Jonathan Bird

출생 : 1969-03-01,


Jonathan Bird is an American photographer, cinematographer, director and television host. He is best known for his role as the host of Jonathan Bird's Blue World, a family-friendly underwater exploration program on public television in the United States. His work is largely underwater in nature.

참여 작품

Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
Ancient Caves
Ancient Caves brings science and adventure together as it follows paleoclimatologist Dr. Gina Moseley on a mission to unlock the secrets of the Earth’s climate in the most unlikely of places: caves. Moseley and her team of cave explorers travel the world exploring vast underground worlds in search of stalagmite samples – geologic “fingerprints” – that reveal clues about the planet’s climate history. Their quest leads them to some of the world’s most remote caves, both above and below the water, in France, Iceland, the Bahamas, the U.S. and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Together, they go where very few humans will ever go, revealing the incredible lengths scientists will go to study the unknown.
앤트맨과 와스프
Creature Technical Director
캡틴 아메리카의 요청으로 독일까지 가서 아이언맨 일행과 싸우고 돌아온 스콧은 어느 날 이상한 꿈을 꾼다. 그가 행크 핌 박사와 호프에게 꿈 이야기를 들려주자, 호프는 미지의 양자 영역에 갇혀버린 엄마 재닛의 메시지라는 것을 확신하게 된다. 행크 핌 박사는 자신의 비밀 연구소에서 그동안 개발해왔던 양자 터널과 탐색기를 이용해 1대 와스프 재닛의 구출작전을 펼치려 하지만, 시공간의 개념이 사라진 양자 영역으로 들어갈 수 있는 기술을 훔쳐 달아난 고스트 고스트가 나타나면서 일이 꼬여간다.
퍼시픽 림: 업라이징
Creature Technical Director
전 세계를 초토화시켰던 전쟁 이후, 지구 종말의 위기가 다시 찾아온다. 더 강렬하게 진화한 적들의 공격이 인류의 재앙을 불러오고 최정예 파일럿과 업그레이드 된 거대 로봇 예거 군단은 사상 최대의 반격을 시작한다. 하지만 아무도 예상치 못했던 또 다른 적의 등장으로 인류는 전대미문의 위기에 봉착하게 되는데...
콰잘린 환초의 고요한 난파선
For the first time, the U.S. military has granted permission to an outside film crew to document the wrecks of Kwajalein Atoll -- a little-known outpost in the Marshall Islands.