Paulo Matozinho


O Coronel e o Lobisomem
Rio, 40 Degrees C.
Banned by Brazil’s Federal Department of Public Safety, Rio, 40 Graus is a landmark film that ushered in the wave of Cinema Novo in Brazil. The film chronicles a day in the life of five peanut vendors from Rio de Janeiro's favelas. This was one of the first Brazilian films to address the issues of race, poverty, and class.
O Saci
Two kids and a living, talkative doll attempt to catch a mulatto boy-like, supernatural one legged figure known as the Saci-Pererê, that enjoys playing pranks to the farms.
El comprador de Fazendas
Viendo su granja en ruinas, Swindler trata de venderla a la primera persona interesado, quien resulta ser un hombre que finge ser millionario y de hecho no puede pagarla.