Once Upon a Time (1922)
Género : Drama, Fantasía, Romance
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 15M
Director : Carl Theodor Dreyer
The Princess of Illyria has spurned every suitor, when a gypsy loitering around the castle catches her eye. In actuality, he is the Prince of Denmark, there with his friend Kasper Røghat. The prince captivates her with magic devices, a noisemaker and a copper kettle, in return for kisses and a night in her bedchamber. When Kasper Røghat tells the king about the “affair,” the princess is thrown out of the castle, forcing her to settle in Denmark with the prince and work as a poor potter. Will the fairytale have a happy ending?
Los miembros de la familia Towani se ven separados cuando su nave choca en la superficie de la luna de Endor. Los padres no tardan en ser capturados por el gigante Gorax, mientras que su hijo Mace y su hija Cincel están desaparecidos. Los Ewoks encuentran a los niños en los restos de la nave, y éstos deberán ganarse la confianza de los pequeños habitantes de Endor para iniciar la aventura de rescatar a sus padres
Año 1944, tras la victoria de Franco. La niña Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) y su madre, Carmen (Ariadna Gil), convaleciente a causa de un avanzado estado de gestación, se trasladan hasta un pequeño pueblo en el que se encuentra destacado el nuevo marido de ésta, Vidal (Sergi López), un cruel capitán del ejército franquista por el que la niña no siente ningún afecto. La misión de Vidal es acabar con los últimos vestigios de la resistencia republicana que permanecen escondidos en los montes de la zona.
Peter Pan es un prestigioso abogado y tiene una encantadora familia, pero ha perdido el contacto con algo maravilloso: su infancia. Sin embargo, cuando sus hijos son secuestrados por su antiguo enemigo, el Capitán Garfio, y llevados al País de Nunca Jamás, también él tendrá que viajar a ese reino encantado, donde, con la ayuda de Campanilla, podrá recuperar no sólo a sus hijos, sino también al niño que un día fue.
Ariel y el Príncipe Eric viven felices desde que por fin consiguieron casarse, superando todos los obstáculos a los que se enfrentaron en ”La Sirenita”, y ambos son padres de una preciosa niña, Melody. Ahora que la malvada Úrsula ya no existe, la vida sonríe a Ariel y al resto de la familia. Sin embargo, la llegada de la hermana de Úrsula, Morgana, pone en peligro el futuro de la pequeña. Para proteger a su hija, Ariel y Eric deciden no hablarle del pasado de Ariel como sirena, y construyen una enorme muralla para mantener el castillo aislado del mar...
Un anciano llamado Muck, que vive en una ciudad oriental, cuenta la historia de su vida a un grupo de niños: también fue una vez tan joven como ellos. Después de haber perdido a su padre a una edad temprana, Muck es expulsado de la casa por sus parientes codiciosos. Intenta cruzar el desierto con la esperanza de encontrar el comerciante que vende la buena fortuna. En medio de las dunas se encuentra con una pequeña casa, propiedad de una mala mujer y sus muchos gatos. Ella quiere hacer de Muck su sirviente, pero l se las arregla para escapar robando un par de zapatos m gicos que le permiten correr m s r pido que cualquier otro hombre en el pa s.
The story of the goose princess and her faithful horse Falada.
Hans Röckle is a puppeteer, inventor, blacksmith and more. He is challenged by the Devil (in almost a dozen fancy costumes) who offers him even more inventiveness, against his soul should he ever make money with an invention, build something twice, or cease inventing for 7*7 hours.
A fairy-tale about a beautiful but very haughty princess Anna who cruelly mocks each of her suitors. Finally she is forced by the king to marry a beggar. The poor life, hard work and love teach the princess a lesson and turn her into a loving and kind person.
In an enchanted forest, the princely brothers Michael and Andreas get lost and are transformed, by a mountain spirit who jealously guards his underground treasure, into animals until the unlikely event of sincere love from a human. The only persons who may be able to give such love are the local commoner sisters Snow-white and Rose-red, who are kind and helpful by nature and stand to harvest unimagined rewards.
A farmer receives land from the king and discovers a buried golden mortar. He decides to give it to the king out of gratitude, but his clever daughter warns him that the king will surely want him to bring a corresponding pestle as well. When the king throws the farmer into jail for fraud, he bemoans the fact that he did not listen to his daughter.
Based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm: Jakob is a poor farmer′s boy. Because of his timidity that even makes him run away from mice, he is often ridiculed by other people. Even the king is ill-disposed towards him. One day he sends Jakob to the devil to rob him of three golden hairs. This is supposed to be Jakob′s certain death. But naïve Jakob gets going and on his way even promises the oppressed subjects of the king to ask the devil for a way out of their misery.
Hated by her jealous and bloodthirsty stepmother, Snow White flees a murder attempt and seeks shelter in the woods with seven kindly dwarfs. Feeling she is safe from harm, Snow White welcomes the disguised queen into her home...with fatal consequences.
Es víspera de Navidad y Bella planea animar y decorar el sombrío castillo de Bestia con alegría y muchos adornos, aún sabiendo que Bestia odia la Navidad. Antes de que empiece la fiesta, Bella, junto a todos los personajes que encandilaron al mundo, descubren que el Maestro Fortes, un malvado órgano de tubos y su fiel y divertido compañero Pífano están tratando de sabotear el evento. Ni siquiera bajo esta terrible amenaza, Bella desiste de enseñar a Bestia el verdadero significado de la Navidad. Con una animación exquisita, esta película brilla con nuevos y sorprendentes personajes, música envolvente y magia.
Peter, un humilde vendedor de coles, decide casarse, por lo que acude al hombrecito de cristal, que le concede dinero y bienes. Pero Peter gasta su fortuna a manos llenas antes de la boda, y tiene que invocar al malvado Michel para salir del apuro. Éste le exige su corazón a cambio de cumplir con sus deseos. Con un corazón de piedra, Peter se vuelve cruel e injusto. Sin embargo, un resto de humanidad le hace recapacitar, y en su desesperación clama de nuevo por el hombrecito de cristal…
When Prince Vain got his shirt fixed, he proclaims that he had slain two lizards in front of the tailor's house - "two in one strike". When the tailor swats seven flies at once, he sows himself a banner saying "seven in one strike", and together with his bird he starts a journey into the world to pronounce his deed.
The widow has an ugly and lazy daughter, Pechmarie, and a beautiful and hard-working step-daughter, Goldmarie. Because Pechmarie is her real daughter, the widow clearly favors her and makes Goldmarie do all the work. Poor Goldmarie must also sit and spin all day by the well until her fingers bleed. When she tries to rinse out the spindel, it drops into the cold water. Her unsympathetic step-mother tells her to jump in after it. Goldmarie does as she is told, and then wakes up in the middle of a beautiful field of flowers. This is the land of Frau Holle, who welcomes Goldmarie and invites her to stay, as long as she will help with the housework. Marie stays and serves Frau Holle gladly, until she suffers so terribly from homesickness that she asks to go home. Before bringing her back, Frau Holle rewards Marie with a shower of gold. Upon her return, Goldmarie and her gold are welcomed by her greedy step-sister and -mother. Hoping for the same kind of reward, the step-mother sends ...
Henriette is a princess; she is playing with her ball, but drops it into a well. A talking frog replaces it with a golden ball, on condition that he can eat and drink with her, and rest in her bed. She accepts, but then is repelled at the thought of the frog eating and drinking with her, etc., but her Father makes her do so. In her bedroom, the frog turns into a handsome prince, and she falls in love with him, but he leaves immediately because of her broken promises. She pines and eventually seeks him out, braving various tests of her truthfulness in the process.
A brave prince must seek the fabled singing, ringing tree in order to win the heart of a beautiful princess.
The Big Bad Wolf stalks Little Bo Peep and steals one of her sheep. She enlists Little Boy Blue and a dancing scarecrow to assist her and her mischievous black sheep in rescuing it. Singing, dancing, hilarity and impalement ensue.