padre a Inglaterra, conoce a varios hombres que se enamoran de ella, entre ellos Sidney, un abogado inglés. Pero ella se casa con Carlos y ambos viven felices en Londres. Mientras tanto, en París, el caos y la agitación previos a la Revolución (1789) se adueñan de las calles. A pesar de ello, Carlos debe ir a París, pues van a condenar a alguien por su culpa y ha de impedirlo. Una vez allí, es encarcelado y condenado a morir en la guillotina.
Survivors of a shipwreck find refuge on a tropical island--but so do the ship's cargo of lions and tigers.
An eccentric heir must marry a widow in order to collect the millions left to him in his aunt's will, so a suicidal neighbor agrees to marry the man's young fiancée before offing himself.
Baron Von Hoffstatter
When Brighton Lorrimore returns home with his new bride, Phyllis, his family makes their disappointment in his choice obvious. Facing bankruptcy and the loss of their mansion and social position, they had hoped that Brighton would marry wealthy heiress and family friend, Edith Gilbert.
French Diplomat
When a prominent official is murdered at a banquet honoring Charle Chan, the detective and son Lee team up to expose an opium-smuggling ring.
Senor Zarabella
A counterfeiter gives up her life of crime and goes straight. She gets a job in a bank, but the members of her former gang hear about it and try to blackmail her into helping them rob the bank.
Cafe Owner
A whodunit set in Budapest, starring Edmund Lowe as a detective investigating the murder of an unemployed vaudeville actor.
Waiter (uncredited)
Mirabel es una joven que gana 5.000 dólares en la lotería, lo que le permite vivir a cuerpo de rey en Nueva York. Un día conoce a Sandro, un apuesto muchacho que trabaja como botones; pero las cosas no son lo que parecen.
Peter, the majordomo
Boris Karloff interpreta a dos hermanos gemelos, uno gentil y de buen corazón, el otro un sádico tiránico y depravado, condenados por culpa de una profecía familiar a terminar con su estirpe asesinándose entre ellos.
Janitor (uncredited)
Cuando la reportera Ellen Garfield (Bette Davis) se desmaya al presenciar la ejecución de una mujer que asesinó a su amante, su novio Curt Devlin (Goerge Brent), que trabaja en el periódico rival, trata de convencerla de que el periodismo es cosa de hombres y de que su lugar está en la tranquilidad del hogar. Pero Ellen no se deja persuadir; le asegura que una mujer puede hacer tan buenos reportajes como un hombre y, además, está dispuesta a demostrárselo.
Ritz Headwaiter (uncredited)
El profesor Thalma presenta, en su casa, al prestigioso director de orquesta Franz Roberti (Charles Boyer) y a su alumna Constance Dane (Katharine Hepburn), la cual impresionará luego, con su belleza y su talento como compositora al notable director. Después de estar felizmente casados, comenzarán los problemas cuando, a la vida de Franz, regresa una atractiva amiga de los viejos tiempos.
Victim in flashback (uncredited)
Después de la huida del monstruo creado por el doctor Frankenstein, el siniestro Dr. Praetorius propone al científico la creación de una compañera para el monstruo.
Un jugador de fútbol americano viaja a París donde sin proponérselo se verá regentando una tienda de moda.
Adjutant (uncredited)
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
Lisa Della Robbia, una afamada cantante de ópera, se preocupa más por su carrera artística que de su marido, lo que le conllevará algún que otro problema...
Costume Company Fitter
A bored couple facing middle-age succumbs to wandering eyes.
Eric Ericson - Butler
A doctor who is also a “mentalist” confesses to a murder. The only problem is that the murder he’s confessed to hasn’t happened yet – although dead bodies are now starting to turn up all over the place. A reporter sets out to solve the “mystery”.
Hans the Headwaiter (uncredited)
Unscrupulous Chicago janitor Paul Kroll uses deceit to fund a return trip to his homeland of Sweden. There, via ongoing continuing deceit and manipulation, he gradually attains a monopoly on the matchstick market in several countries and becomes an influential international figure. Based on the true story of Ivar Kreuger.
Parallel French-speaking version of Warners' "High Pressure" (1932), a comedy satire on fast-talking promoters, crazy inventors, and stock market hype. The story line comes from Kandel's stage play "Hot Money," which had played on Broadway a month or two in 1931, before Warners bought screen rights and changed the title.
A murder victim is brought back to life by a scientific experiment. However, the effects only last for six hours, and he must find his killer in that time.
Second Waiter (uncredited)
Tragicomedia que parte del convencional argumento del paleto de Indiana que hereda una gran fortuna y parte hacia la ciudad de Nueva York. Allí, y con los malos consejos de su primo, descubrirá la buena vida, las mujeres, las juergas con alcohol y, cómo no, los problemas cuando tras una descontrolada borrachera una muchacha aparece asesinada. Versión cinematográfica sobre la obra teatral de Ward Morehouse.
Cafe Waiter (uncredited)
A partir de una historia escrita por él mismo, John Gilbert interpreta a Karl, un chófer despreocupadamente amoral, cuya avaricia y lujuria amenazan con alterar el orden establecido en las propiedades del barón para el que entra a trabajar. Confiando en su atractivo, intentará seducir a la baronesa, la doncella y la cocinera. (FA)
Brown Derby Headwaiter Nick (uncredited)
Mary Evans es una camarera cuya amistad con Max Carey, un director de cine alcohólico, le permite relacionarse con peces gordos. De esta manera llama la atención del millonario Lonny Borden, un productor de Hollywood cansado de la vida de la costa este y de ser un segundón de Max. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Dane (uncredited)
A finales del siglo XIX, un sádico doctor de París se dedica a secuestrar a mujeres jóvenes para realizar experimentos que puedan ayudarle a confirmar sus teorías sobre la evolución del mono al hombre. Desgraciadamente, las víctimas no sobreviven a los estudios del científico, y éste se ve obligado a capturar a nuevas desafortunadas para continuar con su trabajo. Mientras, la joven pareja formada por Camille y el joven médico Pierre vive ajena a los planes del doctor, hasta que ella se convierte en el próximo objetivo del científico.
Love triangle in an acrobatic trapeze act results in a missed catch and a death, but was it on purpose?
A young inventor has constructed a television set. His landlady has become very skeptical of both him and his invention, perhaps mainly due to the fact that he is constantly broke and hasn't paid the rent in months. Adding to the irritation is that the hostess's daughter loves the young man and is trying to convince her employer, the director, to finance the whole thing. The director wants both her and the television set, but his evil investment doesn't come to fruition thanks to the latter.
Sonja is a spoiled young lady who thinks she can get anything for money. She is living a life in luxury. One day she meets a lawyer who is a public prosecutor. They fall in love.
Tobey is a headstrong peddler who sells balloons on the streets of Paris. A traveling dog circus usurps his corner and a power struggle ensues between Tobey and the circus's beautiful ballet star, Mimi. Intent on ruining the circus's chances at success, Tobey sabotages their performances. But after a tragedy befalls Mimi, Tobey has a dramatic change of heart and views Mimi in a completely new way.
Gardoni, a down-on-his-luck vaudeville performer, is taken in by a fellow performer, a clown who has a bicycle riding act. Gardoni shows his appreciation by stealing the clown's act and his girlfriend, whom he marries.
Captain von Gilden
Behind the doors of a foreign government's embassy in Washington D. C., a group of royal loyalists is attempting to raise funds to aid a counter-revolution and restore the deposed emperor in a new republic. They are led by an unknown leader called 'The Eagle."
A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
A composer and his daughter emigrate to America in the hope that he can sell his symphony. But he meets with little success and begins to give up hope. His daughter and her friends, however, never give up hope.
In this historical adventure based on traditional legend concerning Leif Ericsson and the first Viking settlers to reach North America by sea, Norse half-brothers vie for a throne and for the same woman.
Man on Train (uncredited)
Narra la bíblica historia de Noé y el diluvio universal, con una historia paralela de unos soldados durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
Queriéndose vengar de Lord Clancharlie, El Rey Jacobo II ordena la muerte y el secuestro de su hijo. Como venganza contra su padre, el niño es secuestrado y deformado su rostro quedándole una sonrisa monstruosa. Tras vivir en una feria y enamorarse de una ciega, la Reina Ana se entera del origen nobiliario de Gwynplaine y le restituye su título de Lord. La reina le quiere obligar a que se case con su hermana para castigarla, pero él huye con su verdadero amor.
Sancho Carrasco
A self-proclaimed "knight" and his hapless squire travel the Spanish countryside, attacking "giants" that are really windmills in his attempt to win the love of the fair Dulcinea.
La historia de la película se basa en el tópico del payaso que llora, el de que detrás de la sonrisa que aparenta el payaso se puede encontrar una vida llena de pesares y contratiempos...
Benedetto, d'Acordas tjener
The year is 1820 and a young, promising artist, Olaf Malm, has settled in Rome, Europe’s centre of art at the time. He is in love with Sigrid, but class differences make their love impossible. Olaf Malm dies in a tragic accident; he allegedly drowns in the Tiber, but his body is never found. Sigrid gives birth to their lovechild, and twenty years later history repeats itself: their son, Henry, who has never known his real parents, loves a woman who is far above him in social rank. Fate brings him back to Rome, where his parents loved and lost each other many years before. (
Master of ceremonies
The Princess of Illyria has spurned every suitor, when a gypsy loitering around the castle catches her eye. In actuality, he is the Prince of Denmark, there with his friend Kasper Røghat. The prince captivates her with magic devices, a noisemaker and a copper kettle, in return for kisses and a night in her bedchamber. When Kasper Røghat tells the king about the “affair,” the princess is thrown out of the castle, forcing her to settle in Denmark with the prince and work as a poor potter. Will the fairytale have a happy ending?
When head clerk Wange sets out to propose to the love of his life, Julie, he is rejected on the grounds that he is too staid and earthbound for her. A particularly pretentious and conceited poet is much more to her liking. Wange must find a way to prove to Julie that he is truly adventurous and romantic. Perhaps Julie’s penchant for superstition could be the way to win her heart? (
Grosserer Grøn
Attorney Krogh and his wife, Gerda, are distraught about their only son, Kai, a wastrel and ne’er-do-well with no aim or direction in life. Kai again asks his mother for money and Gerda cannot refuse, even selling her jewellery when her son falls deep into debt. Can Kai be steered away from the abyss that awaits him? (
While holidaying, the beautiful heiress Grace meets the love of her life. Percy Fancourt is a cowboy and hardly a suitable match for a millionaire’s daughter – at least not if you ask her father. Reluctantly, she returns home. Then, a surprising piece of news reaches heartbroken Percy: a huge estate in London has been willed to him as sole heir. Will his newfound wealth make his marriage to Grace possible? (
Following some dodgy dealings, stockbroker Saccard is determined to pull himself out of the gutter and regain is reputation. He is of such ill repute that few, not even his own brother, want anything to do with him. Yet against all the odds he manages to establish a bank. Using straw men and secret knowledge of the course of the war, Saccard inflates the bank’s shares to feed his own sordid desire for speculation. Unfortunately, false success rarely endures. The preserved material is a fragment. (
A Danish dramatization of Sophus Michaëlis' play "Revolutionshochzeit" (Revolutionary Wedding).
A newlywed couple trying to get alone-time, but interfering people and the obnoxious family keeps popping up.
These recordings were part of Valdemar Psilander’s live performance at the Royal Orfeum in Budapest, in February and March 1914. Psilander financed the show himself, and it was a mixture of film and theatre under the title Count Dahlborg’s Secret. The film footage, which unfortunately hasn’t been preserved in its entirety, opened the performance, after which Psilander himself rode onto the stage and continued the action. (
Count Von Teyn is a young officer in a cavalry regiment, and after a romantic courtship and marriage he unwittingly subscribes to a fund for the benefit of Miss Phoebe, a professional equestrienne.
Willy Snyders
Abrumado por problemas personales y profesionales, el biólogo Friedrich von Kammacher decide viajar al extranjero con el propósito de recuperar la alegría de vivir. Durante su accidentado viaje conocerá a dos mujeres muy diferentes, una de las cuales será la clave de su destino.
Delange, teaterdirektør
Count de Croisset becomes infatuated with the star dancer Odette Blant. She accepts his offer of marriage, but must promise to abandon the stage forever. She sorely misses performing, however, and when the theatre manager Delage asks her to step in after his star is injured, she agrees. Her husband is at the theatre and recognizes her. Thinking she is having an affair with Delage, he challenges him to a duel. Each duellist must swallow a pill, one of which supposedly contains a deadly poison. This is Delage’s idea, allowing him (with the help of his uncle, the apothecary Michot) to engineer a happy ending for all concerned.
Upon suddenly losing his fortune, the young Count Berner sets out for New York to try his luck there. With his winning nature and great drive, he quickly advances from being a stevedore to becoming a chauffeur for a well-known millionaire. But when he embarks on a relationship with the millionaire’s daughter Anny, he gets into trouble: another suitor of hers gets jealous and will stop at nothing to get Berner out of the way.
Mrs. Blanc is taking a seaside holiday and is courted by no less than three bachelors eagerly vying for her attention. They are blissfully unaware that Mrs Blanc is both a wife and a mother, but they will soon find out.
Secondary Role (uncredited)
Magda, a piano teacher, meets Knud, a parson’s son, who invites her to spend the summer at his parents’ parsonage. When a travelling circus stops in the village, Magda leaves the meek Knud for the dashing circus rider Rudolf. But circus life with Rudolf quickly turns out to be anything but happy, and Magda comes to a tragic end.