Éva Vándor

Éva Vándor


Éva Vándor


As we always planned
Juli (öreg)
A story about a boy and a girl in a mental hospital.
Psycho 60
A frame-for-frame remake of the famous Shower Scene of Hitchcock's Psycho with 60 actresses for its 60th anniversary, a different actress in each shot.
One Day
24 hours in the life of a mother, caught in the relentlessness of daily life, between her work, her home and her children.
What Ever Happened to Timi
Réka anyja
Dani was always the good boy at school and is about to get married. He bumps into Tímea Hajnal, who is now a top model but is trying to get over a humiliating break-up. After a few glasses of wine, they fall into each other’s arms, which wouldn’t be so bad on the face of it, but there’s a tiny problem: Bögöcs, the bad boy of the class, has been recording everything on his mobile phone, and he’s thinking of using it to finally be able to fulfil his teenage dream - to sleep with Tímea. He threatens to show the video to Dani’s fiancée if he doesn’t take steps to set things up for him with Tímea. The pressure very quickly starts to have consequences for Dani’s relationship with his bride-to-be, as she starts to nag him chronically. The wedding is fast approaching, and Dani has to do something…
Made in Hungaria
Miki anyja
Los padres de Miklós Fenyö regresaron a la Hungría comunista a mediados de los años sesenta, cuando todos los demás huían hacia el oeste. Los viejos amigos de Miki no saben qué hacer con su escandalosa ropa, su impecable acento americano y su colección original de Buddy Holly 45s. Su novia de la infancia es fría y distante, mientras que el tipo duro local Röné no se conmueve ante el desafío de su corona de rock 'n' roll. Pero eso no es todo. Cuando las autoridades ven el efecto que las caderas giratorias y la música obscena de Miki tienen sobre las adolescentes, no lo tolerarán. El trabajo de su padre está en juego y, por primera vez, Miki debe cumplir las reglas. No tiene más remedio que ingresar al concurso de talentos local ...
The Kangaroo
Istvan Varju a.k.a. Kanya is a track driver. He drives alone on the roads and listens to the radio. We're In the middle of seventies, the radio broadcasts hungarian beat music. He is convinced that interesting and significant events in the life happen on the roads, so we should go, go and go in order not to miss something.
American Torso
The film depicts the lives of veterans of the 1848 Hungarian Revolution in the American Civil War, based in part on an Ambrose Bierce story. The whole film was re-edited using his own method called "light editing" in order to make it resemble a damaged silent film from the late 1800s.