1950년대 할렘, 한 젊은 여성이 아버지의 음반 가게에서 큰 꿈을 품은 색소폰 주자를 만나고, 두 사람의 사랑은 변화하는 시대, 지역, 직업적 성공을 초월해 모든 것을 아우르는 로맨스로 불타오른다.
In tiny Colewell, Pennsylvania, the residents gather at the post office for mail and gossip, while the days pass quiet and serene. That is until news comes that the office is to close, and beloved clerk Nora is left to fight for her job and reflect on the choices she has made that kept her in Colewell for so many years.
Two women, each named Helen, live out their mirrored lives in the town of Troy, NY. The first Helen is in her 60s, is married, and takes care of a small, extremely lifelike baby doll, which she treats as a living baby. The second Helen is in her 30s, has a successful art career and is four months pregnant. One night, something falls from the sky and explodes over the town. In the aftermath of this event, bizarre and unexplainable things begin to happen.
In their dilapidated church headquarters, a dispirited cult awaits the sign to off themselves. Their hapless leader, Dave, concocts a plan: to quell infighting and give them purpose in life, he fakes a prophecy instructing them to make a movie and share their story with the world. They don't know the first thing about film production, but in making the movie the cult members find a uniting purpose. Then, just as they hit their stride, Dave receives a true prophecy. It's time for them to "exit."