Barnet Kellman


Mary and Rhoda
The old friends from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," Mary and Rhoda, are reunited, only to discover that Mary has a daughter named Rose and Rhoda's daughter is named Meredith.
Slappy y los mofetas
Durante una visita escolar al zoo, cinco traviesos chicos apodados "los mofetas" por su tutor, secuestran un león marino llamado Slappy y lo esconden en el autocar del colegio con la intención de devolverlo a su hábitat. Pero un traficante de animales se apodera de Slappy y pretende venderlo a un circo, provocando que la pandilla de Los Mofetas tengan que embarcarse en una misión de rescate.
Directamente... Shirlee
Comedia romántica sobre una chica de campo que por casualidad se convierte en la estrella de la radio más popular de Chicago. Gracias a su gran ingenio y a sus acertados consejos Shirlee Kenyon conquista los corazones de los oyentes... y el corazón del reportero Jack Russel. Pero cuando Jack descubre el secreto oculto de su éxito, se pone en peligro tanto su recién estrenada fama en la radio como su futuro juntos.
Key Exchange
A young woman wants to get her boyfriend to commit to her, but the most she can get him to do is exchange apartment keys.
Filmed version of the hit Broadway show with two of the original stars. Set in the backyard of a blue collar South Philadelphia neighborhood early in the summer of 1973, the comedy-drama focuses on the 21st birthday celebration of Harvard student Francis Geminiani. In attendance are his divorced blue collar father Fran and Fran's widowed girlfriend Lucille, next-door neighbor Bunny Weinberger and her overweight son Herschel, and Francis' classmates, the wealthy WASP Hastings siblings; Judith (who seeks romance with Francis) and Randy (the object of Francis' unexpressed affection), who have arrived unexpectedly, much to their friend's dismay. All are dysfunctional to varying degrees, and the interactions among them provide the play with its comic and dramatic moments.