Nathan Clarkson

Nathan Clarkson


Is an actor and writer.


Nathan Clarkson


Miracle on Highway 34
A diverse set of characters find themselves together in a old diner in a small town on Christmas eve during a snow-storm. While a young expecting couple tries to make it home on a night that's anything but silent.
Miracle on Highway 34
A diverse set of characters find themselves together in a old diner in a small town on Christmas eve during a snow-storm. While a young expecting couple tries to make it home on a night that's anything but silent.
Miracle on Highway 34
A diverse set of characters find themselves together in a old diner in a small town on Christmas eve during a snow-storm. While a young expecting couple tries to make it home on a night that's anything but silent.
Mayflower II
When Miles O'Rourke's brother shows him the hidden Mayflower II, a spaceship designed to help families escape persecution, he dismisses it as paranoia. ...however, the persecution soon becomes personal. 400 years ago the original Mayflower carried persecuted believers to the new world. In this futuristic action packed thriller the Mayflower II will take persecuted believers to another world. Highlighting the need for faithfulness and courage in the face of opposition this riveting story explores faith in both strength and weakness, and takes viewers on a journey to discover where true peace and courage come from.
Shooting Heroin
La comunidad de un pequeño pueblo se une para erradicar una epidemia de heroína de sus calles a cualquier precio.
The Unlikely Good Samaritan
The Unlikely Good Samaritan follows the paths of two men: Sam, an ex-convict and mysterious drifter looking to escape his past and find new meaning in life, and Chris, a proud, small-town pastor and new husband, attempting to impress his congregation and deal with an issue that could shatter his wholesome image. The men s paths collide in a dramatic and intriguing way, challenging the characters to reexamine what a good person really looks like.
The Unlikely Good Samaritan
The Unlikely Good Samaritan follows the paths of two men: Sam, an ex-convict and mysterious drifter looking to escape his past and find new meaning in life, and Chris, a proud, small-town pastor and new husband, attempting to impress his congregation and deal with an issue that could shatter his wholesome image. The men s paths collide in a dramatic and intriguing way, challenging the characters to reexamine what a good person really looks like.
Thy Neighbor
Zach Reynolds
A hotshot young author becomes the pastor of a small town church with big dreams of changing the world, but things change when he grows suspicious that his neighbor may be a threat to his family's safety.
El velo
Cult Member (uncredited)
Treinta años después de que los seguidores de un culto religioso destructivo se suicidasen en masa, el único sobreviviente vuelve a la escena de la tragedia con un equipo de documentalistas...
Confessions of a Prodigal Son
Confessions of a Prodigal Son is a modern-day retelling of the Prodigal Son story that Jesus famously told.
The Purge: La noche de las bestias
Freak (uncredited)
Año 2022. En una futura sociedad distópica, el régimen político vigente, llamado Nueva Fundación de los padres de América, ha decidido como medida catárquica implantar la "purga anual", una regla por la que una noche de cada año se puede cometer cualquier crimen, incluyendo asesinatos y violaciones, sin tener que hacer frente a las consecuencias ni responder ante la justicia. Así, cuando las viciadas nuevas reglas del mundo exterior amenacen su casa, los miembros de una familia verán su vida en peligro, en el transcurso de una terrorífica noche durante la cual todos se verán puestos a prueba para ver hasta dónde son capaces de llegar para protegerse.