Johanna Troell


Lost in Kyiv
While heading to the war in the East of Ukraine, the Swedish war photographer Karin Holm encounters a young couple in Kyiv. The unexpected meeting carries her away much further from work, and closer to confronting her private-self. 'Lost in Kyiv' is a vibrant inner journey and a coming-of-age of a grown-up woman.
The Last Sentence
Ingrid Segerstedt
Renowned journalist Torgny Segerstedt declares war against Hitler as he criticizes Swedish politicians who tried to look away from the tyranny of the Nazis with the good excuse of “neutralism”. His only weapon is his pen and his life is full of gossip such as an affair with his boss’ wife, a love scandal with a secretary younger than his daughter, and the suicide of his wife. However, he continues to fight a one man battle against Hitler and the Nazi regime until his death, throwing the question “Can one person really change history?” to the audience.
Troell Behind the Camera
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Jan Troell's 2008 film "Everlasting Moments."
Los momentos eternos de Maria Larssons
Suecia, 1900. En una época de cambios sociales y pobreza, Maria, una joven trabajadora, gana una cámara fotográfica en un concurso. Empieza entonces a vivir una doble vida, que la lleva a conocer a un fotógrafo que le enseñará a ver el mundo a través de la lente de una cámara.
Visiones de Europa
Teacher (segment "Sweden: The Yellow Tag")
Veinticinco cineastas, uno por cada estado de la Unión Europea, realizaron una película sobre sus respectivos países. Todas tenían el mismo presupuesto, debían estar ambientadas en el presente o en un futuro inmediato y durar cinco minutos. No había otras limitaciones, de modo que los autores tenían plena libertad para expresarse. Entre los directores figuran tanto nombres consagrados como voces nuevas dentro del panorama cinematográfico. Cada corto tiene su propia identidad, por lo que es posible establecer comparaciones fascinantes; pero, además, juntos ofrecen una imagen global de la Comunidad Europea a través de la fusión de esas distintas visiones conceptuales y creativas.
As White as in Snow
Inspired by real-life Elsa Andersson, this mostly fictional movie tells the story of her upbringing as a farmer's daughter, in the early 1900s, who dreams of getting away from the farm and becoming an aviatrix.
Land of Dreams
"Land of Dreams" - When the daughter Johanna is born in 1983, Jan Troell tells the story about his childhood Sweden and how things were when he grow-up in the land of fairy tales and potential prosperity.
Johanna! Yohanna!
Johanna! Yohanna!