Los Emmerson se dirigen a Turkey Hollow para visitar a la tía Cly, pero Tim y Annie se aburren, por lo que intentarán buscar por la zona una extraña criatura que parece formar parte de una leyenda.
Kermit junto a sus amigos Croaker, Goggles y Blotch salen del pantano para ver cómo es el mundo exterior. Pero Croaker y Blotch son secuestrados en una tienda de mascotas, y Kermit y Gloggles harán todo lo posible para rescatarlos.
Fozzie Bear teaches the viewers -- as well as his young friends P.J. and Kai-Lee -- to tell funny jokes and perform impressions and magic tricks. At the end of the video, Fozzie encourages the viewers to bring their parents and friends into the room, to see their Big-Time Comedy Show.
Rowlf the Dog and the kids have fun doing all kinds of activities, including singing and dancing. It features interactive sing-alongs including "The Smile was on the Crocodile," "Over and Under," and more.