Max Fischer


ラビング 愛という名前のふたり
Steadicam Operator
Steadicam Operator
2013年6月、香港のホテルの一室で、29歳のアメリカ人青年スノーデンが、取材記者やカメラを前に、米国政府がテロ対策の名目の下に行なってきた、世界中の個人情報の収集活動の驚くべき実態について語り始める。果たして彼をその内部告発に駆り立てたものは何だったのか? 2001年の9.11同時多発テロに衝撃を受け、国家のために少しでも役に立ちたいと願って、NSAやCIAの職員となった愛国青年の彼だった。
Attack of the Vegan Zombies!
Joe and his wife Dionne have had yet another bad crop for their winery. Faced with the prospect of losing the family farm, Dionne convinces her mother (a witch) to cast a spell upon next year's crop. The crop is such a success that Joe hires some college students to help them harvest. However, when a nosy neighbor begins poking around in the fields, he finds out more than he bargained for. Now the question isn't how to best harvest the crop, it's how to keep from being harvested!