A wordless man stages an unexplained hunger strike and the people surrounding him exploit his silence to further their own cause...
Tadashi Hoshika (voice)
Precuela de la serie de anime Uchuu Kyoudai (Space Brothers) en la que dos hermanos siguen su sueño de convertirse en astronautas. La película se desarrolla alrededor del origen su sueño.
A straight young woman living in Tokyo becomes involved in the lives of a gay man and his married lover.
In a small town, high school students in their final year try to balance their studies while also playing together in a rock band.
Fumiharu Nakajima
Miyuki Kojima stars as the furious spouse of an adulterer. To get revenge on her spouse she begins a string of one-night stands, eventually realizing that she is becoming addicted to anonymous sex.
Action film about a bank robbery.