Madlen Dzhabrailova
Nacimiento : 1970-12-19, Moscow, USSR (Russia)
Moirae 1
Deprived of their familiar context, the heroes of ancient Greek myths find themselves in a Moscow park.
In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a tragicomic farce with the artistic bohemia, foreign-currency prostitutes, the KGB staff and agents of the CIA.
Slava is a girl who is used to living with emotions, her actions are impulsive and unpredictable. On New Year's Eve, she makes a wish that her husband Valya will become a cool startup in Silicon Valley, and she is "just" a superwoman who will save the world. But time passes, and the miracle does not happen, and Slava, having collected things, leaves her husband. However, the wish made becomes fatal: everything starts to work out for Valya, and Slava continues to live with the expectation that the world will revolve around her.
For the whole day Olga tries to constrain the inner drama the is tearing her apart. When she can no longer manage to keep it inside, she opens up to the first person she meets.
A year after the loss of her mother's son comes the news: her son is in Ingushetia.
Puede ocurrir que uno un día se despierte, mire a su alrededor, y se pregunte cómo ha llegado donde está, y si no está acaso viviendo la vida de otro. Sólo que ese momento está precedido de un millar de sutiles movimientos que, en el espacio de un año, le convierten a uno en otra persona. Como les pasa a Yegor (en paro, con una taxi ilegal) y a Zhenya (diseñadora gráfica), tremendamente jóvenes, amantes y cómplices, pareja en feliz convivencia en el Moscú de hoy y para la que ese año, y todo lo que en él ocurre, cambiará todo lenta pero implacablemente.
An inquiry into the nature of identity, the inevitability of death, and the human condition in the twenty-first century.
A little herringbone girl decided to "learn life" before the New Year.
Zhena Gavrilova
Un drama bélico que retrata las durísimas condiciones de vida de las tropas rusas, tras la invasión nazi de la Unión Soviética con su "Operación Barbarroja" en junio de 1941.
This is the story of two lonely and somewhat similar humans, although one young and one old. First is a thief loser who breaks into the dark and, as he thinks, abandoned apartment on New Year's Eve. And the second one exactly at this time tries to hung himself because of his feelings of loneliness and uselessness.
After a failed marriage, Masha retreats to the sanctuary of her humble profession as a translator of serious literature. Financial difficulties force her to accept an offer to interpret during a seminar held by an English puppeteer.
Pavel no puede aguantar más: decide contarle a Vera que no puede vivir sin mirarla como lo hizo cuando la conoció en una boda reciente. Ella le confiesa que también lo miró, aunque no sabe por qué. Entre ellos ocurre entonces algo inesperado, algo que nunca antes habían conocido, algo que ni siquiera pueden entender. Vera vive con Valery, su marido, y con su hija pequeña Masha, en un pueblo remoto y ruinoso en las inmensas estepas a orillas del río Don.
A rich and fatally ill man with an apartment, a car and a summer house offers her a girl's hand, heart and all real estate ". The next day after the announcement in the newspaper, a line of contenders lined up for Andrei. They all want to prove that they are in love with him .
A new version of Marshak's fairy tale about a mouse who didn't want to go to bed.
gypsy woman in a trolleybus
Today’s twenty-something Russians are the first generation in the country’s post-communist history to have grown up free. Their twenties are the age of freedom, of fast-changing events and intense emotions. Perhaps only at this age they can live a whole life in one day.
A young girl and her two accident companions walk halfway around St.-Petersburg; they flirt and tease each other, and for ninety minutes they act out a real-time romantic drama. This stroll is full of laughter and tears against a backdrop of the hustle and bustle of the streets.