Guillaume Vincent


A tiempo completo
Alex (voice)
Julie hace un esfuerzo titánico para criar a sus dos hijos en las afueras de París y conservar al mismo tiempo su empleo en un hotel de lujo en el centro. Justo cuando consigue una entrevista para el trabajo que llevaba tiempo deseando, estalla una huelga general que paraliza todo el transporte público y pone en riesgo el delicado equilibrio que Julie había construido. Comienza entonces una carrera enloquecida contra el tiempo en la que Julie no puede permitirse flaquear.
Cachalots, une Histoire de Famille
Big Data, Big Brother
Delegated Producer
The story of the cross destiny of George Orwell (1903-50) and Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the genius authors of the two most groundbreaking novels of anticipation of the 20th century: 1984 and Brave New World; two lucid witnesses of the maledictions of the modern world whose novels have found a considerable echo with our time.
System K
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017. In the urban jungle of Kinshasa, amid social and political chaos, an eclectic and bubbling street art scene is emerging.
The Wolf: Marine Mammal
The wolf of British Columbia is on a quest to master water, fishing and swimming. According to several specialists, the wolf is at the first stage of a process that could turn it into a marine mammal. How will its evolution unfold?
The Wolf: Marine Mammal
The wolf of British Columbia is on a quest to master water, fishing and swimming. According to several specialists, the wolf is at the first stage of a process that could turn it into a marine mammal. How will its evolution unfold?
Land of the Bears
Set in the wilderness of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the land of legends and the kingdom of wild brown bears, we follow the daily adventures of five wild brown bears.
Land of the Bears
Set in the wilderness of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the land of legends and the kingdom of wild brown bears, we follow the daily adventures of five wild brown bears.