Steadicam Operator
La historia real de Mildred y Richard Loving, una pareja que se casó en Virginia en 1958. Debido a la naturaleza interracial de su matrimonio, fueron arrestados, encarcelados y exiliados. Durante una década la pareja luchó por su derecho a regresar a casa.
Steadicam Operator
Basada en el libro "The Snowden files. The inside story of the world's most wanted man" escrito por Luke Harding, y en un libro escrito por Anatoly Kucherena, el abogado ruso de Edward Snowden. Narra los acontecimientos que acompañaron la publicación por parte del diario The Guardian de los documentos clasificados que aportó Edward Snowden sobre el programa de vigilancia mundial secreto de la NSA (Agencia de Seguridad Nacional) en 2013.
Joe and his wife Dionne have had yet another bad crop for their winery. Faced with the prospect of losing the family farm, Dionne convinces her mother (a witch) to cast a spell upon next year's crop. The crop is such a success that Joe hires some college students to help them harvest. However, when a nosy neighbor begins poking around in the fields, he finds out more than he bargained for. Now the question isn't how to best harvest the crop, it's how to keep from being harvested!