Marie Blake

Marie Blake

Nacimiento : 1895-08-21, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Muerte : 1978-01-14


Marie Blake (born Edith Marie Blossom MacDonald) was an American stage, film and television actress. Her younger sister was singing screen star Jeanette MacDonald.


Marie Blake


El mejor hombre
Cleaning Woman (as Blossom Rock)
Filme sobre la campaña electoral a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos de dos candidatos antagónicos y sus respectivos equipos.
Desde la terraza
Alfred Eaton (Paul Newman), un joven ambicioso que quiere conseguir las cosas por sí mismo sin deberle nada a su padre, se casa con una joven (Woodward) de una buena familia de Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). Poco a poco, Alfred empieza a prosperar, llegando incluso a trabajar en Wall Street, pero su matrimonio no funciona como esperaba.
The Way to the Gold
Mrs. Lattimer
Following his release from prison, an ex-con heads straight for a cache of gold buried somewhere in a small village.
La diabla (She Devil)
Hannah, the housekeeper
Basándose en la teoría de que la recuperación de una enfermedad es simplemente una cuestión de adaptación, el Dr. Scott crea un suero milagroso. Lo prueba en Kyra Zelas, una paciente moribunda. Los resultados superan todas las expectativas, la joven se cura, pero, cuando sale del hospital empieza a cometer actos criminales.
Hilda Crane
After two failed marriages, a disillusioned woman returns to her hometown to start life anew.
The Human Jungle
Mrs. Ashton
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
Una chica de pueblo
Rick Livingston, un rico neoyorquino, es arrestado por exceso de velocidad al cruzar la pequeña población de Duck Creek. Este hecho va a provocar un gran revuelo en la vida del tranquilo lugar. Rick no tarda en conocer a Cindy, hija del juez local. Pero surgen problemas cuando un periódico de Nueva York publica las fotos de Rick y Cindy, y una antigua amiga del joven llega hasta la localidad para reconquistarlo a él y a su dinero. (Filmaffinit)
La estrella
The Stones' Maid Annie (uncredited)
Hubo un tiempo en que Margaret Elliott fue una rutilante estrella de Hollywood, pero en la actualidad está arruinada y nadie se acuerda de ella; pero Margaret se niega a aceptarlo. Sólo el apoyo de su hija Gretchen y de Jim, un joven actor, podrá ayudarla a a salir del pozo en el que está sumida
FBI Girl
Slum Landlady
G-men grab a gangster and a governor thanks to a clerk in the fingerprints division.
Memorias de un Don Juan
Mrs. Quigg (Uncredited)
En Nueva York, durante la postguerra, Jim tiene que trabajar en su novela, pero se marcha unos días para servir al ejército. Mientras tanto, su novia Connie alquila una habitación a un amigo de Jim, un joven muy agradable.
Joe Palooka in the Squared Circle
Prunella, Humphrey's Sister (uncredited)
Joe Palooka encounters gangsters and tries to alert the law.
Sons of New Mexico
Hannah Dobbs
Not quite as memorable as his previous Riders in the Sky, Gene Autry's Sons of New Mexico is still well up to the star's standard. This time, Gene tries to reform Randy Pryor, a would-be juvenile delinquent, played by Autry-protégé Dick Jones (who later starred in the Autry-produced TV series Range Rider and Buffalo Bill Jr). To this end, Pryor is enrolled at the New Mexico Military Institute, where much of this film was lensed. The kid chafes at the school's regimen and escapes, heading back to his criminal mentor Pat Feeney (Robert Armstrong).
Mrs. Nesbitt
A promising young composer is tempted away from his devoted wife by a fortune-seeking woman who cares more for his prospects than for him.
Nido de víboras
Asylum Patient (uncredited)
Una escritora recién casada acaba internada en un psiquiátrico debido a un recuerdo que le atormenta. El trato recibido en el hospital no hace sino empeorar su estado mental.
No te fíes de tu marido
Cuando un ama de casa (Madeleine Carroll) encuentra a su ocupado marido tonteando con una atractiva viuda, decide pagarle con la misma moneda y ponerle celoso con un magnate del tabaco.
The Girl from Manhattan
Committeewoman (uncredited)
Tom Walker, ex jugador de fútbol americano, vuelve a su ciudad natal convertido en clérigo. También lo hace Carol Maynard, famosa modelo que se lleva una decepción al ver que la pensión de su tío, al que había pagado la hipoteca, está llena de parásitos que no pagan. Tom y Carol reanudan su romance, que se interrumpió cuando cada cual siguió su camino...
The Gangster
Hotel maid
Based on the novel Low Company. One of the most peculiar film noirs of the 1940s stars Barry Sullivan as a small-time hood who suffers a mental breakdown as his big plans begin to crumble. Beautiful Belita is the slumming society girlfriend who only fuels his paranoia.
Christmas Eve
Reporter (uncredited)
The greedy nephew of eccentric Matilda Reid seeks to have her judged incompetent so he can administer her wealth, but she will be saved if her three long-lost adopted sons appear for a Christmas Eve reunion. Separate stories reveal Michael as a bankrupt playboy loved by loyal Ann; Mario as a seemingly shady character tangling with a Nazi war criminal in South America; Jonathan as a hard-drinking rodeo rider intent on a flirtatious social worker. Is there hope for Matilda?
Dark Delusion
Spoiled socialite Cynthia Grace is suffering from a blood clot. Not unexpectedly, Tommy Coalt falls in love with Cynthia, much to her parents' dismay. Soon he's drawing up plans to marry the girl and setting up private practice in a smaller town.
Fun on a Weekend
Mr. Prigee's Secretary (Uncredited)
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
Gentleman Joe Palooka
In the second film of Monogram's Joe Palooka series, Joe is 'used', by two state senators scheming to obtain oil-rich lands, in a publicity campaign to get the land transferred to the state, supposedly for a park. When Joe learns that he has been used as a dupe he becomes disillusioned and leaves the prize=fighting profession. But, his manager, sparring partners, and fiancée manage to expose the land-grab scheme, clear Joe's name and discredit the crooked politicians.
Abbott y Costello en Hollywood
Royce's Secretary (uncredited)
A pesar de que en el título aparece la palabra Hollywood, esta comedia no gira en torno al mundo del cine, sino al de la música. Abbott y Costello vuelven a interpretar a dos perdedores que sueñan con convertirse en importantes agentes musicales. Quieren cumplir su sueño, así que empiezan con pequeños clientes con carreras alejadas del estrellato. Por el momento son unos don nadie, habrá que ver si la pareja de cómicos consigue convertirlos en los reyes de la música.
Cena de Navidad
Mrs. Wright
Elizabeth Lane es una de las columnistas más famosas del país. En sus artículos se describe a sí misma como una mujer felizmente casada, con hijos, que vive apaciblemente en una granja y cuya pasión es la cocina. Pero todo es completamente falso: es una una mujer soltera, muy ajetreada que vive en Nueva York y que jamás ha entrado en una cocina. El problema surge cuando el propietario de la revista donde trabaja la invita a su granja el día de Navidad para que prepare una comida para sus invitados.
Keep Your Powder Dry
WAC Supply Corporal (uncredited)
Un variopinto grupo de mujeres intenta adaptarse sus nuevas vidas después de alistarse en el Cuerpo del Ejército Femenino.
Between Two Women
A young doctor proves his worth at a metropolitan hospital.
The Unwritten Code
Nurse (uncredited)
The Unwritten Code is an offbeat, better-than-average Columbia wartime "B" picture. Though Ann Savage and Tom Neal are top-billed, the central character is supporting-actor Roland Varno. He plays a Nazi spy who sneaks into the U.S., hoping to release hundreds of German prisoners. He fails, but not until plenty of bullets have been spent. The most interesting aspect of The Unwritten Code is the casting of Savage and Neal as the "good" characters: in 1945, these two cult favorites would play the decidedly unsavory protagonists of the film noir classic Detour.
South of Dixie
To save their music publishing firm from bankruptcy, Bill "Brains' Watson creates a colorful life-story about his partner, Danny Lee, representing him as a descendant of Louisiana's famous Josh Lee family and rightful poet laureate of Dixieland.
Make Your Own Bed
Woman Jerry Mistakes for Susan
A Walter y a Vivian les cuesta conservar la servidumbre. Walter contrata a un detective privado y a su prometida para que trabajen con él, con la excusa de que espías nazis la han tomado con él, por ser fabricante de municiones. Cuando aparezcan los verdaderos espías, empezarán los líos de verdad...
Gildersleeve's Ghost
Harriet Morgan
Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
Whispering Footsteps
Sally Lukens, Boarder
An Ohio bank clerk's life becomes a nightmare when his descriptions is a fit of a maniac killer.
Campus Rhythm
Susie Smith - Hartman's secretary
Radio singer Joan Abbott, known as the "Crunchy-Wunchy Thrush", does not want to renew her contract with the cereal sponsor, as she wants to go to college. But her guardian, her Uncle Willie signs the contract in order to pay off his own debts. But this time Joan won't take no for an answer and enrolls under an assumed name. When Joan goes missing, the radio institutes a search for Joan via a publicity stunt.
All by Myself
Miss Ryan
Career woman Jean. almost a partner in Mark's advertising firm, has been falling in love with Mark, who of course is unaware of it. But unknown to Jean, Mark has become engaged to singer Val. When Jean finds out she tries to save face by saying that she is also engaged, and then uses a little social blackmail to get psychiatrist Bill Perry to pretend to be her fiancé for an evening out with Mark and Val.
Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case
In this 13th entry to the Dr. Kildare series, the medical staff of Blair General hospital are challenged with further dilemmas, not the least of which includes a prison inmate who Dr. Gillespie believes belongs instead in an insane asylum.
Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant
The doctor (Lionel Barrymore) has a Kansan (Van Johnson), an Australian and an Asian from Brooklyn to choose from.
Me casé con una bruja
Purity Sykes (uncredited)
Siglo XVII. Cuando Jennifer, acusada de brujería, está a punto de ser quemada en la hoguera, lanza una maldición sobre su acusador: todos sus descendientes serán infelices en sus matrimonios. En 1942, Wallace Wooley, al tiempo que se presenta como candidato a gobernador, está preparando su boda con la presumida de Estelle Masterson. Un rayo golpea el árbol junto al cual fue quemada la bruja y ésta cobra vida. Desde entonces, intentará arruinar la vida de Wallace.
El mayor y la menor
Bertha (uncredited)
Después de probar fortuna en Nueva York y no tener éxito, Susan Applegate decide regresar a su pueblo en Iowa. Previendo esta situación había reservado 27,50$ para el tren, pero como la tarifa ha aumentado decide disfrazarse de niña de 12 años para pagar la mitad. Los revisores del tren dudan que en realidad sea una niña y para escapar de ellos entra en el camarote de un apuesto militar, el Mayor del título, y es donde comienzan los enredos.
Calling Dr. Gillespie
Un médico en silla de ruedas se enfrenta a un maníaco homicida.
A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen
Desk Clerk at Florence Garden Apartments
A man is framed for embezzlement and runs off to San Francisco. His wife hires Queen to try and track him down before the police get to him.
The Wife Takes a Flyer
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
Dr. Kildare's Victory
Kildare, todavía dolido por la muerte de María Lamont, se enamora de una paciente.
Blue, White, and Perfect
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Remember the Day
Miss Cartwright
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
El recluta enamorado
Castor Oil Nurse
Una estrella de cine trama un plan para evitar el servicio militar: casarse con la hija de un coronel del ejército, pero las cosas no salen como había planeado y acaba terminando en el frente de guerra.
The People Vs. Dr. Kildare
An ice skater sues Kildare (Lew Ayres) for malpractice after his roadside first aid leaves her paralyzed.
Here Comes Happiness
Jessica leaves her upper class home to assume an anonymous working class identity. She meets a blue collar guy, Chet and falls in love with the poor but ambitious man. Chet observes a series of suspicious, clandestine meetings with her rich father and his chauffeur which makes him think she is stringing along a "Sugar Daddy" on the side. Financial trickery and sequences of misunderstandings and coincidences culminate with a wedding that turns out much differently than planned.
Dr. Kildare's Crisis
Sally, Hospital Receptionist
Jimmy Kildare's impending nuptials are jeopardized by a diagnosis of possible epilepsy in his fiancee's brother.
Gallant Sons
Woman Helping to Look for Ring (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Li'l Abner
Miss Lulubell
Li'l Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race.
Sabían lo que querían
Waitress (uncredited)
Un italiano que cultiva viñas en California, mantiene correspondencia con una camarera a la que nunca ha visto y cuya situación es bastante precaria. Cuando le propone que se case con él, en lugar de una foto suya, le manda una de su capataz, que es un hombre muy atractivo.
Dr. Kildare Goes Home
A young doctor gives up big-city success to help his father set up a small-town clinic.
La pasión ciega
Waitress (uncredited)
Joe y Paul Fabrini son dos hermanos que tratan de abrirse camino por su cuenta como camioneros. Tras unos duros comienzos, las cosas comienzan a ir bien, pero la ambición de Joe y la aparición de una mujer obsesionada con él hará que todo se complique.
Sailor's Lady
Beauty Operator
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
Dr. Kildare's Strange Case
Sally, Hospital Switchboard Operator
Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont.
Home Movies
Party Guest (uncredited)
A comedy short staring Robert Benchley. He tries to show us how to make our own movies.
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Judge Hardy and Son
Augusta McBride
El juez Hardy intenta localizar a un pariente de una pareja de edad avanzada, con el fin de impedir que pierdan su hogar. Para ello, recaba la ayuda de su hijo Andy.
A Child Is Born
Ethel - Reception Nurse (uncredited)
A pregnant prison inmate shares her problems with the patients in a maternity ward.
The Secret of Dr. Kildare
Sally - Telephone Operator
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
Tejados de vidrio
Singing Telegram Operator
Cuando una pareja va a celebrar su segundo aniversario de boda, ella descubre una mancha de carmín en el cuello de su esposo; así que comienza a sospechar de todas las mujeres que trabajan con su marido. Para pagarle con la misma moneda, ella acepta un trabajo como secretaria de un afamado playboy.
Stockroom Girl (uncredited)
Un grupo de mujeres pasan la mayor parte del día entre salones de belleza y tiendas de ropa, siempre murmurando, con cotilleos y rumores. De repente, una de ellas descubre que su marido se ve a escondidas con una dependienta. Esta situación provoca un escándalo entre sus amigas, produciéndose diversas situaciones de celos, envidias y rumores. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rejas humanas
Tras asesinar al alcaide, Wilson se escapa de la cárcel y se refugia con su banda en una cabaña, donde se encuentra el doctor Shelby, que tendrá que utilizar todos sus recursos como psiquiatra para intentar dominar la violencia del gángster.
Calling Dr. Kildare
Un médico cura a un gangster y se enamora de su hermana.
The Ice Follies of 1939
Effie Lane (Uncredited)
Una patinadora sobre hielo pone en peligro su matrimonio cuando se convierte en una estrella de cine. Primera aparición en color de Joan Crawford.
How to Sub-Let
Mrs. Doakes
A man fumbles through an apartment sub-let assessment while his wife is away.
Alfalfa's Aunt
Aunt Penelope
Alfalfa's weird aunt Penelope pays a visit. She's working on a murder mystery novel, but Alfalfa thinks she's trying to murder him. It's up to the Spanky and the gang to save him.
Dramatic School
Aspiring actress Louise Muban attends the prestigious Paris School of Drama during the day and works at a dreary factory assembling gas meters at night. She daydreams and "acts" her way through life, and her fellow students at school begin to suspect her stories are just that - fabrications. After Louise begins to weave an actual meeting with a debonair playboy into a fantasy of club dates and romance, her classmate Nana discovers the lie when she too meets the playboy. Nana sets a trap for Louise, and the result is an end to one fantasy and the realization of another.
Young Dr. Kildare
Miss Sally Green (uncredited)
A medical school graduate takes an internship at a big city hospital, only to be subjected to a rigorous (and sometimes embarrassing) testing of his knowledge by the hospital's top dog, Dr. Leonard Gillespie.
Three Loves Has Nancy
Second Woman Getting Autograph (uncredited)
A small-town country homebody goes to New York to find her missing fiancé and gets romantically involved with two sophisticated men.
How to Read
Nagging Wife (uncredited)
Robert Benchley offers a humorous lecture on how to avoid different types of strain during reading.
Rich Man, Poor Girl
Mrs. Gussler
Un rico hombre de negocios quiere casarse con su secretaria, pero antes ha de pasar la inspección de la familia de ella.
Andrés Harvey se enamora
Un muchacho de una pequeña ciudad se enreda con tres chicas a la vez.
Woman Against Woman
Miss Van Horn - Ellen's New Nursemaid
A newlywed unhappily discovers that her husband's scheming ex-wife still has a controlling influence in his life and home.
Life in Sometown, U.S.A.
Mrs. Streetwood (uncredited)
A satirical visualization of strange and forgotten, but (at that time) nevertheless still existing laws in the U.S.A.
Mrs. Schwartz (Uncredited)
Después de un desgraciado matrimonio con un delincuente, Jessie, una mujer que desea abandonar el humilde barrio de Nueva York en el que siempre ha vivido, hace realidad su sueño cuando conoce al naviero Hennessey.
Love Is a Headache
Hillier's Secretary (uncredited)
Charlotte, más conocida como Charlie, es una actriz de teatro cuya última obra ha sido un fracaso. No le ayuda mucho la columna semanal de Peter, amigo de la infancia que estuvo enamorada de ella (y todavía lo está), donde resaltaba los aspectos negativos de su trabajo. En tal tesitura, Peter, conmovido por la muerte del tipo que limpiaba las ventanas de su estudio, que deja dos huérfanos, lanza una campaña apoyando su adopción. El agente de Charlie se entera, y decide que la adopción será una magnífica promoción para la carrera de su actriz.