After a century of genocidal ideologies and destructive speciesism, animals have enslaved humans and taken over the world. In a wave of hope, the statues of the past have been removed but new ones are being erected to suppress the will of the people. This is now a planet of apes, boars and lions, and a zoological revolution is reversing and recreating the atrocities of the 20th century.
A film about people who have survived the irradiation of war and recommended to those who believe they are immune to it.
If you would like to witness the forces of colonialism in brute action, Rithy Panh’s extraordinary new film provides the long view. A masterpiece of editing, the film assembles archival footage and antiqued title cards into a wordless recapturing of the Indochinese Empire, beginning with the early days of French occupation. In this prelapsarian age, everything is golden with promise. Ladies, in empire waist gowns and enormous hats, throw candies to local children. Great steamships carry French culture abroad, and the Tricolore flag flies on high.
Durante muchos años el director Rithy Panh ha buscado una fotografía que le faltaba: Una instantánea tomada entre 1975 y 1979 de Khmers Rouges cuando se encontraba en Camboya. Por supuesto, por sí misma una imagen no puede probar el genocidio, pero nos anima a pensar, a meditar, escribe la historia. La buscó en vano en los archivos, en documentos antiguos, en el campo camboyano. Para suplir esta ausencia, ha creado este largometraje que no es una imagen, ni la búsqueda de una imagen única, sino la imagen de una búsqueda: una búsqueda que sólo el cine permite llevar a cabo. El filme se presentó a competición en el Festival de Cannes de 2013 en la sección de "Un certain Regard".