Noboru Kiritachi

Noboru Kiritachi

Nacimiento : 1917-01-03, Tokyo, Japan

Muerte : 1972-03-22


Noboru Kiritachi


La emperatriz Yang Kwei-fei
Ambientado en la China del siglo VIII. Narra la historia de amor entre el emperador Hsuan Tsung, viudo desde hace algunos años, y una joven plebeya que se parece mucho a su mujer. El Emperador está afligido por la muerte de su esposa. La familia Yang quiere proporcionar al Emperador un consorte para poder consolidar su influencia sobre la corte. El General Un Lushan encuentra una pariente lejana que trabaja en su cocina y la preparan para presentarla al Emperador. El emperador se enamora de ella y se convierte en la princesa Yang Kwei-fei. Los Yang son entonces nombrados ministros importantes, aunque a Lushan no se le da la posición en la corte que él codicia. Los ministros abusan tanto de su poder que hay una revuelta popular contra todos los Yang, alimentados por Un Lushan.
The Ghost Cat of Ouma Crossing
A kabuki actress is murdered. Her pet cat laps its mistress's blood and becomes a demon possessed by the vengeful murder victim.
Terrible Ghost Cat of Okazaki
The Lord of Okazaki is killed by his brother-in-law. Although the Lord's widow bears a child, she is also killed. Then, a ghost cat begins stalking in the castle.
Merciless Blade
The first film in the 1953 trilogy based on the long novel series The Great Bodhisattva Pass.
Hyoroku's Dream Tale
Sky of Hope
What is marriage? Young couple in match-making wanted to know before they decide. They visited married couples of sisters and brothers. Love comedy in 1942.
The Poppy
1941 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Song of the White Orchid
Song of the White Orchid was a co-production of Toho and Mantetsu, the railway that served the colonial region of Manchuria, and the first film in the Kazuo Hasegawa/Shirley Yamaguchi (Ri Koran) “Continental Trilogy.” Handsome Hasegawa (representing Japan) runs up against an impertinent Yamaguchi (representing the continent); not surprisingly, in the course of the film the woman comes around and realizes the benevolent intentions of the Japanese. In Song of the White Orchid Yamaguchi leaves Hasegawa, who plays an expatriate working for the railway, because of a misunderstanding. She joins a communist guerilla group plotting to blow up the Manchurian railway. Learning of the subterfuge that led to the misunderstanding, she renews her faith in Hasegawa—and by extension Japan—and tries to undermine the plot.
Peasant Woman
An episodic film about life in and around a rural police station and the people it serves.
Humanidad y globos de papel
Un samurai sale adelante haciendo globos de papel pero un buen día su vida da un giro cuando es perseguido debido a un altercado en el que se involucra por casualidad. La película está considerada como una de las mejores de Sadao Yamanaka y una de las más plausibles del cine japonés
Fukiko Yokoda
The study of a one-year marriage that begins to crumble. A married man is torn between the love of his wife, and the attraction to a cousin of his wife.