Jonathan Bird

Nacimiento : 1969-03-01,


Jonathan Bird is an American photographer, cinematographer, director and television host. He is best known for his role as the host of Jonathan Bird's Blue World, a family-friendly underwater exploration program on public television in the United States. His work is largely underwater in nature.


Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ant-Man y la Avispa
Creature Technical Director
Mientras Scott Lang se convierte en un súper héroe y en un padre, Hope van Dyne y el Dr. Hank Pym presentan una nueva misión urgente que encuentra a Ant-Man luchando junto a The Wasp para descubrir secretos de su pasado.
Pacific Rim: Insurrección
Creature Technical Director
Un futuro cercano. Después de la primera invasión que sufrió la humanidad, la lucha aun no ha terminado. El planeta vuelve a ser asediado por los Kaiju, una raza de alienígenas colosales que emergen desde un portal interdimensional, con el objetivo de destruir a la raza humana. Ante esta nueva amenaza para la cual los humanos no están preparados, los Jaegers, robots gigantes de guerra pilotados por dos personas para sobrellevar la inmensa carga neural que conlleva manipularlos, ya no están a la altura de lo que se les viene encima. Será entonces cuando los supervivientes de la primera invasión, además de nuevos personajes como el hijo de Pentecost (John Boyega), tendrán que idear la manera de sorprender al enorme enemigo, apostando por nuevas estrategias defensivas y de ataque. Con la Tierra en ruinas e intentando reconstruirse, esta nueva batalla puede ser decisiva para el futuro.
The Silent Wrecks of Kwajalein Atoll
For the first time, the U.S. military has granted permission to an outside film crew to document the wrecks of Kwajalein Atoll -- a little-known outpost in the Marshall Islands.