Wallace Chapman


Si uno descubriera que la casa donde vive está encantada, su primer impulso sería mudarse. Pero, ¿qué ocurre si la ley te impide abandonar el hogar? Eso es lo que le sucede a Kylie, una delincuente temperamental que cumple su sentencia en arresto domiciliario, compartiendo penurias, escalofríos y risas con su madre y con un espíritu de lo más molesto.
Offensive Behaviour
Original Music Composer
Quentin is a destitute filmmaker who resorts to making home-made pornos to achieve his celluloid dreams. Nigel is a sweet and sensitive hairdresser, reluctantly lured by his hit-woman Mother to join her on one last lucrative job. Can Quentin convince his recently unemployed girlfriend, Debbie, to co-star in his upcoming pornographic masterpiece with his best buddy, Clarke? Can Nigel complete the job with his sanity intact or will he finally snap - becoming the psychopath his Mother always dreamed he'd be?