Wallace Chapman


Kylie é forçada a voltar à casa onde cresceu por um mandado de prisão domiciliar. Com isso ela terá que conviver com sua mãe, Miriam, que acha que a casa é mal-assombrada. Kylie começa a ouvir sons pela noite e questiona se herdou a imaginação da mãe ou se a casa é mesmo possuída por um espírito.
Offensive Behaviour
Original Music Composer
Quentin is a destitute filmmaker who resorts to making home-made pornos to achieve his celluloid dreams. Nigel is a sweet and sensitive hairdresser, reluctantly lured by his hit-woman Mother to join her on one last lucrative job. Can Quentin convince his recently unemployed girlfriend, Debbie, to co-star in his upcoming pornographic masterpiece with his best buddy, Clarke? Can Nigel complete the job with his sanity intact or will he finally snap - becoming the psychopath his Mother always dreamed he'd be?