Alex Hasskerl

Alex Hasskerl


Alex Hasskerl is a cinematographer based in Berlin. He works internationally and is a member of the German Society of Cinematographers (BVK).


Alex Hasskerl


No Name Restaurant
Director of Photography
Three religions. Two men. One mission. Ben has gone off into the desert. In order to escape the matchmaking attempts of his family in Jerusalem, he agrees to fly to Alexandria to save what was once the largest Jewish community in the world, which is desperately short of a tenth man to celebrate Passover. When Ben misses his flight and is subsequently thrown off a bus in the Sinai Desert, a grumpy Bedouin in search of his lost camel becomes Ben’s only hope.
La chica y la araña
Director of Photography
Lisa se va a mudar. Mara se queda. A medida que se cambian las cajas y se construyen los armarios, los abismos comienzan a abrirse y se pone en marcha una montaña rusa emocional. Una película de catástrofe tragicómica. Una balada poética sobre el cambio y la fugacidad.
The Love Europe Project
Director of Photography
The Love Europe Project is a collection of 9 short films by various directors from different European countries.
Director of Photography
The mysteriously familiar face of a deceased young woman shakes young surgeon Fabian out of his lethargy. On a whim, he leaves Berlin for Portugal, determined to win back his former girlfriend Doro, who works at an architectural company in Lisbon.
The North Sea - Our sea
The North Sea, the largest sea on our doorstep, has many faces: wide tidal environments, high dunes, flat holms and rugged coastlines. Its beaches attract every season not only tourists but also countless seals. And beneath the cool sea surface hides a varied and fascinating underwater world: whether majestic basking before the chalk cliffs of Dover or combative gray seals on the beach of Helgoland, whether mighty squid on the Dutch Oosterschelde, or creepy Greenland shark in the Fjords of Norway.
El extraño gatito
Director of Photography
Las excentricidades domésticas de una familia en un piso de Berlín son coreografiadas en unas secuencias surrealistas aparentemente nada espectaculares para crear un mundo maravilloso y un ballet de lo cotidiano. La existencia absurda brilla detrás de acciones y conversaciones que parecen mundanas y de este modo desarrolla un drama familiar, un cuento de hadas y el estudio psicológico de una madre.
Director of Photography
Yesterday My Friend Bought a Bike
Director of Photography
A young woman is walking through the city. She meets a friend at a coffee shop. This friend tells her every detail about how she bought a bike the day before. The young women listens.