David Salles
Nacimiento : 1970-04-28, Maisons-Alfort, Val-de-Marne, France
Maxime, an ambitious and Cartesian executive, thinks only of his career and his future marriage to Nafège, the daughter of his boss. On the verge of burnout, alone in not realizing it, he finds himself embarked by his future stepfather Romain in the middle of his worst nightmare... A well-being course supervised by Clara and Luc, a couple of "clairvoyants", with trainees more lunar than each other. 14 days to get better, during which his principles and prejudices will be subjected to the zenitude and benevolence regime!
Bellec Nerveux
Pauline has her own way of doing road safety: as a trainer in a point recovery center during the day, she becomes a serial killer of drivers at night.
A small clan lives in the underworld of a rubbish dump. They recycle the waste they find or steal, in order to cobble their home together. Life there could be so sweet, were it not for a chief inspector hot on their heels.
Gendarme 2
Daniel and Stéphane, two salesmen working in the same store but who cannot stand each other, decide despite everything to team up to participate in television games so they can pay their debts.
Jail warden
Parody of the acclaimed Australian series of the 80s, Return to Eden. Wealthy heiress Stephanie Harper marries athlete Craig Danners, without suspecting that he only wants her money and is having an affair with her best friend, Crystal. Craig and Crystal have a plan to get rid of Stephanie and steal her fortune by making her suffer a terrible accident, which leaves her face disfigured. She is saved by the handsome Doctor Danley, who performed a plastic surgery on Stephanie that turned her into a completely different and beautiful woman. Stephanie starts plotting her revenge against Craig and Crystal, who believe that she died in the accident.
Eric is a butcher. Divorced, his wife has filed a restraining order for domestic violence, forbidding him to see his son. Since then, a strange wound has appeared on his arm and is beginning to spread through the rest of his body.
Hosted by French comedian Manu Payet, here to cheer you up for Christmas in such hard times.
In a small seaside town, Nina has 48 hours to meet Lili, her mother, again after twenty years of silence. Guided by the urgency, she has a choice to make. A choice that resonates with their history.
César acaba de capturar a Vercingétorix y cree haberse librado de sus enemigos, pero los senadores romanos conspiran para poner fin a su tiranía. Dos de ellos, Casio y Rufo, invitan a Bruto, hijo de Cesar, a una reunión secreta cuyo objetivo es organizar el asesinato de su progenitor.
Docteur Godard alias Tonton Bonbon
Since his sensational arrival at the head of the 20 Hours, Cédric Saint Guérande, known as "CSG" is THE favorite presenter of the French. His insolent audiences stoke the jealousy even within La Grande Chaîne which he is the undisputed star. His thirst for power is limitless, which displeases the new president of the chain. The war is declared between the two men for the great pleasure of CSG. Power games, networking, manipulations and low shots: the fight will be merciless, and the outcome necessarily spectacular. Welcome to the media circus games.
Mika, a little crook, took a quick tour of the prison, where he got to know "Putin", a crazy and unpredictable detainee. As soon as his sentence has been served, he decides to start from scratch and start his life over again. As he prepares to marry the daughter of a wealthy businessman, his past catches up with him: Putin arrives without warning! Mika will quickly realize that we do not easily get rid of such a ball ...
Le policier
Le motard
Emile is fifteen. He lives in Montargis, between a sweet-crazy father and a mother who has always dyed his hair blond, because, it seems, he is more beautiful like that. When the girl who pleases him more than anything invites him to Venice for the holidays, he is overjoyed. Only problem, his parents decide to accompany him - This is the story of a teenager born into an unclassifiable family, the story of a first love, miraculous and fragile. This is the story of an initiatory and incredible journey where life often takes unawares, but where Venice, it will be at the rendezvous.
Le père de Simon et Estelle
30-year-old factory worker Simon lives a solitary existence on a decrepit farm in the remote French countryside. Devoting his time to caring for his sister Estelle, who was left severely disabled when a childhood game went horribly wrong, Simon is plagued by guilt and depression. But he sees a way out, looking to otherworldly forces as a means of liberating both himself and his sister from the corporeal prisons in which they are confined.
José Perez
For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil like no other: Walter, a former African warlord who will send them to hell .
Jean-Mi, the owner of the cafe
Happy Few es una agencia parisina de comunicación, en la cual trabaja Fred Bartel como jefe de la misma. Bartel es citado por la auditoría fiscal, la cual le obligó a reubicar de un día para otro al personal de su compañia en La Courneuve. tras asentarse en la nueva zona, Bartel conocerá a Samy, un joven criado en los suburbios que les enseñará como funciona el barrio y las reglas que la gente respeta en la zona si quieren llevarse bien. Happy Few experimentará este choque cultural, que será el comienzo de una amistad en la que dar comienzo a la cooperación y acabar con los prejuicios.
Casimir Jambard
París, 1895. Madeleinie Gassart, una madre trabajadora de una fábrica de seda, está orgullosa de su hijo, Victor, que trabaja en el Palacio del Elíseo, como asesor gubernamental. Ambos son testigos de un asesinato, pero sabe que su hijo se comporta de una manera extraña, ocultando algo. Cree que su hijo participa en un complot. Ella se enfrenta a una elección imposible: defender al gobierno o los lazos de la sangre.
Gauthier, a young journalist, learns from his mother that he is the illegitimate son of Guy Jamet, a popular French singer whose heyday stretched unevenly from the 1960’s to the nineties. Guy is currently promoting a new album of old material and heads on tour. Armed with a camera, Gauthier decides to follow Guy, recording his daily routine and his concerts to create a documentary portrait.
A father enlists the help of an airport employee on a quest to find his daughter's teddy.
Passager menottes
Sylvain Marot, un súper policía parisino y conductor excepcional, es trasladado contra su voluntad a la policía municipal de Marsella. El ex comisario Gibert, y alcalde de la ciudad, que está en lo más bajo de las encuestas, le confiará la misión de detener a los temibles "gangster italianos", que atracan todas las joyerías con la ayuda de potentes Ferraris. Pero para conseguirlo, Marot no tendrá más remedio que colaborar con el sobrino nieto del famoso Daniel, Eddy Maklouf, el peor piloto de VTC Marseille, pero el único que puede recuperar el legendario taxi blanco.
Le mari
Directeur du stade de France
Pierre Durant
Lila, grows up in the high-rises of the Marolles in Brussels. Along with her sister and her friends, she dreams of becoming a dancer and revolutionising the world of hip-hop. While her friends stay in Brussels, Lila leaves everything - comfort, family - behind to go to Paris, where she is certain her persistence will pay off. Except that life in Paris quickly takes an unexpected turn. The woman who dreamed of being a choreographer ends up as a lap dancer in a rap video, and that’s only the beginning of her disillusionment. After a chance meeting with a drama teacher, she bears her heart and soul on stage and begins doing stand-up. This time, her unusual dedication leads her to find her calling. However, she still has to fight one final battle: convincing her father that she has made the right choice.
Client du bar fermé à Mâcon
Max y Leo son dos amigos de la infancia que intentan escapar por todos los medios de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Self - Guest
Raoul le Borgne
Godofredo de Miramonte y su fiel sirviente Delcojón se ven proyectados en una época de profundas convulsiones políticas y sociales: la revolución francesa, concretamente en el período de terror. En ese momento de grandes peligros, los descendientes de Delcojón, revolucionarios convencidos, confiscan el castillo y todos los bienes a los descendientes de Godofredo, aristócratas arrogantes huidos cuya vida pende de un hilo.
Joseph Mallory es un detective marsellés que investiga el fallecimiento de un colega de profesión. Para hacerlo, cuenta con la ayuda del capitán Lindberg, enviado para supervisar la investigación.
Christian is a divorced father who can only see his young daughter Vanessa every other weekend. When he meets the single mother Christine and decides to participate in a summer TV show, his whole life is turned upside down.
Gendarme of Chinon
Claude y Marie Verneuil, un matrimonio católico y muy conservador, tienen cuatro hijas, a las que han tratado de inculcar sus valores y principios. Sin embargo, las chicas sólo les han dado disgustos: la mayor se casó con un musulmán; la segunda, con un judío, y la tercera, con un chino. El matrimonio deposita todas sus esperanzas en la hija menor, esperando que, al menos ella, se case por la iglesia.
Commissaire Laville
Marc Schaudel se queda sin niñera durante el fin de semana para que cuide de su hijo Rémy. Entonces, decide dejar al cargo de su hijo a uno de sus empleados, el joven y serio Franck. Sin embargo, la seriedad de Franck no es del todo segura. Durante el fin de semana es el treinta cumpleaños de Franck, y para colmo, Rémy es un niño más caprichoso de lo que sus padres creen. Mientras Marc y su mujer Claire están fuera, reciben una llamada en mitad de la noche de la policía, alertando al matrimonio de algo inesperado: tanto Rémy como Franck han desaparecido. Cuando estos llegan a casa, se encuentran con que está destrozada, y en el sofá descubren una videocámara. Esta contiene la grabación de lo que ocurrió la noche anterior a la desaparición de Franck y Rémy.
Journaliste i>Télé
Leslie Konda young talented French footballer spotted in his teens by Didier , a small-scale agent who was able to take under his wing , has signed its first contract striker in a large Spanish club . At the same time, his growing reputation and its origins Botswanga , small, poor state of Central Africa, earned him an invitation by the President of the Republic in person Babimbi Bobo , a football enthusiast, freshly installed in power after a coup military state. Leslie therefore went for the first time in the country of his ancestors accompanied by Didier to be decorated by the President Bobo which quickly turns out, despite his great humanist discourse be a megalomaniac and paranoid dictator under the bad influence of his wife .dropoff window Hardly have they landed Bobo enters into a sordid deal with Didier put pressure on his player so that it plays for the national team : Crocodiles of Botswanga ...
Bad Guy - Giovanni
Basada en la novela "Badfellas" de Tonino Benacquista, se adentra en la vida de la peculiar familia de los Manzoni, unos mafiosos italianos que, amparados por un programa de protección de testigos del FBI, se trasladan a Normandía, Francia. Allí tratan de comenzar una vida sosegada y apacible dejando atrás la violencia y las amenazas propias del pasado. Pero a pesar de poner todos sus esfuerzos en adaptarse al nuevo hogar, antes de lo esperado, se ven forzados a emplear sus antiguos métodos para solucionar un imprevisto, recuperando así sus viejos hábitos.
Paulo, joven pianista de aspecto frágil, vive con su novia Anka. En una noche en la que se emborracha a muerte, es socorrido por Ilir, viril bajista y camarero de origen albanés. Es amor a primera vista, el paso necesario para que Paulo asuma su sexualidad. Y también el suceso definitivo para que Anka le eche de casa, y no le quede más remedio que pedirle asilo a Ilir. Un gran paso adelante que se transforma en un salto al vacío para Paulo cuando, después de prometerse amor, Ilir parte de viaje para dar un concierto y no vuelve más.
Andrej, l'autre escort de Sophie
A resort for individuals who want to lose weight is helps several women discover friendships, acceptance with body image and hard truths.
Monsieur Henri
Two contempo Frenchmen of Antillean descent visit their ancestor's time as well as their land in the slavery-themed French era.
Patrick - le dealer du parking
Durante una patrulla nocturna de rutina, los agentes de policía Julie (Cécile De France) y Simon (Fred Testot) accidentalmente hieren al hijo de un diputado que, estando en estado de shock, ha matado violentamente a uno de sus compañeros. Injustamente acusados de brutalidad policial, la pareja, para probar su inocencia, decide investigar sobre la droga responsable de la locura pasajera de su agresor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Emile is a 70-ish former horticulturalist who once raised bonsai trees "because they don't take up too much room." Indeed, his whole existence is safe and uneventful to a fault, somewhat juiced by friendship with raucous fishing companion Edmond. Still, they trade pleasantries rather than confidences -- so Emile is shocked when it turns out his elderly pal watches porn, paints nudes and shags women who are his contemporaries that he meets online.
David Salles