Matthew Thurm


El amor de Sylvie
Cuando una joven conoce a un aspirante a saxofonista en la tienda de discos de su padre en el Harlem de la década de 1950, su amor enciende un romance arrollador que trasciende los tiempos cambiantes, la geografía y el éxito profesional.
In tiny Colewell, Pennsylvania, the residents gather at the post office for mail and gossip, while the days pass quiet and serene. That is until news comes that the office is to close, and beloved clerk Nora is left to fight for her job and reflect on the choices she has made that kept her in Colewell for so many years.
Dos mujeres enloquecen después de que el presunto impacto de un meteorito desencadena una serie de acontecimientos extraños en su ciudad de Troy, Nueva York.
Rover (or Beyond Human: The Venusian Future and the Return of the Next Level)
In their dilapidated church headquarters, a dispirited cult awaits the sign to off themselves. Their hapless leader, Dave, concocts a plan: to quell infighting and give them purpose in life, he fakes a prophecy instructing them to make a movie and share their story with the world. They don't know the first thing about film production, but in making the movie the cult members find a uniting purpose. Then, just as they hit their stride, Dave receives a true prophecy. It's time for them to "exit."