A diverse set of characters find themselves together in a old diner in a small town on Christmas eve during a snow-storm. While a young expecting couple tries to make it home on a night that's anything but silent.
A diverse set of characters find themselves together in a old diner in a small town on Christmas eve during a snow-storm. While a young expecting couple tries to make it home on a night that's anything but silent.
A diverse set of characters find themselves together in a old diner in a small town on Christmas eve during a snow-storm. While a young expecting couple tries to make it home on a night that's anything but silent.
When Miles O'Rourke's brother shows him the hidden Mayflower II, a spaceship designed to help families escape persecution, he dismisses it as paranoia. ...however, the persecution soon becomes personal. 400 years ago the original Mayflower carried persecuted believers to the new world. In this futuristic action packed thriller the Mayflower II will take persecuted believers to another world. Highlighting the need for faithfulness and courage in the face of opposition this riveting story explores faith in both strength and weakness, and takes viewers on a journey to discover where true peace and courage come from.
A small town community comes together to eradicate the heroin epidemic from its midst by whatever means necessary.
The Unlikely Good Samaritan follows the paths of two men: Sam, an ex-convict and mysterious drifter looking to escape his past and find new meaning in life, and Chris, a proud, small-town pastor and new husband, attempting to impress his congregation and deal with an issue that could shatter his wholesome image. The men s paths collide in a dramatic and intriguing way, challenging the characters to reexamine what a good person really looks like.
The Unlikely Good Samaritan follows the paths of two men: Sam, an ex-convict and mysterious drifter looking to escape his past and find new meaning in life, and Chris, a proud, small-town pastor and new husband, attempting to impress his congregation and deal with an issue that could shatter his wholesome image. The men s paths collide in a dramatic and intriguing way, challenging the characters to reexamine what a good person really looks like.
Zach Reynolds
A hotshot young author becomes the pastor of a small town church with big dreams of changing the world, but things change when he grows suspicious that his neighbor may be a threat to his family's safety.
Cult Member (uncredited)
25년전, 헤븐스 베일에서 발생한 이교도의 집단 자살 사건에서 유일하게 생존했던 사라는 그 사건을 영화로 기록하고자 하는 매기의 요청을 결국 수락하고 매기의 일행들과 함께 헤븐스 베일에 가게 되는데...
Confessions of a Prodigal Son is a modern-day retelling of the Prodigal Son story that Jesus famously told.
Freak (uncredited)
사상 최저 실업률과 범죄율 단 1%의 미국, 완벽한 모습 뒤엔 매년 단 하루, 12시간동안 살인은 물론 어떤 범죄도 허용되는 ‘퍼지 데이’ 가 있다. 그 날은, 모든 공권력이 무력화되고 오직 폭력과 잔혹한 본능만이 난무한다. 2022년 3월 21일 퍼지 데이, 제임스(에단 호크)는 가족을 위해 최첨단 보안 시스템을 가동해 혹시 모를 위험에 대비한다. 하지만 한 순간의 방심으로 쫓기던 낯선 남자를 집으로 들이면서 끔찍한 ‘퍼지 데이’의 밤이 시작된다. 지금부터 12시간, 제임스 가족은 ‘퍼지 데이’에 살아남을 수 있을 것인가…