Chantal Akerman

Chantal Akerman

Nacimiento : 1950-06-06, Brussels, Belgium

Muerte : 2015-10-05


Directora y guionista de cine belga, nacida en Bruselas. Fascinada por la revolución estética que a finales de la década de los sesenta supuso el movimiento de la Nouvelle Vague, ingresó con apenas diecisiete años en la parisina Universidad Internacional de Teatro, que abandonará pocos meses después en la consideración de que el estudio de la técnica cinematográfica supone crear falsas barreras expresivas y reduce la libertad creativa. Tras dirigir varios cortometrajes en precarias condiciones de producción se trasladó a Nueva York, donde entabló contacto con prestigiosos cineastas de vanguardia como Stan Brakhage o Michael Snow, cuya obra influirá en su posterior trayectoria cinematográfica. Esta breve, aunque fructífera etapa neoyorquina, se saldó con la realización, entre otros films, de Hotel Monterrey (1972), singular intento de recrear la atmósfera de un hotel a través de largos planos que concluyen en densos fundidos a negro y donde se preludia un minimalismo narrativo característico de toda la filmografía de esta creadora. Su particular noción de realismo se expresa en la mezcla de sonidos del ambiente que rodea a los actores con diálogos concisos que no necesariamente se inscriben dentro de una narración convencional. De vuelta a Bélgica logró un gran éxito crítico con Los viajes de Ana (1978), relato semiautobiográfico en el que una joven cineasta viaja a través de Alemania para presentar su último filme y que, tras unas aparentemente banales experiencias, acaba regresando a casa. A este film le siguieron otros donde dejó patente el deseo de que el espectador sienta el paso lento del tiempo y contemple de manera reflexiva historias desdramatizadas, tendencia que alcanzan su punto culminante en Moving in (1993), monólogo de un hombre que acaba de mudarse de apartamento. Sólo Romance en Nueva York (1996) romperá esos incisivos retratos de individuos sin especiales problemas cotidianos, al abordar el choque cultural que se produce entre una bailarina parisina y un psicólogo estadounidense, personajes interpretados por estrellas de la magnitud de Juliette Binoche y William Hurt. Con esta historia Chantal Akerman intentó entrar sin demasiada fortuna en la dinámica comercial de las redes mundiales de distribución. Tras un breve paréntesis creativo en 2000 regresó a la primera línea con el largometraje de ficción La cautiva, que adaptaba un fragmento de la monumental novela de Marcel Proust, En busca del tiempo perdido.


Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman


Chantal Akerman: Her First Look Behind the Camera
Filmed as part of Akerman’s film school entrance exam, these raw and playful 8mm miniatures capture life at a Brussels fairground and the courtyard of a hotel, alongside an oblique, two-part fiction set in the seaside shops of Knokke.
Going through my mini DVs shot over the past decade, I rediscovered a forgotten night sequence of Chantal Akerman and Sonia Wieder-Atherton leaving a brasserie where we had dined together in Montparnasse. The excerpt stayed with me for a while. This prompted me to focus on Chantal’s sound work in her films and her very close collaboration with cellist, Sonia Wieder-Atherton with whom she made more than 20 films. And, since New York, Paris and Moscow were places the three of us had in common, I intertwined some of my images with hers.
Delphine y Carole
Self (archive footage)
En los años 70, la actriz Delphine Seyrig y la directora Carole Roussopoulos, ambas feministas militantes, fueron las pioneras del videoactivismo en Francia. Documentaron las manifestaciones de las feministas francesas y utilizaron las nuevas tecnologías para contrarrestar la escasa representación de las mujeres en los medios públicos.
The Art of Time
Explores some of the most innovative attempts by contemporary artists, filmmakers, architects etc to explore multiple Temporalities and to counter the uniform sense of time promoted by our technology-driven society.
Jake (Anton Yelchin) y Mati (Lucie Lucas) son dos extraños en la ciudad portuguesa de Porto que una vez tuvieron una breve conexión. El misterio en torno a los momentos que compartieron permanece, y en la búsqueda a través de sus recuerdos, reviven las profundidades de una noche sin inhibiciones.
I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman
I Don’t Belong Anywhere - Le Cinéma de Chantal Akerman, explores some of the Belgian filmmaker’s 40 plus films. From Brussels to Tel-Aviv, from Paris to New-York, this documentary charts the sites of her peregrinations. An experimental filmmaker, a nomad, Chantal Akerman shares her cinematic trajectory, one that has never ceased to interrogate the the meaning of her existence. Thanks in great part to the interventions of her editor, Claire Atherton, she delineates the origins of her film language and her aesthetic stance.
But Elsewhere Is Always Better
A new short film by Vivian Ostrovsky remembering Chantal Akerman, beginning with their first meeting in the early 1970s. Using her own footage of Chantal Akerman, the filmmaker remembers a few moments that illustrate Chantal's personality. Forty years of friendship condensed into four minutes...
No Home Movie
Documentary about humans dealing with changing technology, the basic concepts of communication, cinema, and Akerman's mother, seen in her Brussels apartment.
No Home Movie
Documentary about humans dealing with changing technology, the basic concepts of communication, cinema, and Akerman's mother, seen in her Brussels apartment.
No Home Movie
Director of Photography
Documentary about humans dealing with changing technology, the basic concepts of communication, cinema, and Akerman's mother, seen in her Brussels apartment.
No Home Movie
Documentary about humans dealing with changing technology, the basic concepts of communication, cinema, and Akerman's mother, seen in her Brussels apartment.
No Home Movie
Documentary about humans dealing with changing technology, the basic concepts of communication, cinema, and Akerman's mother, seen in her Brussels apartment.
No Home Movie
Documentary about humans dealing with changing technology, the basic concepts of communication, cinema, and Akerman's mother, seen in her Brussels apartment.
What Lies Beneath the Sky
What Lies Beneath the Sky is a portrait of New York City hit by hurricane Sandy shot in Super 8.
Chantal Akerman
Interview with the Belgian director discussing her films from the 1970s and her mother’s influence on her work.
What Is Cinema?
Using the words and ideas of great filmmakers, from archival interviews with Alfred Hitchcock and Robert Bresson to new interviews with Mike Leigh, David Lynch, and Jonas Mekas, Oscar-winning filmmaker Chuck Workman shows what these filmmakers and others do that can't be expressed in words - but only in cinema.
My Mother Laughs Prelude
“My mother laughs prelude” is a performance from the book that Chantal made about her mother. In 2013, Akerman’s mother was dying. She flew back from New York to Brussels to care for her, and between dressing her, feeding her and putting her to bed, she wrote. She wrote about her childhood, the escape her mother made from Auschwitz but didn’t talk about, the difficulty of loving her girlfriend, C., her fear of what she would do when her mother did die. Among these imperfectly perfect fragments of writing about her life, she placed stills from her films. "My Mother Laughs" is both the distillation of the themes Akerman pursued throughout her creative life, and a version of the simplest and most complicated love story of all: that between a mother and a daughter.
My Mother Laughs Prelude
“My mother laughs prelude” is a performance from the book that Chantal made about her mother. In 2013, Akerman’s mother was dying. She flew back from New York to Brussels to care for her, and between dressing her, feeding her and putting her to bed, she wrote. She wrote about her childhood, the escape her mother made from Auschwitz but didn’t talk about, the difficulty of loving her girlfriend, C., her fear of what she would do when her mother did die. Among these imperfectly perfect fragments of writing about her life, she placed stills from her films. "My Mother Laughs" is both the distillation of the themes Akerman pursued throughout her creative life, and a version of the simplest and most complicated love story of all: that between a mother and a daughter.
Almayer's Folly
Adaptación de la novela homónima "La locura de Almayer" de Joseph Conrad. Cuenta la historia de la ruina moral de Almayer, un joven holandés que va a Malasia en busca de un tesoro. Contratado por el rey de los piratas, se casa con su hija, pero a pesar de su buena suerte no renuncia a su objetivo, que se transforma rápidamente en una quimera destructiva.
Almayer's Folly
Adaptación de la novela homónima "La locura de Almayer" de Joseph Conrad. Cuenta la historia de la ruina moral de Almayer, un joven holandés que va a Malasia en busca de un tesoro. Contratado por el rey de los piratas, se casa con su hija, pero a pesar de su buena suerte no renuncia a su objetivo, que se transforma rápidamente en una quimera destructiva.
Almayer's Folly
Adaptación de la novela homónima "La locura de Almayer" de Joseph Conrad. Cuenta la historia de la ruina moral de Almayer, un joven holandés que va a Malasia en busca de un tesoro. Contratado por el rey de los piratas, se casa con su hija, pero a pesar de su buena suerte no renuncia a su objetivo, que se transforma rápidamente en una quimera destructiva.
El cineasta José Luis Guerin muestra las experiencias vividas durante un año como invitado de diversos festivales de cine, en los que presentó sus trabajos. Sus andanzas por ciudades desconocidas le permiteron retratar personajes y momentos fugaces que dejaron en su cámara una huella similar a la de los dibujos improvisados con un par de trazos. El resultado es un retrato de las gentes que conoció, al apartarse de las rutas habituales de las principales ciudades del mundo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Chantal Akerman, From Here
Invented by the post-New Wave, the exercise is well-known: put a filmmaker in the frame, make him talk about his career, evoke his admirations, rummage in his methods, and add words to silences, spoken images to seen images. It’s always very instructive. As is the case here too. Chantal Akerman, passing through South America, talks about herself for an hour, and it’s fascinating. Even if her recalling of the relationship between the cinema and time makes up only a few rare minutes.
Sodankylä Forever
The Midnight Sun Film Festival is held every June in the Finnish village of Sodankylä beyond the arctic circle — where the sun never sets. Founded by Aki and Mika Kaurismäki along with Anssi Mänttäri and Peter von Bagh in 1985, the festival has played host to an international who’s who of directors and each day begins with a two-hour discussion. To mark the festival’s silver anniversary, festival director Peter von Bagh edited together highlights from these dialogues to create an epic four-part choral history of cinema drawn from the anecdotes, insights, and wisdom of his all-star cast: Coppola, Fuller, Forman, Chabrol, Corman, Demy, Kieslowski, Kiarostami, Varda, Oliveira, Erice, Rouch, Gilliam, Jancso — and 64 more. Ranging across innumerable topics (war, censorship, movie stars, formative influences, America, neorealism) these voices, many now passed away, engage in a personal dialogue across the years that’s by turns charming, profound, hilarious and moving.
On bosse ici! On vit ici! On reste ici!
Call for the regularization by the French government of all undocumented workers living in the country, a short film co-directed by 320 filmmakers and directors, producers, distributors and cinema owners.
À l'est avec Sonia Wieder-Atherton
Presented in 2 parts, this 83 minute piece documents Wieder-Atherton's idea to do a set of pieces from across central and eastern Europe, including Russia. Some weren't originally written for cello, but she had them transcribed. Some were songs for voices, which goes with Wieder-Atherton saying in an earlier film she made with Chantal Akerman that she aspires to play the cello in a way that it carries the specificity of emotion of the human voice. She explains at the beginning of both parts how she feels each country in the region has it's own personality expressed in its music, coming from its individual history and culture, but that each land in the area is also 'impregnated' as she puts it, by the others, so there are certain elements that run throughout.
Maniac Summer
Maniac Summer consists of images and sounds recorded in Paris in the summer of 2009. It is a sprawling triptych without a beginning or end and with no specific subject or topic. The camera is positioned in front of a window and left running. It observes movements, registers noises coming from the street or nearby park, captures Chantal Akerman going about her business in her apartment: smoking, working, talking on the telephone. Fragments from the artist’s everyday life are featured in the installation’s central video, while the adjoining panels are more symbolically charged; in them, various images from the former have been isolated, modified and repeated. These abstract afterimages act as a kind of memory, looking back to the images in the installation’s centrepiece as so many shadows of its reality.
Maniac Summer
Maniac Summer consists of images and sounds recorded in Paris in the summer of 2009. It is a sprawling triptych without a beginning or end and with no specific subject or topic. The camera is positioned in front of a window and left running. It observes movements, registers noises coming from the street or nearby park, captures Chantal Akerman going about her business in her apartment: smoking, working, talking on the telephone. Fragments from the artist’s everyday life are featured in the installation’s central video, while the adjoining panels are more symbolically charged; in them, various images from the former have been isolated, modified and repeated. These abstract afterimages act as a kind of memory, looking back to the images in the installation’s centrepiece as so many shadows of its reality.
Maniac Summer
Maniac Summer consists of images and sounds recorded in Paris in the summer of 2009. It is a sprawling triptych without a beginning or end and with no specific subject or topic. The camera is positioned in front of a window and left running. It observes movements, registers noises coming from the street or nearby park, captures Chantal Akerman going about her business in her apartment: smoking, working, talking on the telephone. Fragments from the artist’s everyday life are featured in the installation’s central video, while the adjoining panels are more symbolically charged; in them, various images from the former have been isolated, modified and repeated. These abstract afterimages act as a kind of memory, looking back to the images in the installation’s centrepiece as so many shadows of its reality.
Maniac Summer
Maniac Summer consists of images and sounds recorded in Paris in the summer of 2009. It is a sprawling triptych without a beginning or end and with no specific subject or topic. The camera is positioned in front of a window and left running. It observes movements, registers noises coming from the street or nearby park, captures Chantal Akerman going about her business in her apartment: smoking, working, talking on the telephone. Fragments from the artist’s everyday life are featured in the installation’s central video, while the adjoining panels are more symbolically charged; in them, various images from the former have been isolated, modified and repeated. These abstract afterimages act as a kind of memory, looking back to the images in the installation’s centrepiece as so many shadows of its reality.
Femmes d'Anvers en Novembre
Femmes d’Anvers en novembre is a dual projection piece rich in atmosphere and charm, filled with references to early French and American film noir – a deliberate homage, shot in close-up and medium close-up, to the smoking woman. The focus on the everyday activities of women (the core trope of Akerman’s masterpiece Jeanne Dielman) is a recurring theme in much of her work; Femmes d'Anvers signals a return to this motif. In it, Akerman tackles the thorny question of a person’s fundamental freedom to choose what to do with his or her body.
In the Mirror
A young woman stands in front of a mirror and submits herself to self-scrutiny, naming body parts, evaluating body parts and making some critical assessment of herself. There is repetition and circularity in the naming and wording.
The State of the World
An omnibus project examining, well, the state of the world.
Nightfall in Shanghai
Tombée de nuit sur Shanghaï is Akerman’s contribution to the collective film L’état du monde (2007). Consists of little more than long-held vid shots of Shanghai skyscrapers and a floating boat, bearing giant video displays of consumer products and familiar images such as Da Vinci’s « La Giaconda.
Entretien avec ma mère, Natalia Akerman
Chantal Akerman entrevista a su madre, Natalia Akerman.
Entretien avec ma mère, Natalia Akerman
Chantal Akerman entrevista a su madre, Natalia Akerman.
Entretien avec Aurore Clément
Chantal Akerman entrevista a la actriz Aurore Clément.
Entretien avec Aurore Clément
Chantal Akerman entrevista a la actriz Aurore Clément.
Self (voice)
Akerman spends a brief period on her own in an apartment by the sea in Tel Aviv. She films from the apartment and in her narration she talks about her family, her Jewish identity and her childhood. She wonders whether normal everyday life is possible in this place and whether filming is a realistic option.
Akerman spends a brief period on her own in an apartment by the sea in Tel Aviv. She films from the apartment and in her narration she talks about her family, her Jewish identity and her childhood. She wonders whether normal everyday life is possible in this place and whether filming is a realistic option.
Akerman spends a brief period on her own in an apartment by the sea in Tel Aviv. She films from the apartment and in her narration she talks about her family, her Jewish identity and her childhood. She wonders whether normal everyday life is possible in this place and whether filming is a realistic option.
Akerman spends a brief period on her own in an apartment by the sea in Tel Aviv. She films from the apartment and in her narration she talks about her family, her Jewish identity and her childhood. She wonders whether normal everyday life is possible in this place and whether filming is a realistic option.
Tomorrow We Move
Tras enviudar, una mujer se va a vivir con su hija; ésta intenta sin éxito escribir un libro erótico, a pesar de los consejos que le da su madre que, a diferencia de ella, conoce a fondo el asunto. Como el piso les resulta pequeño deciden venderlo y mudarse a otro más grande. Mientras se dedican a visitar pisos, la vida de ambas da un vuelco.
Tomorrow We Move
Tras enviudar, una mujer se va a vivir con su hija; ésta intenta sin éxito escribir un libro erótico, a pesar de los consejos que le da su madre que, a diferencia de ella, conoce a fondo el asunto. Como el piso les resulta pequeño deciden venderlo y mudarse a otro más grande. Mientras se dedican a visitar pisos, la vida de ambas da un vuelco.
Entretien avec Babette Mangolte
Chantal Akerman entrevista a la directora de fotografía Babette Mangolte.
Entretien avec Babette Mangolte
Chantal Akerman entrevista a la directora de fotografía Babette Mangolte.
With Sonia Wieder-Atherton
The short documentary starts with Wieder-Atherton telling the story of how she came to fall in love; first with music in general, and then with the cello, and goes on tell how she found her specific style, using the music to try and almost form words of communication. It's a delightful and enlightening interview. This is followed by Wieder-Atherton playing 6 short pieces of quite different styles, from the heartbreaking melodies of Schubert and Brahms to Berio's more edgy modern sounds.
From the Other Side
Director of Photography
A documentary look at the fate of Mexicans who cross the border into the United States.
From the Other Side
A documentary look at the fate of Mexicans who cross the border into the United States.
From the Other Side
A documentary look at the fate of Mexicans who cross the border into the United States.
Woman Sitting After Killing
Made out of the last sequence of the film Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975). Seven monitors (in sync) video installation, color, sound
. The monitors are placed on pedestals and displayed in a circle
La cautiva
Simon (Stanislas Merhar) retiene a Ariane (Sylvie Testud) en su piso parisino e intenta saberlo todo sobre ella; no la deja salir sola y la somete a un incesante interrogatorio para poder controlar sus deseos y movimientos. A pesar de todo, Ariane consigue conservar, gracias a un cúmulo de mentiras, un espacio de libertad, tanto físico como mental. Se inspira en la obra de Marcel Proust "La Prisonnière", quinto tomo de su gran obra "A la recherche du temps perdu" ("En busca del tiempo perdido").
La cautiva
Simon (Stanislas Merhar) retiene a Ariane (Sylvie Testud) en su piso parisino e intenta saberlo todo sobre ella; no la deja salir sola y la somete a un incesante interrogatorio para poder controlar sus deseos y movimientos. A pesar de todo, Ariane consigue conservar, gracias a un cúmulo de mentiras, un espacio de libertad, tanto físico como mental. Se inspira en la obra de Marcel Proust "La Prisonnière", quinto tomo de su gran obra "A la recherche du temps perdu" ("En busca del tiempo perdido").
Chantal Akerman viajó a la Sudamericana hacer una película sobre la vida en la tierra que informó e influyó William Faulkner y James Baldwin, pero poco después de su llegada, una historia impactante comenzó a dominar los titulares. El foco de la película de Akerman cambió dramáticamente, y ahora “Sur” explora las reacciones de la gente de Jasper sobre este crimen atroz.
Chantal Akerman viajó a la Sudamericana hacer una película sobre la vida en la tierra que informó e influyó William Faulkner y James Baldwin, pero poco después de su llegada, una historia impactante comenzó a dominar los titulares. El foco de la película de Akerman cambió dramáticamente, y ahora “Sur” explora las reacciones de la gente de Jasper sobre este crimen atroz.
Birth of a Nation
Filmmaker Jonas Mekas films 160 underground film people over four decades.
Chantal Akerman by Chantal Akerman
Janine Bazin and André Labarthe approached Chantal Akerman about making a film for the series; eagerly, Akerman proposed a number of filmmakers—but all had already been done. So she suggested…“How about me?” Akerman creates a fascinating self-portrait that takes us through her career, aided by critics Emmanuel Burdeau and Jean Narboni and filmmaker Luc Moullet.
Chantal Akerman by Chantal Akerman
Janine Bazin and André Labarthe approached Chantal Akerman about making a film for the series; eagerly, Akerman proposed a number of filmmakers—but all had already been done. So she suggested…“How about me?” Akerman creates a fascinating self-portrait that takes us through her career, aided by critics Emmanuel Burdeau and Jean Narboni and filmmaker Luc Moullet.
The Day When...
Chantal Akerman reads a script detailing the woes that befell her on the day she thought about "The Future of Cinema". The camera continuously rotates 360 degrees around her apartment as she rereads the script at an exponentially increasing speed. At its heart, an homage to Godard.
The Day When...
Chantal Akerman reads a script detailing the woes that befell her on the day she thought about "The Future of Cinema". The camera continuously rotates 360 degrees around her apartment as she rereads the script at an exponentially increasing speed. At its heart, an homage to Godard.
The Day When...
Chantal Akerman reads a script detailing the woes that befell her on the day she thought about "The Future of Cinema". The camera continuously rotates 360 degrees around her apartment as she rereads the script at an exponentially increasing speed. At its heart, an homage to Godard.
Romance en Nueva York
Un psicólogo norteamericano que está al borde de un ataque de nervios y una bailarina francesa intercambian sus apartamentos de Nueva York y París. No se conocen, pero la personalísma decoración de sus casas van despertando la curiosidad del uno por el otro.
Romance en Nueva York
Un psicólogo norteamericano que está al borde de un ataque de nervios y una bailarina francesa intercambian sus apartamentos de Nueva York y París. No se conocen, pero la personalísma decoración de sus casas van despertando la curiosidad del uno por el otro.
Romance en Nueva York
Un psicólogo norteamericano que está al borde de un ataque de nervios y una bailarina francesa intercambian sus apartamentos de Nueva York y París. No se conocen, pero la personalísma decoración de sus casas van despertando la curiosidad del uno por el otro.
Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the 60s in Brussels
The main character, Michele, spends the hour discussing her views of life with some old and new friends, and tries to understand her own feelings about her place in the world and her sexuality, while a camera follows along at close range.
Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the 60s in Brussels
The main character, Michele, spends the hour discussing her views of life with some old and new friends, and tries to understand her own feelings about her place in the world and her sexuality, while a camera follows along at close range.
From the East
Chantal Akerman has toured Eastern Europe through Russia, Poland, Ukraine filming everything that moved her : faces, streets, cars, buses, stations, landscapes, interiors, queues, doors, windows, meals. Women and men, young and old passing or stopping, seated or standing. Days and nights, rain, snow and wind, winter and spring.
From the East
Chantal Akerman has toured Eastern Europe through Russia, Poland, Ukraine filming everything that moved her : faces, streets, cars, buses, stations, landscapes, interiors, queues, doors, windows, meals. Women and men, young and old passing or stopping, seated or standing. Days and nights, rain, snow and wind, winter and spring.
Le Déménagement
"A man stands amid unpacked boxes in his new home, delivering an extended monologue on indecision and dislocation. This rarely seen, overlooked gem created by Akerman for television explores the quotidian crises and profound feelings of alienation that run through her work." - BAM
Le Déménagement
"A man stands amid unpacked boxes in his new home, delivering an extended monologue on indecision and dislocation. This rarely seen, overlooked gem created by Akerman for television explores the quotidian crises and profound feelings of alienation that run through her work." - BAM
Against Oblivion
En 1991, la ONG Amnistía Internacional encargó 30 cortometrajes a 30 realizadores franceses, para montar un film colectivo que denunciara casos concretos de violación de los derechos humanos por razones políticas.
Noche y día, de Chantal Akerman
Jack y Julie, dos jóvenes de provincias, viven una bonita historia de amor en un pequeño apartamento de París. Como Jack trabaja como taxista por la noche, comparten el día juntos haciendo el amor. Su idílica relación se ve enturbiada cuando Julie conoce a Joseph, el que conduce el taxi de Jack durante el día, y empieza a encontrarse con él por las noches.
Noche y día, de Chantal Akerman
Jack y Julie, dos jóvenes de provincias, viven una bonita historia de amor en un pequeño apartamento de París. Como Jack trabaja como taxista por la noche, comparten el día juntos haciendo el amor. Su idílica relación se ve enturbiada cuando Julie conoce a Joseph, el que conduce el taxi de Jack durante el día, y empieza a encontrarse con él por las noches.
Pour Febe Elisabeth Velasquez, El Salvador
Commissioned by Amnesty International for its TV program Ecrire contre l’oubli (Write Against Oblivion), Akerman’s contribution in the form of a poem is dedicated to Febe Elisabeth Velasquez, an El Salvadorian trade unionist and mother of three, murdered by the US-backed junta. Deneuve emerges from the calm of a Parisian night to deliver a heartfelt plea for remembrance of Febe Elisabeth’s too short life. Sonia Wieder-Atherton’s cello weeps appropriately.
American Stories
Belgian director Chantal Akerman avoids her usual "real time" technique in Histoires d'Amérique. The anecdotal nature of the subject matter compels Akerman to fragment her narrative, rather than offer it in one, uninterrupted continuum. Still, another Akerman trademark -- permitting the "drama" to emanate from the actors rather than the situations -- is very much in evidence. This informal history of Jewish life over the past 100 years is related in a series of eyewitness accounts, re-created by a group of largely unknown actors. Also known as American Stories, the Belgian/French Histoires d'Amérique began building an audience when it was shown at the Berlin Film Festival.
One Day Pina Asked...
Self (uncredited)
Chantal Akerman followed famous Choreographer Pina Bausch and her company of dancers, The Tanzteater Wuppertal, for five weeks while they were on tour in Germany, Italy and France. Her objective was to capture Pina Bausch's unparalleled art not only on stage by behind the scenes.
One Day Pina Asked...
Chantal Akerman followed famous Choreographer Pina Bausch and her company of dancers, The Tanzteater Wuppertal, for five weeks while they were on tour in Germany, Italy and France. Her objective was to capture Pina Bausch's unparalleled art not only on stage by behind the scenes.
Franz Schubert's Last Three Piano Sonatas
Alfred Brendel, one of the greatest of all pianists, plays and reflects on Franz Schubert’s last three piano sonatas. As he points out, Schubert can’t have known that he was soon to die, so they probably do not embody the air of resignation and finality future generations have sentimentally insisted they bear. They were however long neglected, all but forgotten, and only in more recent times have they come to be treasured and performed. The repose and wisdom of the maestro, together with the patient observation of one who is no stranger to the idea of the irrevocably lost, of the erasures of history, and of the value of fragile objects passed carefully from generation to generation, is a joy.
Les Ministères de l'art
Philippe Garrel’s documentary on France’s second wave of masterful filmmakers. Featuring Jean Eustache, Chantal Akerman, André Téchiné, Leos Carax, Jacques Doillon and Benoit Jacquot.
Three Stanzas on the Name of Sacher
Far from Standardised visual recording, Akerman and her accomplice, the cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton allows us to discover a fine moment of contemporary music.
Golden Eighties
Three young women at a hair salon all like the son of the clothing store proprietors across the mall. Although Robby is selfish and shallow, he's appealing to Lili, the salon's manager, who's trendy and also the salon-owner's moll; to Mado, who's innocent and sweet; and to Pascale, who's intelligent but passive and downcast. Robby's dad tells him to grow up and see beyond the mercurial Lili, so he proposes suddenly to Mado. She's delighted, but the day before the wedding, Lili returns to give Robby another look. In the background, a Yank who was a soldier in France in World War II returns to Paris and tries to recapture the love of his wartime sweetheart, Robby's mom.
Golden Eighties
Three young women at a hair salon all like the son of the clothing store proprietors across the mall. Although Robby is selfish and shallow, he's appealing to Lili, the salon's manager, who's trendy and also the salon-owner's moll; to Mado, who's innocent and sweet; and to Pascale, who's intelligent but passive and downcast. Robby's dad tells him to grow up and see beyond the mercurial Lili, so he proposes suddenly to Mado. She's delighted, but the day before the wedding, Lili returns to give Robby another look. In the background, a Yank who was a soldier in France in World War II returns to Paris and tries to recapture the love of his wartime sweetheart, Robby's mom.
Seven Women, Seven Sins
Woman (segment Portrait d'une Paresseuse)
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Seven Women, Seven Sins
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Portrait of a Lazy Woman
Akerman's contribution to the anthology film Seven Women, Seven Sins (which also features shorts by the formidable Helke Sander, Bette Gordon, and Valie Export) is an amusing portrait of the director trying to overcome her own laziness (i.e., to get out of her bed by noon) in order to make her film about sloth, all while her partner Sonia Wieder-Atherton is hard at work. (The scenario produces Akerman's oft-quoted line, "In order to make cinema, one must get out of bed.")
Portrait of a Lazy Woman
Akerman's contribution to the anthology film Seven Women, Seven Sins (which also features shorts by the formidable Helke Sander, Bette Gordon, and Valie Export) is an amusing portrait of the director trying to overcome her own laziness (i.e., to get out of her bed by noon) in order to make her film about sloth, all while her partner Sonia Wieder-Atherton is hard at work. (The scenario produces Akerman's oft-quoted line, "In order to make cinema, one must get out of bed.")
Portrait of a Lazy Woman
Akerman's contribution to the anthology film Seven Women, Seven Sins (which also features shorts by the formidable Helke Sander, Bette Gordon, and Valie Export) is an amusing portrait of the director trying to overcome her own laziness (i.e., to get out of her bed by noon) in order to make her film about sloth, all while her partner Sonia Wieder-Atherton is hard at work. (The scenario produces Akerman's oft-quoted line, "In order to make cinema, one must get out of bed.")
Seven Women, Seven Sins
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Rue Mallet-Stevens
Commissioned for the centenary of the famous French architect and designer Robert Mallet-Stevens and shot on the street that bears his name in Paris' 16th arrondissement, Rue Mallet-Stevens depicts a mysterious, nocturnal scene of romance (featuring Akerman and her partner, the cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton) unfolding before and inside one of the street's modernist constructions.
Rue Mallet-Stevens
Commissioned for the centenary of the famous French architect and designer Robert Mallet-Stevens and shot on the street that bears his name in Paris' 16th arrondissement, Rue Mallet-Stevens depicts a mysterious, nocturnal scene of romance (featuring Akerman and her partner, the cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton) unfolding before and inside one of the street's modernist constructions.
Rue Mallet-Stevens
Commissioned for the centenary of the famous French architect and designer Robert Mallet-Stevens and shot on the street that bears his name in Paris' 16th arrondissement, Rue Mallet-Stevens depicts a mysterious, nocturnal scene of romance (featuring Akerman and her partner, the cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton) unfolding before and inside one of the street's modernist constructions.
Letters Home
A filmed adaptation of Rose Leiman Goldemberg’s play, based on Sylvia Plath’s intense correspondence with her mother Aurelia, from the time the poet was in university until her suicide. Delphine Seyrig and her niece Coralie Seyrig recite Sylvia and Aurelia’s letters to the audience directly.
The Hammer
The hammer is the tool a sculptor uses to chip away at the block. It is the emblematic tool of French artist Jean-Luc Vilmouth. Akerman here instigates a game of musical chairs. The winner is then permitted to hurl the hammer out into the starry night.
She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps
A young film director is turning a movie with his friend Christa. In the film-within-the-film there are two couples, one real, one imagined , and the film - told through five dreams - is as much the story of a film on-production, as the birth of a child.
Family Business
Chantal Akerman was commissioned by Visions to make this short film for £20,000. It was first shown on 21 November 1984, on Channel 4. Akerman herself plays the role of a director visiting Hollywood to find financing from an uncle she hardly knows. Very little goes to plan… Also stars Aurore Clement and Colleen Camp.
Family Business
Chantal Akerman was commissioned by Visions to make this short film for £20,000. It was first shown on 21 November 1984, on Channel 4. Akerman herself plays the role of a director visiting Hollywood to find financing from an uncle she hardly knows. Very little goes to plan… Also stars Aurore Clement and Colleen Camp.
Family Business
Chantal Akerman was commissioned by Visions to make this short film for £20,000. It was first shown on 21 November 1984, on Channel 4. Akerman herself plays the role of a director visiting Hollywood to find financing from an uncle she hardly knows. Very little goes to plan… Also stars Aurore Clement and Colleen Camp.
Letter from a Filmmmaker: Chantal Akerman
A filmmaker’s self-portrait, asking hard questions of herself and of us. Invoking Aurore Clément as a kind of stand-in or proxy, a glamorous counterpart to Akerman who sports a drawn-on moustache. What is cinema for? Who is it for? If the Mosaic prohibition on making graven images includes film images, then where does that leave a Jewish filmmaker?
Letter from a Filmmmaker: Chantal Akerman
A filmmaker’s self-portrait, asking hard questions of herself and of us. Invoking Aurore Clément as a kind of stand-in or proxy, a glamorous counterpart to Akerman who sports a drawn-on moustache. What is cinema for? Who is it for? If the Mosaic prohibition on making graven images includes film images, then where does that leave a Jewish filmmaker?
I'm Hungry, I'm Cold
Two teenage girls from Belgium run away to Paris and have to learn how to survive.
I'm Hungry, I'm Cold
Two teenage girls from Belgium run away to Paris and have to learn how to survive.
De droomproducenten
Documentary exploring why Belgian television doesn't invest more money in Belgian cinema as is the case in e.g. the netherlands.
Paris Vu Par... 20 Years After
Film comprised of six vignettes each illustrating one aspect of life in the French capital, each set in a different area of the city.
The Man with the Suitcase
A sensitivity to sounds coming from the activities of an unwelcome guest in the close quarters of an apartment is only one important component in this atmospheric, avant-garde drollery by Chantal Akerman. When the apartment owner comes home, her guest is settled in and at first, the slightly reclusive host decides simply to eat her breakfast in her room instead of having to face morning conversation with her guest. Sounds of the toilet flushing, the bath water running and splashing, footsteps pacing, and furniture moving invade the hostess' refuge in her bedroom like the frontrunners of an all-out offensive. She locks herself up for 28 days, life's detritus accumulating around her, just so she does not have to go out to face the nemesis that lurks beyond her door.
The Man with the Suitcase
A sensitivity to sounds coming from the activities of an unwelcome guest in the close quarters of an apartment is only one important component in this atmospheric, avant-garde drollery by Chantal Akerman. When the apartment owner comes home, her guest is settled in and at first, the slightly reclusive host decides simply to eat her breakfast in her room instead of having to face morning conversation with her guest. Sounds of the toilet flushing, the bath water running and splashing, footsteps pacing, and furniture moving invade the hostess' refuge in her bedroom like the frontrunners of an all-out offensive. She locks herself up for 28 days, life's detritus accumulating around her, just so she does not have to go out to face the nemesis that lurks beyond her door.
The Man with the Suitcase
A sensitivity to sounds coming from the activities of an unwelcome guest in the close quarters of an apartment is only one important component in this atmospheric, avant-garde drollery by Chantal Akerman. When the apartment owner comes home, her guest is settled in and at first, the slightly reclusive host decides simply to eat her breakfast in her room instead of having to face morning conversation with her guest. Sounds of the toilet flushing, the bath water running and splashing, footsteps pacing, and furniture moving invade the hostess' refuge in her bedroom like the frontrunners of an all-out offensive. She locks herself up for 28 days, life's detritus accumulating around her, just so she does not have to go out to face the nemesis that lurks beyond her door.
The Eighties
All of the time and effort put forth to stage a musical is chronicled here in this bright and funny French outing. The story is set at a shopping mall where people audition for an upcoming show. Afterwards, they are seen going through the grueling routines of learning the music and rehearsing.
The Eighties
All of the time and effort put forth to stage a musical is chronicled here in this bright and funny French outing. The story is set at a shopping mall where people audition for an upcoming show. Afterwards, they are seen going through the grueling routines of learning the music and rehearsing.
Toute une nuit
Following over two dozen different people in the almost wordless atmosphere of a dark night in a Brussels town, Akerman examines acceptance and rejection in the realm of romance.
Toute une nuit
Following over two dozen different people in the almost wordless atmosphere of a dark night in a Brussels town, Akerman examines acceptance and rejection in the realm of romance.
Hôtel des Acacias
Several young men and women arrive one after the other at Hôtel des Acacias, full of hope, desire and vitality. In the bustle of this hotel, everyone is looking for love. Hôtel des Acacias was an exercise guided in 1982 by Chantal Akerman at Belgium’s INSAS audio-visual college.
Tell Me
Chantal Akerman meets with elderly Jewish women in Paris, all of them survivors of the Shoah, and listens to their family stories. Between interviews, Akerman's mother Natalia speaks of her own family. Made for a French miniseries on grandmothers.
Tell Me
Chantal Akerman meets with elderly Jewish women in Paris, all of them survivors of the Shoah, and listens to their family stories. Between interviews, Akerman's mother Natalia speaks of her own family. Made for a French miniseries on grandmothers.
Los encuentros de Ana
El trabajo de Anna como directora de cine la lleva por toda Europa Occidental. Vaya donde vaya, o ya tiene alguna relación íntima o la encuentra rápidamente. La gente se siente atraída por ella y tiende a revelarle sus secretos más íntimos, a pesar de que Anna no muestra interés alguno por conocerlos.
Los encuentros de Ana
El trabajo de Anna como directora de cine la lleva por toda Europa Occidental. Vaya donde vaya, o ya tiene alguna relación íntima o la encuentra rápidamente. La gente se siente atraída por ella y tiende a revelarle sus secretos más íntimos, a pesar de que Anna no muestra interés alguno por conocerlos.
News from Home
Imágenes de la ciudad de Nueva York y sus habitantes. Sobre esas imágenes oímos leer las cartas que la madre de la directora de la película le envía desde casa, en Europa. (FILMAFFINITY)
News from Home
Narrator (voice)
Imágenes de la ciudad de Nueva York y sus habitantes. Sobre esas imágenes oímos leer las cartas que la madre de la directora de la película le envía desde casa, en Europa. (FILMAFFINITY)
News from Home
Imágenes de la ciudad de Nueva York y sus habitantes. Sobre esas imágenes oímos leer las cartas que la madre de la directora de la película le envía desde casa, en Europa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Yo, tú, él, ella
Basado en una historia que la propia cineasta escribió en París en 1968, el filme se divide en tres secciones de análisis: Tiempo de Subjetividad, Tiempo del Otro y Tiempo de la Relación. Los tres tiempos son actuados por la propia cineasta en el personaje de Julie, una solitaria que ejecuta actividades repetidas hasta culminar en una escena lésbica provocativa y voyeurista.
Yo, tú, él, ella
Basado en una historia que la propia cineasta escribió en París en 1968, el filme se divide en tres secciones de análisis: Tiempo de Subjetividad, Tiempo del Otro y Tiempo de la Relación. Los tres tiempos son actuados por la propia cineasta en el personaje de Julie, una solitaria que ejecuta actividades repetidas hasta culminar en una escena lésbica provocativa y voyeurista.
Yo, tú, él, ella
Basado en una historia que la propia cineasta escribió en París en 1968, el filme se divide en tres secciones de análisis: Tiempo de Subjetividad, Tiempo del Otro y Tiempo de la Relación. Los tres tiempos son actuados por la propia cineasta en el personaje de Julie, una solitaria que ejecuta actividades repetidas hasta culminar en una escena lésbica provocativa y voyeurista.
Yo, tú, él, ella
Basado en una historia que la propia cineasta escribió en París en 1968, el filme se divide en tres secciones de análisis: Tiempo de Subjetividad, Tiempo del Otro y Tiempo de la Relación. Los tres tiempos son actuados por la propia cineasta en el personaje de Julie, una solitaria que ejecuta actividades repetidas hasta culminar en una escena lésbica provocativa y voyeurista.
Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
Neighbor (voice) (uncredited)
La vida de Jeanne Dielman, una joven viuda con un hijo, sigue un orden inmutable: mientras el muchacho está en la escuela, ella se ocupa de las tareas domésticas por la mañana y ejerce la prostitución por la tarde.
Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
La vida de Jeanne Dielman, una joven viuda con un hijo, sigue un orden inmutable: mientras el muchacho está en la escuela, ella se ocupa de las tareas domésticas por la mañana y ejerce la prostitución por la tarde.
Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
La vida de Jeanne Dielman, una joven viuda con un hijo, sigue un orden inmutable: mientras el muchacho está en la escuela, ella se ocupa de las tareas domésticas por la mañana y ejerce la prostitución por la tarde.
Autour de Jeanne Dielman
During the filming of "Jeanne Dielman" Sami Frey recorded what was happening on the set. A film about a film in the making.
Autour de Jeanne Dielman
During the filming of "Jeanne Dielman" Sami Frey recorded what was happening on the set. A film about a film in the making.
‘Rameau’s Nephew’ by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen
Described (rather cheekily) by director Michael Snow as a musical comedy, this deft probing of sound/image relationships is one of his wittiest, most entertaining and philosophically stimulating films. In his words, the film “derives its form and the nature of its possible effects from its being built from the inside, as it were, with the actual units of such a film, i.e. the frame and the recorded syllable. Thus its ‘dramatic’ element derives not only from a representation of what may involve us generally in life but from considerations of the nature of recorded speech in relation to moving light-images of people.’”
Hotel Monterey
Hotel Monterey is a cheap hotel in New York reserved for the outcasts of American society. Chantal Akerman invites viewers to visit this unusual place as well as the people who live there, from the reception up to the last story.
Hotel Monterey
Hotel Monterey is a cheap hotel in New York reserved for the outcasts of American society. Chantal Akerman invites viewers to visit this unusual place as well as the people who live there, from the reception up to the last story.
Hotel Monterey
Hotel Monterey is a cheap hotel in New York reserved for the outcasts of American society. Chantal Akerman invites viewers to visit this unusual place as well as the people who live there, from the reception up to the last story.
Hanging Out Yonkers
An unfinished Chantal Akerman film about the troubled youths and drug addicts going through rehabilitation in Yonkers, New York.
Hanging Out Yonkers
An unfinished Chantal Akerman film about the troubled youths and drug addicts going through rehabilitation in Yonkers, New York.
Le 15/8
On a wet August 15th, with time on hold, Chris, a young Finnish woman recently arrived in Paris and taken in by one of Chantal Akerman's friends, confides herself. On the one hand, her long, non-stop monologue of trivialities pours a non-expressed angst. On the other hand, her portrait in fixed shots captures her gestures. - Doclisboa
Le 15/8
On a wet August 15th, with time on hold, Chris, a young Finnish woman recently arrived in Paris and taken in by one of Chantal Akerman's friends, confides herself. On the one hand, her long, non-stop monologue of trivialities pours a non-expressed angst. On the other hand, her portrait in fixed shots captures her gestures. - Doclisboa
La habitación
Toma panorámica circular de 360º a cámara lenta de un pequeño apartamento. Cuando se pasa primero a la habitación no hay nadie allí, pero cada vez que se muestra de nuevo aparece la propia directora sentada en la cama, inmóvil primero, y luego ocupada haciendo diferentes cosas.
La habitación
Toma panorámica circular de 360º a cámara lenta de un pequeño apartamento. Cuando se pasa primero a la habitación no hay nadie allí, pero cada vez que se muestra de nuevo aparece la propia directora sentada en la cama, inmóvil primero, y luego ocupada haciendo diferentes cosas.
La habitación
Toma panorámica circular de 360º a cámara lenta de un pequeño apartamento. Cuando se pasa primero a la habitación no hay nadie allí, pero cada vez que se muestra de nuevo aparece la propia directora sentada en la cama, inmóvil primero, y luego ocupada haciendo diferentes cosas.
The Child Loves, or I Play at Being a Married Woman
A young mother, alone with her daughter, confides in a friend who happens to be the director herself. Chantal Akerman, although she sympathizes with the mother, does not say a word.
The Child Loves, or I Play at Being a Married Woman
A young mother, alone with her daughter, confides in a friend who happens to be the director herself. Chantal Akerman, although she sympathizes with the mother, does not say a word.
The Child Loves, or I Play at Being a Married Woman
A young mother, alone with her daughter, confides in a friend who happens to be the director herself. Chantal Akerman, although she sympathizes with the mother, does not say a word.
Blow Up My Town
The girl
En Saute ma ville, asistimos al nacimiento cinematográfico de la cineasta belga Chantal Akerman. En su opera prima encontramos algunas de las máximas de su cinematografía: universo autorreferencial, la difícil relación entre el movimiento incesante de la vida urbana y la quietud, la cautividad -casi siempre femenina- en el hogar, etc.
Blow Up My Town
En Saute ma ville, asistimos al nacimiento cinematográfico de la cineasta belga Chantal Akerman. En su opera prima encontramos algunas de las máximas de su cinematografía: universo autorreferencial, la difícil relación entre el movimiento incesante de la vida urbana y la quietud, la cautividad -casi siempre femenina- en el hogar, etc.
Knokke: une petite fiction 2
A 3rd short super 8 film made by Chantal Akerman in Knokke to be used to be accepted at INSAS starring her friends her mother and herself.
Bruxelles: Hotel van Cleve-Ravenstein
A 4rd short super 8 film made by Chantal Akerman with her friends in Brussels, shot in front of the former Hotel van Cleve-Ravenstein coincidentally the place where now CINEMATEK and the archives of the Chantel Akerman Fondation are residing.
Knokke: une petite fiction 2
A 3rd short super 8 film made by Chantal Akerman in Knokke to be used to be accepted at INSAS starring her friends her mother and herself.
Knokke: une petite fiction
A 2nd short super 8 film made by Chantal Akerman in Knokke to be used to be accepted at INSAS.
Bruxelles: à la Foire du Midi
The first film by Chantal Akerman, a short silent 8mm film shot during the Brussels summer Midi Fair, that was one of four short films she made as a short of entrance exam at INSAS were she studied for just a couple of months.
Autour de La Folie Almayer