Barnet Kellman


Мэри и Рода
The old friends from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," Mary and Rhoda, are reunited, only to discover that Mary has a daughter named Rose and Rhoda's daughter is named Meredith.
Хлопушка и Вонючки
Five 2nd-grade kids who don't follow strict rules by their school principal Brinway are dubbed "Stinkers" by him. On the class visit to an aquarium the Stinkers decide that a sea lion called Slappy doesn't feel too good there, "free" him, and plant him into Brinway's hot-tub.
Разговор начистоту
Встречают по фамилии, провожают по… Как иногда бывает полезно, когда среди знаменитостей находится твой однофамилец. Ширли Кэньон смогла в этом полностью убедиться, решив однажды в поисках лучшей жизни переехать в Чикаго, где в поисках работы забрела на одну из радиостанций. Там ее совершенно случайно по причине схожести фамилий спутали с известным психологом. Так неожиданно началась звездная карьера Доктора Ширли.
Key Exchange
A young woman wants to get her boyfriend to commit to her, but the most she can get him to do is exchange apartment keys.
Filmed version of the hit Broadway show with two of the original stars. Set in the backyard of a blue collar South Philadelphia neighborhood early in the summer of 1973, the comedy-drama focuses on the 21st birthday celebration of Harvard student Francis Geminiani. In attendance are his divorced blue collar father Fran and Fran's widowed girlfriend Lucille, next-door neighbor Bunny Weinberger and her overweight son Herschel, and Francis' classmates, the wealthy WASP Hastings siblings; Judith (who seeks romance with Francis) and Randy (the object of Francis' unexpressed affection), who have arrived unexpectedly, much to their friend's dismay. All are dysfunctional to varying degrees, and the interactions among them provide the play with its comic and dramatic moments.