Cleaning Woman (as Blossom Rock)
Мелодрама о соблазнах, интригах, старых романах молодого человека.
История погони человека за успехом и богатством. Герой взбирается по лестнице, ведущей на вершины Уолл Стрита, пренебрегает женой, жертвует своей цельностью, но в конце, по законам американской попкультуры, переживает болезненное прозрение, так называемый «момент истины».
Mrs. Lattimer
Following his release from prison, an ex-con heads straight for a cache of gold buried somewhere in a small village.
Hannah, the housekeeper
Biochemists give fruit-fly serum to a dying woman, with side effects.
Дважды разведенная Хильда Крейн, чувствуя, что шансы у нее иссякли, возвращается в дом своей матери в своем маленьком родном городке и пытается решить, что делать дальше, все еще надеясь сохранить свою независимость. Это оказывается проблемой.
Mrs. Ashton
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
Рик Ливингстон, миллионер и повеса, превысил скорость, спеша на собственную свадьбу и был приговорен к тюремному заключению в никому не известном городке. Не сумев убедить неподкупного судью отпустить его, не привыкший подчиняться чужим правилам Рик использует все возможные средства, чтобы как можно скорее вернуться домой, где его ждет невеста - звезда бродвейских мюзиклов. К счастью для Рика, дочь судьи попадает под чары молодого плейбоя и помогает ему совершить побег.
The Stones' Maid Annie (uncredited)
Стареющая голливудская звезда Маргарет Эллиот не может смириться с мыслью о том, что ее карьера закончена. Маргарет дают возможность сыграть возрастную роль, но, увидев рабочий материал, она понимает, что все-таки стоит уйти из профессии…
Slum Landlady
G-men grab a gangster and a governor thanks to a clerk in the fingerprints division.
Mrs. Quigg (Uncredited)
Вернувшись из армии к любимой жене, журналист и писатель Джим Скотт обнаружил, что жена решила приобрести полуподвальное помещение, чтобы создать в нем уютное «любовное гнездышко». Но все оказывается не так просто! На молодоженов сваливаются заботы и проблемы связанные с ремонтом внутреннего убранства бывшего подвала, который использовался для хранения угля. Зато в новом доме молодых окружают очень милые соседи, а особенно хороша белокурая Роберта, которая охотно строит глазки Скотту. Тем временем пока идет благоустройство «гнездышка» Чарли Паперсон — профессиональный брачный аферист вовлекает всех жителей дома в свои аферы…
Prunella, Humphrey's Sister (uncredited)
Joe Palooka encounters gangsters and tries to alert the law.
Hannah Dobbs
Not quite as memorable as his previous Riders in the Sky, Gene Autry's Sons of New Mexico is still well up to the star's standard. This time, Gene tries to reform Randy Pryor, a would-be juvenile delinquent, played by Autry-protégé Dick Jones (who later starred in the Autry-produced TV series Range Rider and Buffalo Bill Jr). To this end, Pryor is enrolled at the New Mexico Military Institute, where much of this film was lensed. The kid chafes at the school's regimen and escapes, heading back to his criminal mentor Pat Feeney (Robert Armstrong).
Mrs. Nesbitt
A promising young composer is tempted away from his devoted wife by a fortune-seeking woman who cares more for his prospects than for him.
Asylum Patient (uncredited)
ДеХэвиллэнд в роли Вирджинии Стюарт Каннингэм, психически неуравновешенной молодой женщины, помещенной в психиатрическую лечебницу ее мужем Робертом Каннингэмом. Он любит свою жену, но понимает, что помощи, которую он способен оказать ей, недостаточно. К счастью, случай Вирджинии привлекает внимание доктора Марка Кика, терпеливого, вдумчивого и внимательного врача. Он уделяет ей большую часть своего времени. Хотя больница переполнена, а персонала не хватает, доктору удается сосредоточиться на ее болезни, одновременно изо всех сил стараясь сделать все возможное, чтобы больница не превратилась в "змеиную яму", как называют "психушки". Хотя и сами болезни, и способы их лечения показаны упрощенно, фильм был первым серьезно затронувшим тему с настоящим реализмом.
Vincent Doane is in the precarious position of trying to close an advertising account with his rich ex-fiancée. Unfortunately she is more interested in him than in business. Vincent's wife Paula gets suspicious and finally decides to do some flirting of her own to make him jealous. Unknown to her, she chooses cigarette tychoon Claude Kimball. In fact, Kimball hits it off well with both of the Doanes. The question is whether or not their marriage can survive all the shenanigans.
Committeewoman (uncredited)
A small-town girl who's made it big in New York as a fashion model returns home, only to find that her somewhat dotty uncle has mortgaged his boarding house to the hilt. In her efforts to help him keep his boarding house, she becomes involved with a handsome young minister and his superior, an older bishop.
Hotel maid
Based on the novel Low Company. One of the most peculiar film noirs of the 1940s stars Barry Sullivan as a small-time hood who suffers a mental breakdown as his big plans begin to crumble. Beautiful Belita is the slumming society girlfriend who only fuels his paranoia.
Reporter (uncredited)
The greedy nephew of eccentric Matilda Reid seeks to have her judged incompetent so he can administer her wealth, but she will be saved if her three long-lost adopted sons appear for a Christmas Eve reunion. Separate stories reveal Michael as a bankrupt playboy loved by loyal Ann; Mario as a seemingly shady character tangling with a Nazi war criminal in South America; Jonathan as a hard-drinking rodeo rider intent on a flirtatious social worker. Is there hope for Matilda?
Spoiled socialite Cynthia Grace is suffering from a blood clot. Not unexpectedly, Tommy Coalt falls in love with Cynthia, much to her parents' dismay. Soon he's drawing up plans to marry the girl and setting up private practice in a smaller town.
Mr. Prigee's Secretary (Uncredited)
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
In the second film of Monogram's Joe Palooka series, Joe is 'used', by two state senators scheming to obtain oil-rich lands, in a publicity campaign to get the land transferred to the state, supposedly for a park. When Joe learns that he has been used as a dupe he becomes disillusioned and leaves the prize=fighting profession. But, his manager, sparring partners, and fiancée manage to expose the land-grab scheme, clear Joe's name and discredit the crooked politicians.
Royce's Secretary (uncredited)
When two bumbling barbers act as agents for a talented but unknown singer, they stage a phony murder in order to get him a plum role.
Mrs. Wright
Журналист Элизабет Лейн является одним из самых известных в стране авторов рецептов. В своих статьях она описывает себя как трудолюбивую фермершу, заботливую мать и изумительного повара. Но все это ложь. На самом деле она незамужняя жительница Нью-Йорка, не способная даже сварить яйца. А рецептами с ней делится хороший друг Феликс. Владелец журнала, в котором она работает, пригласил героя-моряка отметить Рождество у неё на ферме. Мисс Лейн понимает, что её карьере придет конец, если правда выйдет наружу, но что она может сделать?
WAC Supply Corporal (uncredited)
A debutante, a serviceman's bride and a girl from a military family join the Women's Army Corps.
A young doctor proves his worth at a metropolitan hospital.
Nurse (uncredited)
The Unwritten Code is an offbeat, better-than-average Columbia wartime "B" picture. Though Ann Savage and Tom Neal are top-billed, the central character is supporting-actor Roland Varno. He plays a Nazi spy who sneaks into the U.S., hoping to release hundreds of German prisoners. He fails, but not until plenty of bullets have been spent. The most interesting aspect of The Unwritten Code is the casting of Savage and Neal as the "good" characters: in 1945, these two cult favorites would play the decidedly unsavory protagonists of the film noir classic Detour.
To save their music publishing firm from bankruptcy, Bill "Brains' Watson creates a colorful life-story about his partner, Danny Lee, representing him as a descendant of Louisiana's famous Josh Lee family and rightful poet laureate of Dixieland.
Woman Jerry Mistakes for Susan
Walter and Vivian live in the country and have a difficult time keeping servants. Walter then hires a private detective who has been fired for arresting the District Attorney. They only way that Walter can get Jerry to work for him is to tell Jerry that his life is in danger; the neighbor is trying to take his wife; and that Nazi spies are everywhere. Jerry needs a cook for his 'cover' so he gets his fiancée Susan to work with him. To keep Jerry working, Walter sends the threatening letters to himself and hires actors to play the spies but when a real group of spies disguised as a troupe of radio actors appears on the scene, events quickly spiral out of control.
Harriet Morgan
Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
Sally Lukens, Boarder
An Ohio bank clerk's life becomes a nightmare when his descriptions is a fit of a maniac killer.
Susie Smith - Hartman's secretary
Radio singer Joan Abbott, known as the "Crunchy-Wunchy Thrush", does not want to renew her contract with the cereal sponsor, as she wants to go to college. But her guardian, her Uncle Willie signs the contract in order to pay off his own debts. But this time Joan won't take no for an answer and enrolls under an assumed name. When Joan goes missing, the radio institutes a search for Joan via a publicity stunt.
Miss Ryan
Career woman Jean. almost a partner in Mark's advertising firm, has been falling in love with Mark, who of course is unaware of it. But unknown to Jean, Mark has become engaged to singer Val. When Jean finds out she tries to save face by saying that she is also engaged, and then uses a little social blackmail to get psychiatrist Bill Perry to pretend to be her fiancé for an evening out with Mark and Val.
In this 13th entry to the Dr. Kildare series, the medical staff of Blair General hospital are challenged with further dilemmas, not the least of which includes a prison inmate who Dr. Gillespie believes belongs instead in an insane asylum.
The doctor (Lionel Barrymore) has a Kansan (Van Johnson), an Australian and an Asian from Brooklyn to choose from.
Purity Sykes (uncredited)
В 1672 году, когда пуританец Джонатан Вули сжигает на костре двух колдунов, Дженнифер и ее отца Дэниела, они проклинают всю его семью на то, что потомки-мужчины будут всегда себе выбирать не тех жен. В 1942 году Дженнифер и Дэниел возвращаются, чтобы отомстить нынешнему потомку Джонатана Вули — Уолласу, который баллотируется в местные сенаторы и, чтобы укрепить свое положение, собирается жениться на Эстель Мастерсон. Но у колдунов свой план его неудачи — напоить любовным напитком накануне свадьбы. Нечаянно Дженнифер выпивает этот напиток и влюбляется в Уолласа.
Bertha (uncredited)
Сюзан Эпплгэйт, устав от года проведенного в Нью-Йорке и безуспешного поиска работы, возвращается домой в Айову. К несчастью, у нее не хватает денег на билет, и она вынуждена выдать себя за 12-летнюю девочку, чтобы купить билет за полцены. В поезде, вычисленная контролерами, она прячется в купе майора Филипа Кирби, который близорук и верит ей. Влюбившись в майора Сюзан следует за ним в военную школу, однако, дальнейшее осложняется появлением его невесты и тем, что близорукий майор все еще считает Сюзан - 12-летней «Сю-Сю»...
Dr. Kildare's friend Dr. Gillespie is called in to investigate when a young man suffering from mental problems disappears on a killing spree.
Desk Clerk at Florence Garden Apartments
A man is framed for embezzlement and runs off to San Francisco. His wife hires Queen to try and track him down before the police get to him.
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
Dr. Gillespie supports Kildare's crusade against their hospital's deal with a rival hospital.
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Miss Cartwright
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
Castor Oil Nurse
Don Bolton is a movie star who can't stand loud noises. To evade the draft, he decides to get married...but falls for a colonel's daughter. By mistake, he and his two cronies enlist. In basic training, Don hopes to make a good impression on the fair Antoinette and her father, but his military career is largely slapstick. Will he ever get his corporal's stripes?
An ice skater sues Kildare (Lew Ayres) for malpractice after his roadside first aid leaves her paralyzed.
Jessica leaves her upper class home to assume an anonymous working class identity. She meets a blue collar guy, Chet and falls in love with the poor but ambitious man. Chet observes a series of suspicious, clandestine meetings with her rich father and his chauffeur which makes him think she is stringing along a "Sugar Daddy" on the side. Financial trickery and sequences of misunderstandings and coincidences culminate with a wedding that turns out much differently than planned.
Sally, Hospital Receptionist
Jimmy Kildare's impending nuptials are jeopardized by a diagnosis of possible epilepsy in his fiancee's brother.
Woman Helping to Look for Ring (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Miss Lulubell
Li'l Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race.
Waitress (uncredited)
While courting a young woman by mail, a rich farmer sends a photograph of his foreman instead of his own, which leads to complications when she accepts his marriage proposal.
A young doctor gives up big-city success to help his father set up a small-town clinic.
Waitress (uncredited)
Джо и Пол Фабрини — братья-дальнобойщики, работающие за небольшие деньги на контору-перевозчика, и при этом постоянно скрывающиеся от кредиторов, у которых заложен их автомобиль. Но они живут мечтами о лучшей жизни — Джо хочет работать сам на себя, а Пол хочет оставить водительское ремесло, чтобы больше времени проводить с женой. Работа братьев и их коллег-дальнобойщиков зачастую связана с определенным риском — ради того, чтобы доставить груз вовремя, многие вынуждены ездить сутками почти без сна, что приводит к несчастным случаям. Героям наконец выпадает шанс заработать и встать на ноги, но на обратном пути случается авария…
Beauty Operator
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
Sally, Hospital Switchboard Operator
Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont.
Party Guest (uncredited)
A comedy short staring Robert Benchley. He tries to show us how to make our own movies.
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Augusta McBride
Judge Hardy guides Andy through problems with girls, money and an essay contest.
Ethel - Reception Nurse (uncredited)
A pregnant prison inmate shares her problems with the patients in a maternity ward.
Sally - Telephone Operator
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
Singing Telegram Operator
When a young wife discovers her husband of two years is involved with his beautiful secretary, she applies for a job as secretary to a business rival.
Stockroom Girl (uncredited)
Богачка Мэри Хейнс не подозревает, что у её мужа роман с продавщицей Кристал Аллен. Сильвия Фаулер, подруга Мэри, узнаёт об интрижке от своей маникюрши и сообщает Эдит Поттер, другой своей подруге. Они пускают сплетню, однако не могут сообщить обо всём самой Мэри, которая узнаёт о неверности мужа после посещения того же салона красоты. Миссис Хейнс оказывается перед дилеммой — потребовать от мужа объяснений или выждать время, пока интерес мужа к новой пассии не затухнет сам собой. Под давлением Сильвии Мэри идёт по первому пути, и вскоре они с мужем решают развестись
A gangster takes a doctor and his family hostage.
Following an argument with his young protege, the curmudgeonly Dr. Gillespie dumps Jimmy Kildare in a street clinic, hoping to teach him a lesson. While working there Kildare meets pretty nurse Mary Lamont, and ends up treating a hoodlum with a gunshot wound. He purposely fails to write a report on it, and soon finds himself in a heap of trouble. Who else would come to his rescue but good old Dr. Gillespie?
Effie Lane (Uncredited)
Mary and Larry are are a modestly successful skating team. Shortly after their marriage, Mary gets a picture contract, while Larry is sitting at home, out of work.
Mrs. Doakes
A man fumbles through an apartment sub-let assessment while his wife is away.
Aunt Penelope
Alfalfa's weird aunt Penelope pays a visit. She's working on a murder mystery novel, but Alfalfa thinks she's trying to murder him. It's up to the Spanky and the gang to save him.
Aspiring actress Louise Muban attends the prestigious Paris School of Drama during the day and works at a dreary factory assembling gas meters at night. She daydreams and "acts" her way through life, and her fellow students at school begin to suspect her stories are just that - fabrications. After Louise begins to weave an actual meeting with a debonair playboy into a fantasy of club dates and romance, her classmate Nana discovers the lie when she too meets the playboy. Nana sets a trap for Louise, and the result is an end to one fantasy and the realization of another.
Miss Sally Green (uncredited)
A medical school graduate takes an internship at a big city hospital, only to be subjected to a rigorous (and sometimes embarrassing) testing of his knowledge by the hospital's top dog, Dr. Leonard Gillespie.
Second Woman Getting Autograph (uncredited)
A small-town country homebody goes to New York to find her missing fiancé and gets romantically involved with two sophisticated men.
Nagging Wife (uncredited)
Robert Benchley offers a humorous lecture on how to avoid different types of strain during reading.
Mrs. Gussler
A millionaire courts a working-class woman.
Подросток Энди Харди, сын известного судьи Каравеллы Джеймса готовится к рождественской вечеринке. Парнишка влюблен в автомобили, лелеет мечту о собственном авто. Эта страсть приводит его к мысли: если он не приобретет собственный автомобиль перед праздником для поездки на танцы, он не будет иметь успеха у сверстников. Энди идет в автомагазин и решается приобрести старый кабриолет всего за 20 долларов, но, к сожалению, всю сумму парень выплатить не в силах, поэтому влезает в долги к своему другу Бизи, согласившись за 8 долларов весь вечер сопровождать некую Синтию Попер — любительницу вечеринок и поцелуев. Это долговое обязательство и прогулки создаст немало проблем для юного автолюбителя, а ко всему прочему в их район приезжает двенадцатилетняя Бетси — дочь известной эстрадной певицы…
Miss Van Horn - Ellen's New Nursemaid
A newlywed unhappily discovers that her husband's scheming ex-wife still has a controlling influence in his life and home.
Mrs. Streetwood (uncredited)
A satirical visualization of strange and forgotten, but (at that time) nevertheless still existing laws in the U.S.A.
Mrs. Schwartz (Uncredited)
Пароходный магнат Джон Хеннесси теряет голову при виде Джесси - жены своего знакомого бездельника Эдди Миллера. Тот, оценив ситуацию, разрабатывает хитроумный план: Джесси разводится с ним, выходит замуж за магната, потом разводится и с ним и вновь, уже богатая, выходит замуж за Эдди. Сработала только часть плана: Джесси на самом деле выходит замуж за Хеннесси, но, вопреки планам, влюбляется в него...
Hillier's Secretary (uncredited)
A press agent for a Broadway actress whose career is going downhill, attempts to get her some publicity by having her adopt two orphans, without her knowledge.