Harry Strang

Harry Strang

Nacimiento : 1892-12-13, Clifton, Virginia, USA

Muerte : 1972-04-10


Harry Strang was an American screen and television actor, his career active from 1929 to 1965.


Harry Strang


Con la muerte en los talones
Assistant Conductor (uncredited)
Debido a un malentendido, a Roger O. Thornhill, un ejecutivo del mundo de la publicidad, unos espías lo confunden con un agente del gobierno llamado George Kaplan. Secuestrado por tres individuos y llevado a una mansión en la que es interrogado, consigue huir antes de que lo maten. Cuando al día siguiente regresa a la casa acompañado de la policía, no hay rastro de las personas que había descrito.
El último hurra
Harry (uncredited)
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
Looking for Danger
Sgt. Watson
Sach and the gang (Bowery Boys) fool Nazis and a sultan in North Africa.
El fantasma del espacio
Un objeto volador no identificado proveniente de Alaska ha caído en el valle de San Fernando. A su paso causa interferencias en las ondas de radio y televisión. Un equipo de investigadores descubre que un extraterrestre asesino está aterrorizando la zona. Para escapar de sus perseguidores, se ha quitado el traje espacial y se ha vuelto invisible.
Una mujer peligrosa
Taxi Driver / Officer O'Brien (Uncredited)
Beth Austin (Joan Crawford) es la jefa de una banda de atracadores que, tras dar un golpe en un casino, se interna en una clínica para recibir tratamiento: sus ojos están dañados gravemente. Las cosas se complican con esta operación pues ella va enamorándose paulatinamente del doctor que la atiende; su amante, el tipo duro de la banda se pone cada vez más violento y celoso mientras el FBI estrecha su cerco sobre la mujer peligrosa.
The Blue Veil
Traffic Cop (Uncredited)
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
Historia del Hampa
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Después de ser despedido del periódico donde trabaja, Mike Reese se hace socio de un pequeño periódico de provincias en donde intenta poner en práctica los métodos de la prensa de la gran ciudad. Un asesinato en el que está envuelto un magnate de la prensa será la oportunidad perfecta para sus planes.
The Great Jewel Robber
Police Officer (uncredited)
El maestro ladrón Gerard Dennis (David Brian) se escapa de la granja de una prisión canadiense y se dirige a Buffalo con Peggy Arthur (Perdita Chandler), quien le proporciona el dinero necesario para los papeles falsificados. Dennis, Peggy y un camarero corrupto en un hotel de Buffalo hacen un robo en el que casi atrapan a Dennis, pero él escapa y descubre que sus cómplices lo han abandonado. Más tarde, enfrentándolos, es brutalmente golpeado y llevado a un hospital donde conoce a la enfermera Martha Rollins (Marjorie Reynolds), quien se enamora de él. Van a New Rochelle donde es herido intentando otro robo ...
El gran Rupert
Fire Chief (uncredited)
Un clásico de vacaciones conmovedor sobre una familia que tiene mala suerte en Navidad. Poco antes de Navidad, se mudan a un apartamento donde Rupert, la ardilla, vive en las vigas del ático y actúa como el ángel de la guarda de la familia, no solo para salvar la Navidad, sino también para cambiar sus vidas para siempre.
Al rojo vivo
Prison Infirmary Guard (uncredited)
Cody Jarrett y su banda asaltan un tren que transporta 300.000 dólares, asesinan a los conductores y huyen con el dinero. Poco después, los agentes federales inician la persecución, convencidos de que él es el autor del asalto. Cody se entrega a la policía y es condenado a sólo dos años de prisión, ya que ha preparado una coartada perfecta. Sin embargo, los agentes del tesoro están convencidos de que fue el cerebro del asalto y le tienden una trampa.
El gran gorila
Policeman with Tramp (uncredited)
En un viaje a África, un empresario del mundo del espectáculo descubre un enorme gorila de diez pies de altura, junto al que vive una hermosa joven que lo tiene de mascota. El empresario le convence para que vayan a Hollywood y allí presenta al gorila como "Míster Joseph Young de África". Obtiene un gran éxito como atracción de un club nocturno, pero algunos espectadores desaprensivos emborrachan al gorila, lo que da lugar a una serie de conflictos.
Juntos hasta la muerte
Al forajido Wes McQueen le ayudan a escapar de prisión para que colabore con su banda en un último asalto al tren. Pero no le agradan sus nuevos compañeros, excepto Colorado Carson, una bella mujer ex-bailarina de music-hall.
Sinister Journey
Lee Garvin has eloped with the daughter of a railroad man who didn't approve of the marriage. Hoppy steps in when the young man is framed for murder.
I, Jane Doe
While stationed in France during World War II, an American fighter pilot marries a French girl but leaves her behind when he returns to the U.S. The French woman follows him to America only to discover he’s already married to a successful lawyer.
La dama de Shanghai
Policeman (uncredited)
Michael O'Hara (Orson Welles), un marinero irlandés, entra a trabajar en un yate a las órdenes de un inválido casado con una mujer fatal (Rita Hayworth) y queda atrapado en una maraña de intrigas y asesinatos.
Blonde Savage
Henchman with Rifle
An expedition into the deep jungle discovers a native tribe led by a tall white blonde woman.
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome
Tim (uncredited)
A gang of criminals, which includes a piano player and an imposing former convict known as 'Gruesome', has found out about a scientist's secret formula for a gas that temporarily paralyzes anyone who breathes it. When Gruesome accidentally inhales some of the gas and passes out, the police think he is dead and take him to the morgue, where he later revives and escapes. This puzzling incident attracts the interest of Dick Tracy, and when the criminals later use the gas to rob a bank, Tracy realizes that he must devote his entire attention to stopping them.
Deep Valley
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
Dick Tracy's Dilemma
Watchman (uncredited)
Dick Tracy investigates the theft of a fortune of fur coats, a possible insurance swindle and several murders, all linked to a huge thug who wears a hook in place of his right hand.
Pasión que redime
Police Sergeant
Madeleine Damien es editora de una elegante revista de Manhattan durante el día y el alma de la fiesta por la noche. La presión de su trabajo y su mala suerte con los hombres la están llevando cuesta abajo, por lo que decide buscar la ayuda de un psiquiátra, quien le recomienda romper con todo, abandonar su trabajo, cambiar de barrio y de nombre. En su nuevo hogar empieza a interesarse en la pintura y en un guapo vecino, pero éste pronto descubre su pasado cuando un antiguo pretendiente la implica en un crimen.
Fall Guy
A drugged man covered in blood is picked up by police. Before the cops can get answers the man escapes in search of answers to the mystery himself.
Blind Spot
Detective in White Hat
A mystery writer becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation when a publisher he last saw is found dead.
Roll on Texas Moon
Don Williams
To get the Delaney ranch Cole's henchman Anders has started a phony range war between the cattlemen and sheepmen. After killing Delaney, he tries to kill his daughter Jill and then Roy who was sent to investigate the war. But the failed attempts gives Roy the information he needs.
The Devil's Mask
Brophy, museum watchman
A San Francisco airplane bound for South America crashes, and among the scorched debris is found a shrunken native human head, neatly packaged. The perplexed police contact a local anthropology museum about this unclaimed piece of grisly baggage, where they intersect with Jack and Doc, two private eyes, called there to meet a mysterious woman who had a case for them and wanted to meet in private.
Sucedió en el tren
Policeman (uncredited)
Kit Madden es una novelista que viaja en tren a Hollywood para colaborar en una película que se basa en su nuevo libro 'Aquí está el mañana'. Durante el trayecto conoce al marine Rusty Thomas, un caballero que discutirá con ella diversos aspectos del libro, mostrando su desacuerdo en algunos puntos, sin saber que está hablando con la autora.
King of the Forest Rangers
An Indian rug is the key to the location of a lost treasure. When the rug's owner is murdered, it becomes a case for Forest Ranger Steve King
Mysterious Intruder
Police Desk Sergeant (Uncredited)
A private detective is hired to find a young heiress but finds himself accused of murder.
Esclava de un recuerdo
Skycap (Uncredited)
La hermosa Joan Kenwood no puede superar la muerte de su marido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Periodista de profesión, Joan tiene obsesivamente presente la imagen de su difunto esposo en todos los aspectos de su vida. El simpático ex soldado Jim Cameron la persigue con la esperanza, contra toda lógica, de que finalmente olvide a su marido y le preste su atención a él.
Pillow of Death
Attorney Wayne Fletcher and his secretary have an affair. When Wayne's wife is found smothered to death, he becomes the prime suspect. As the police investigate the murder, a psychic with questionable motives tries to contact the deceased woman. Soon, Wayne begins seeing visions of his dead wife, and other people involved with the case begin to be killed, one by one.
¿Ángel o diablo?
Policeman (uncredited)
Eric Stanton (Dana Andrews) se ve obligado a bajar del autobús en que viaja porque no tiene dinero para todo el trayecto. Es así como llega a un pueblo desconocido, donde empieza a frecuentar un local de comidas, cuya principal atracción es una hermosa camarera llamada Stella. Un clásico del cine negro.
A Gun in His Hand
Police Captain R.C. Johnson (uncredited)
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a young man graduates from the police academy at the top of his class. He then teams up with some local thieves and uses his knowledge of police procedures to pursue a career of undetected crime.
El Halcón en San Francisco
Desk Sergeant (uncredited)
Las vacaciones de El Halcón (Tom Conway) y su amigo "Goldie" Locke (Edward Brophy) se ven interrumpidas al encontrar a una niña llamada Annie, cuya institutriz ha sido asesinada. Cuando la llevan a su casa, son arrestados por supuesto secuestro. Una vez puestos en libertad bajo fianza, que paga una misteriosa mujer (Helm), El Halcón intentará desentrañar con su proverbial sagacidad este nuevo misterio.
Prison Guard (uncredited)
En pleno Valle de San Fernando, en California, Isabel, está tratando de reinventarse a si misma. Una bruja ingenua y buena persona, está dispuesta a desactivar sus poderes y llevar una vida normal.
Prison Guard
En pleno Valle de San Fernando, en California, Isabel, está tratando de reinventarse a si misma. Una bruja ingenua y buena persona, está dispuesta a desactivar sus poderes y llevar una vida normal.
Circumstantial Evidence
Prison Guard
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Manhunt of Mystery Island
Frederick "Fred" Braley
Claire Forrest seeks her kidnapped scientist father, hidden somewhere on Mystery Island. He is held and forced to work on diabolical inventions by Captain Mephisto, a costumed villain.
Birthday Blues
Police Lieutenant
Leon, not willing to admit he had forgotten the birthday of his wife, tells her he left her present at the office, and she insists he go get it. On the way, a sidewalk salesman sells him a fur coat which Leon learns later had been stolen from his neighbor's wife. He tries to sneak the coat back into the apartment but the husband catches him, and Leon is unable to explain why he is there. A lot of rain must fall in Leon's life, and it does, before everything is resolved... somewhat. He still doesn't have a present for Dorothy, a fact that does not go unnoticed by her.
The Missing Juror
Police Sergeant Murphy (Uncredited)
A newsman tracks down a phantom killer of murder-trial jurors.
Detective (uncredited)
El detective Mark McPherson investiga el asesinato de Laura, una elegante y seductora mujer que aparece muerta en su apartamento. McPherson elabora un retrato mental de la joven a partir de las declaraciones de sus allegados. El sugestivo retrato de Laura, que cuelga de la pared de su apartamento, también le ayuda en esta tarea.
Swing Shift Maisie
Security Officer (Uncredited)
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Sangre en Filipinas
Major Arthur (Uncredited)
Un grupo de enfermeras del Ejército de los Estados Unidos se dirige a Hawaii en diciembre de 1941. El ataque a Pearl Harbor cambiará su destino y sus vidas. Enviadas a Bataan, Filipinas, las enfermeras estarán bajo el mando de la teniente Janet Davidson, que tendrá que enfrentarse con enfermeras novatas que esperaban una agradable estancia en Hawaii, pero tendrán que convertirse rápidamente en veteranas si quieren salvar las vidas de numerosos heridos y con suministros cada vez más escasos.
Fired Wife
A Broadway producer's Girl Friday must make sure that her recent marriage is kept secret. If it gets out, she will lose her job. Unfortunately, her new hubby is tired of hiding the truth and creates all kinds of problems when he decides to spill the beans.
The Lone Star Trail
Sheriff Waddell
Rancher Blaze Barker returns to Dead Falls after being framed by land-grabbers and spending two years in jail. Paroled, he can't wear a gun, but is aided by Marshal Fargo Steele. The gang is out to gain control of all of the valley land before a dam is constructed. When Blaze raises the money to pay off the taxes on his ranch, he finds it has been marked to incriminate him.
Crime Doctor
Dave, Trustee
Robert is found beside the highway with a head injury and amnesia. His amnesia motivates him to become a Physician and the country's leading criminal psychologist.
Hit the Ice
Train Check-in Gateman (uncredited)
Flash Fulton (Bud Abbott) and Weejie McCoy (Lou Costello) take pictures of a bank robbery. Lured to the mountain resort hideout of the robbers and accompanied by Dr. Bill Elliott (Patric Knowles) and Peggy Osborn (Elyse Knox), they also meet old friend Johnny Long (Johnny Long) and his band and singer Marcia Manning (Ginny Simms). Dr. Elliott and Peggy are being held in a remote cabin by the robbers, but Weejie rescues them by turning himself into a human snowball that becomes an avalanche that engulfs the crooks.
Slightly Dangerous
Driver (uncredited)
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Abbott y Costello: Dos peatones a caballo
Policeman (uncredited)
Grover y Wilbur deben encontrar un sustituto del caballo de O'Hara, muerto tras comer caramelos accidentalmente. El dúo encuentra a uno en un hipódromo y se lo llevan, ignorando que se trata de un campeón de carreras llamado "Galleta de Té".
El forajido
Townsman at Sheriff's Office (uncredited)
Billy el Niño y Doc Holliday huyen del sheriff Pat Garret, que antes había sido su amigo. Los forajidos llevan consigo a la mestiza Río, que es la chica de Bill. Las peleas entre los dos amigos son constantes: cuando no es por los caballos es por Río.
The Adventures of Smilin' Jack
Honolulu Detective-in-charge [Chs. 10-12]
A movie serial in 12 chapters: The famous comic strip character is on a mission to protect a secret tunnel passage between China and India.
Abbott y Costello: ¿Quién mató a quién?
Truck Driver (uncredited)
Chick Larkin y Mervyn Milgrim trabajan en el mostrador de una estación de radio local. Su verdadera pasión, sin embargo, es llegar a ser escritores en el programa de misterio de la radio. Así asisten a una emisión del programa "Asesinato a medianoche" junto con uno de los escritores, Jimmy Turner y la productora, Jane Little. A poco de comenzar el espectáculo, el presidente de la cadena, el coronel JR Andrews es misteriosamente electrocutado. A resultas de ello Chick y Mervyn ven su gran oportunidad de llegar a escribir para la radio haciéndose pasar por detectives con el fin de resolver el crimen.
Thunder Birds
Forest Ranger
On a secluded base in Arizona, veteran World War I pilot Steve Britt trains flyers to fight in World War II. One of his trainees, Englishman Peter Stackhouse, competes with Britt for the affections of Kay Saunders, the daughter of a local rancher. Despite their differences, Britt makes sure Sutton passes his training and becomes a combat pilot -- even though he loses Kay to the young man in the process.
Destination Unknown
German Henchman
Foreign spies and police pursue an attractive Dutch spy throughout Peking.
Get Hep to Love
Una niña prodigio dotada de una voz maravillosa huye de su represora tía y convence a una pareja rural de que la adopte.
The Secret Code
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Los usurpadores
Miner (uncredited)
En Alaska, durante la Fiebre del Oro, un buscador es asediado por un empresario que tiene la ley de su lado. Pronto hace su aparición una cantante de cabaret que se convierte en objetivo amoroso de ambos.
Mi chica favorita
Película biográfica que relata los primeros años de vida del compositor gay de la era de los noventa Paul Dresser mientras deja atrás su trabajo como animador de carnaval y asciende a la sociedad de Nueva York, escribiendo una canción de éxito tras otra. A pesar de su comportamiento egoísta, logra cortejar y conquistar a Sally Elliott, una de las cantantes más populares del momento.
I Was Framed
A reporter runs from charges by a corrupt politician only to face them years later.
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp!
Jackie Gleason and Jack Durant are teamed for the first and only time as Hank and Jed, a pair of dimwitted barbers who are forced into bankruptcy because all their customers have marched off to war. Figuring that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, Hank and Jed try to join the Army themselves, only to be rejected for a variety of reasons (When asked to read the eye-chart, Hank says he can't-not because he can't see, but because he can't read).
Frisco Lil
Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
Abbott y Costello: Duro vaquero
Ranger (uncredited)
El mejor autor de novelas del oeste, Bronco Bob Mitchell, nunca ha puesto un pie en el oeste. Un artículo de prensa ha puesto de manifiesto este hecho a sus fans, y su imagen está sufriendo a causa de ello. Por ello decide lavar su imagen haciendo una aparición en un rodeo de caridad de Long Island. Mientras está montado en un caballo, un novillo se escapa y se lanza contra él. No sabiendo qué hacer, una vaquera, Anne Shaw, viene a su rescate y le salva la vida. Mientras tanto, Duke y Willoughby son vendedores de cacahuetes en el rodeo. No son muy buenos en su trabajo, y pronto causan estragos. En una de esas se esconden de su jefe en un vagón de ganado y de pronto se encuentran camino hacia el oeste...
The Man Who Returned to Life
An accused killer is granted a reprieve when his victim returns to town in the flesh after an eight-year absence.
Pacific Blackout
Gas Officer
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Pájaros de cuenta
Truck Driver (uncredited)
Un piloto de acrobacias decide unirse a las fuerzas aéreas, pero no consigue acostumbrarse a la fuerte disciplina militar. Sus dos asistentes de acrobacias que han decidido acompañarlo tampoco logran aclimatarse...
Murieron con las botas puestas
Orderly (uncredited)
George Custer (Errol Flynn) llega a la Academia de West Point lleno de arrogancia y vanidad. Su carácter indisciplinado le ocasionará numerosos problemas con sus superiores. A pesar de todo, y debido a la acuciante necesidad de oficiales para la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), es enviado al frente. Terminada la guerra, se casa con Beth (Olivia de Havilland), pero pronto le asignan un nuevo destino: la guerra contra los indios. Al frente del Séptimo de Caballería, el Teniente Coronel Custer se enfrentará a los indios de Caballo Loco. La campaña termina con la famosa batalla de Little Big Horn (Montana, 1876).
¿Quién mató a Vicky?
Officer Murphy (uncredited)
Cuando la bella Vicky Lynn (Carole Landis) es encontrada asesinada, la policía detiene al empresario Frankie Christopher (Victor Mature) para interrogarlo. Frankie había llevado a Vicky de ser mesera a ser aceptada socialmente y había organizado toda su carrera hasta que recibió una oferta de Hollywood, justo antes de su muerte. Sólo la hermana de Vicky, Jill Lynn (Betty Grable) tiene las suficientes pruebas para dirigir las sospechas, que apuntaban todas a Frankie, hacia otro lado. Pero el detective dueño del caso, Ed Cornell (Laird Cregar), parece especialmente interesado en él.
El Sargento York
Sergeant (uncredited)
Alvin C. York es un joven y trabajador campesino que vive en una de las numerosas granjas de los montes de Cumberland, en el estado de Tennessee. Sólo tiene un defecto: la bebida. Alvin está enamorado de una muchacha, cuya familia de clase alta impide el matrimonio. Basada en hechos reales.
Doctors Don't Tell
Dr. Ralph Snyder and Dr. Frank Blake open an office together but soon split over a rivalry for nightclub singer Diana Wayne and a difference over ethics.
Highway West
Detective at Motel (uncredited)
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
Marineros mareados
Chief Commissary Steward (uncredited)
Dos marineros ayudan a un cantante que se ha unido a la Marina a escapar de sus admiradoras. Con las hermanas Andrews.
Mi marido está loco
Police Sgt. Payson (uncredited)
Steve y Susan Ireland van a cumplir su cuarto aniversario de boda, pero su relación es bastante problemática. Cuando Susan descubre a Steve con su antigua novia, piensa que tienen una aventura y decide pedir el divorcio. Pero Steve ama a su mujer y está dispuesto a todo con tal de recuperarla...
Mutiny in the Arctic
The Helmsman
A pair head to the frozen wastes with an expedition in search of radium deposits. Certain members of the group succumb to greed, plotting to bump off the others and claim the radium for themselves.
Lady Hamilton
Ship's Medic (uncredited)
Sir William Hamilton (Alan Mowbray), embajador británico en la corte de Nápoles, se casa con la joven Emma (Vivien Leigh), que prefiere la vida en Italia a la de la alta sociedad de Londres. La pareja es feliz hasta que llega Lord Nelson (Laurence Olivier), considerado un héroe por sus gloriosas victorias navales. Sir William acepta la aventura entre Lord Nelson y su joven mujer, fingiendo no saber nada. Pero la relación no es tan sencilla.
Sleepers West
Private eye Mike Shayne encounters a large amount of trouble while attempting to guard a murder witness.
La rueda de la fortuna
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
Lynn Hollister es un letrado que trata de averiguar lo que se oculta tras el asesinato de un amigo. Su principal sospechoso es Tom Cameron, pero Hollister pronto se enamorará de Sabra, la hija de éste.
The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
Espíritu de conquista
Edward Creighton, ingeniero de la compañía telegráfica Western Union, se encarga de dirigir la instalación de una línea a través de los territorios del Oeste. Ayudado por su hermana Sue, recluta a los trabajadores en los pueblos más cercanos. Pero, como la región es peligrosa y está infestada de indios, la empresa tiene que ofrecer sueldos elevados para contratar al personal.
Sgt. Callahan
Bud y Lou se alistan en el ejército para poder escaparse de la cárcel; lo que ignoran es que en el cuartel se encontraran con un instructor de armas tomar.
Ridin' on a Rainbow
When the showboat hits town, two men use the parade as a distraction to rob the bank. Their accomplice is Pop, the clown from the showboat. He leaves the money on the boat and tells his daughter Patsy to bring it to him at a later stop on the river. Gene's investigation of a bank robbery takes him to the showboat where he becomes a performer. Gene and Frog try to find the money while helping Patsy and her father.
The Green Hornet Strikes Again!
Joe - Henchman
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
The Phantom Submarine
Chief Engineer
On the night before he sails in search of the steamship Arcadia's sunken gold, Paul Sinclair (Bruce Bennett)meets Madeliene Nielson (Anita Louise) in a San Francisco nightclub. On the second day at sea, Madeliene turns up as a stowaway. While diving and searching for the sunken gold, off the Phillipines, Paul discovers that a foreign-country submarine has been laying mines in order to completely cut off the Phillipines from American protection.
Mysterious Doctor Satan
Police Officer Davis
A mad scientist named Dr. Satan plots to steal key pieces of technology to enable him to build an army of robots based on his prototype to conquer America. The only one standing in his way is Bob Wayne, who fights Satan as the enigmatic Copperhead. Mysterious Doctor Satan is a 1940 film serial named after its chief villain. Doctor Satan's main opponent is the masked mystery man, "The Copperhead", whose secret identity is Bob Wayne, a man searching for justice and revenge on Satan for the death of his step-father. The serial charts the conflict between the two as Bob Wayne pursues Doctor Satan, while the latter completes his plans for world domination.
Tin Pan Alley
Marching Doughboy (uncredited)
Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
Gallant Sons
Deputy Charlie (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date
Dock Attendant
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.
Ángeles sobre Broadway
Gambler (uncredited)
Bill O'Brien es un gángster que se asocia con una bailarina sin éxito para realizar una estafa que le permitiría resolver sus problemas económicos.
Sky Murder
Third Motorcycle Policeman
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
Kit Carson
Sergeant Clanahan
Kit Carson admite a regañadientes guiar a un grupo de colonos a través del territorio indio de California. Kit deberá enfrentarse por una parte al capitán Fremont, enamorado de la misma mujer que él, y a las emboscadas indias que harán peligrar las vidas del grupo.
Flowing Gold
Detective Handcuffed to Johnny (uncredited)
In the American oilfields, a fugitive from justice's destiny is intertwined with the fortunes and the misfortunes of a small oil company that hires him as a roughneck.
Te quiero otra vez
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Larry Wilson, un hombre de negocios, se recupera de un episodio de amnesia y descubre que en realidad es un estafador; pero, además, vuelve a enamorarse de su esposa de la que estaba a punto de divorciarse.
You're Not So Tough
Truck Driver
The Dead End Kids are out of the slums of New York's East Side and running around the sunny valleys of California looking for a way to make a quick buck. The idea of working never enters their minds until Halop is egged on by Grey to show his capabilities. Before long, he and Hall are working on the ranch of Galli, an elderly Italian woman who treats her workers like human beings instead of animals. Galli's son disappeared as an infant, and Halop tries to convince her that he is that long lost son, thus possibly sharing in her wealth. Galli is such a good person that Halop is soon motivated by respect instead of greed, so he devises a plan to help her when truckers and a labor organization band together to keep her crops from making it to market.
Girls of the Road
Mechanic (Uncredited)
A story of the great-depression era about women hobos, tramps, job-seekers, fugitives and runaways running from or toward something as they hitch-hiked their way across the United States, dodging the police, do-gooders, lustful men and pursuing-husbands in a bad mood. One of them is a killer, another is a girl hitch-hiking to her wedding in order to afford a wedding gown, and there is also the Governor's daughter who crusades on their behalf, while hitch-hiking along with them.
Millionaires in Prison
Convict (uncredited)
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Luna llena
Marianne de Beaumaniour está de camino a Nueva Orleans desde París para inspeccionar la plantación que heredó de su tío. En el barco viajan también algunos esclavos para ser vendidos. Charles, Duque de Villiers, un enemigo político del rey, también está a bordo haciéndose pasar por esclavo. El jefe de la plantación de Marianne compra a Charles y éste pronto la seduce con su encanto. Marianne descubre rápidamente la verdadera identidad de Charles y le deja en libertad, antes de que los oficiales franceses le encuentren. Marianne decide volver a París con el Capitán de Policía, a bordo del barco “Luna Llena”, pero deben hacer escala en la Martinica. Después de la Martinica, el barco es asaltado por los piratas. Marianne queda conmocionada al ver que Charles es el líder de los piratas. Esa noche, una dura tormenta les azota, y todo se hunde. Ahora Charles es el líder y la diversión acaba de comenzar….
Lucky Cisco Kid
Cisco and Gordito arrive to find there is an outlaw operating in the area who is assumed to be the Cisco Kid. When a reward is offered for his capture and a large shipment of money goes out, Cisco is on hand. Seeing the gang rob the stage he goes after them only to be wounded. The gang leader leaves Cisco's handkerchief at the scene and now he is wanted for the murder he tried to break up.
Phantom Raiders
Sailor in Cafe
In this second Carter mystery, a mysterious rash of cargo ships sinking in Panama leads insurers Llewellyns of London to hire vacationer Nick Carter and his eccentric associate Bartholomew to investigate. Nick recognizes influential nightclub owner Al Taurez as a shady operator, but getting the goods on him depends on slick diversions involving the heavyweight champ of the Pacific Tuna Fleet, a Panamanian bombshell armed with American slang, a young couple in love and a whole raft of crooks and cutthroats.
Bubbling Troubles
Explosives Worker (uncredited)
To impress Darla, Alfalfa drinks a concoction of Butch's "dynamite" brew.
Island of Doomed Men
Cop (uncredited)
Undercover agent Mark Sheldon gets paroled to a remote tropical island with a diamond mine manned by slave labor run by sadistic Stephen Danel.
Edison, el hombre
Minor Role
Mediante flashback, un Edison de 82 años narra su vida desde su llegada a Nueva York con 22 años, cuando ya empezó a hacer sus pinitos en el mundo de la invención.
Gaucho Serenade
Gene Autry and sidekick Frog Millhouse depart Madison Square Garden and NYC heading west for home in their car and a horse trailer carrying Gene's horse, Champion. They discover that Ronnie Willoughby, a young boy just off the boat from school in England, has hitched a ride, thinking that Gene and Frog were sent by his father to meet him. Ronnie thinks his father is a big rancher in the west and doesn't know that his father, Alfred Willoughby, is serving time in San Quentin prison because of a frame-up by the officials of a packing company. To keep the father from testifying against them, the packing company officials, Carter, Jenkins and Martin, have arranged for the boy to be kidnapped. Along the way a runaway bride, Joyce Halloway, and her young sister Patsy join the troupe.
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise
Seaman Guarding Pendleton
On a cruise ship from Honolulu to San Francisco, the famous Chinese detective encounters four more murders while trying to figure out the murder of a Scotland Yard friend.
Johnny Apollo
Doorman at Warden's Office (uncredited)
Un corredor de bolsa de Wall Street es encarcelado por desfalco. Su hijo, recién licenciado en la universidad, intenta conseguir trabajo para pagar la fianza. Sin embargo, debido a la reputación de su padre, es rechazado en todas partes. Dadas las circunstancias, acaba entrando en una banda mafiosa y llega a ser la mano derecha de un poderoso gángster.
Mando siniestro
Man About to Withdraw Money from Bank
John Wayne encarna a Bob Seton, un cowboy de Tejas que llega a un pueblo de Kansas llamado Lawrence en los oscuros días anteriores al estallido de la Guerra Civil Americana.
Free, Blonde and 21
Police Sgt. Martin
Stories of women who live in an all-women hotel. One (Bari) works hard and marries a millionaire; another (Hughes) cheats and goes to jail.
El joven Edison
Army Officer
Desde que era un niño, Thomas Alba Edison (Mickey Rooney) empezó a realizar sus primeros experimentos químicos en el sótano de su casa. Además, tuvo que ejercer múltiples oficios antes de poder registrar su primera patente. Queda para el recuerdo la escena de la operación de la madre, en que el joven Edison idea un sistema de juego de luces con espejos para iluminar el improvisado quirófano.
Las uvas de la ira
Fred - Trucker #2 at Diner (uncredited)
Tom Joad regresa a su hogar tras cumplir condena en prisión, pero la ilusión de volver a ver a los suyos se transforma en frustración al ver cómo los expulsan de sus tierras. Para escapar al hambre y a la pobreza, la familia no tiene más remedio que emprender un larguísimo viaje lleno de penalidades con la esperanza de encontrar una oportunidad en California, la tierra prometida.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Police Lt. Wade at Winchester's Office
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
Double Alibi
Jim - Policeman
A man's ex-wife is found murdered, and he finds himself to be the prime suspect.
Castle on the Hudson
Vistor's Room Guard (uncredited)
A hardened crook behind bars comes up against a reform-minded warden.
Little Old New York
Fireman on the 'Clermont'
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
Calling Philo Vance
Hennessey - Markham's Assistant
Philo is in Vienna working for the US Government to see if Archer Coe is selling aircraft designs to foreign powers. He grabs the plans with Archer's signature, but is captured by police before he can escape. Deported he comes back to America and plans to confront Archer, but Archer is found dead in his locked bedroom with a gun in his hand. While it looks like a suicide, Vance knows better and the coroner finds that Archer has been shot, hit with a blunt instrument and stabbed - making suicide unlikely. But Vance is on the case and is looking to see if government secrets have been sold and who has murdered Coe. This is a remake of "The Kennel Murder Case" using aircraft designs and espionage instead of Chinese porcelain and dog shows.
Danger On Wheels
First Mechanic
During a test, a race car using an experimental oil fueled engine blows up, killing the driver. Lucky Taylor, a stunt driver, is initially blamed for the accident, but is later cleared. He thinks the engine design has a real chance to win races, but the racing association has banned it since the accident. He devises a scheme to have a car equipped with the engine entered into a race, without race officials-- or the engine designer's sassy daughter -- finding out about it.
The Fatal Hour
Det. Ballard
When a police officer is murdered, Captain Street looks to Mr. Wong to catch the killer. Prime Suspect: Frank Belden Jr., whose father is a businessman well known for both his success and dishonesty. Mr. Wong faces increasing danger and is nearly executed himself as the investigation develops in treachery and complexity. As Mr. Wong follows the trail of dead bodies, he uncovers a jewel smuggling ring on the San Francisco waterfront and a case much larger than the death of a police officer.
Barreras invisibles
Party Bartender (uncredited)
Cliff Taylor es un exconvicto que intenta llevar una vida normal, pero desde que salió de la cárcel en libertad condicional, su pasado criminal le impide encontrar y mantener un cualquier trabajo. Sin embargo, lo peor es que Tim, su hermano menor, siguiendo sus pasos, se une a la banda de Charles Martin
The Cisco Kid and the Lady
First Telegraph Operator
An orphan whose father has been killed by bandits inherits a mine. Cisco saves the mine and the child and also finds the child's real mother.
Swanee River
Boat Captain
Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
Lo que el viento se llevó
Tom's Aide (uncredited)
Georgia, 1861. En la elegante mansión sureña de Tara, vive Scarlett O'Hara, la joven más bella, caprichosa y egoísta de la región. Ella suspira por el amor de Ashley, pero él está prometido con su prima, la dulce y bondadosa Melanie. Corren todavía tiempos felices en Tara, pero por poco tiempo, porque la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) está a punto de estallar. En la última fiesta, celebrada antes del comienzo de las hostilidades entre el norte y el sur, Scarlett conoce al simpático, cínico y apuesto Rhett Butler, un vividor arrogante y aventurero, que sólo piensa en sí mismo y que no tiene ninguna intención de participar en el conflicto. Lo que él desea es hacerse rico y conquistar el corazón de la hermosa Scarlett.
Cowboys from Texas
Leader of Settlers
Cowboys from Texas is a 1939 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.Texas has opened up land for homesteaders. Clay Allison wants their land and has his men led by Plummer try to start a range war between them and the ranchers. With each side suspecting the other of their problems, the Mesquiteers realize someone else is responsible. Stony suspects Plummer and fakes leaving the Mesquiteers to join Plummer's gang hoping to find out who it is.
Too Busy to Work
The Jones family females decide to teach Father a lesson. He's neglecting the family business to run for mayor, so they decide to neglect their household chores.
Blondie Brings Up Baby
Bailiff (uncredited)
Baby Dumpling, the six-year-old son of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead disappears from sight during his first day at school. While Dagwood frantically combs the city in search of the boy, Baby Dumpling spents a nice, safe afternoon with poor little rich girl Melinda Mason, who with her new playmate's help arises from her sickbed to walk across the room for the first time in months.
Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence
Un oficinista de Nueva York se une a un vagabundo y a un inmigrante ilegal que se dirigen a unas tierras de Arizona que acaban de comprar.
Mutiny in the Big House
Tower Guard
A young man forges a check in order to help his mother, but is caught and sentenced to 14 years in prison...
Caballero sin espada
Bodyguard (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
Here I Am a Stranger
Truck Driver
The story of a young man's discovery of his father.
Thunder Afloat
Shore Patrol Sailor (uncredited)
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
First Policeman (uncredited)
A fugitive from a chain gang becomes an oil-well firefighter and meets the man who framed him.
Charlie Chan at Treasure Island
Taxicab Dispatcher
Charlie Chan's investigation of a blackmail-induced suicide as a case of murder leads him into a world of magick and mysticism peopled with a stage magician, a phoney spiritualist, and a for-real mind reader.
Angels Wash Their Faces
Assistant Turnkey (uncredited)
A young man just released from a reformatory moves to a new neighborhood with his sister, intending to start a new life. However, he gets mixed up with the local mob boss and corrupt politicians and soon finds himself being framed for an arson and murder he didn't commit.
El explorador perdido
Henry M. Stanley acepta una inusual propuesta del director del periódico para el que trabaja. Se trata de localizar al misionero escocés David Livingstone, desaparecido en plena selva africana. Cuando por fin le localiza, descubre que éste ha contraído una grave enfermedad, y que se siente cómodo viviendo entre los nativos.
Girl from Rio
Radio Technician
A newsman helps a Brazilian singer get her brother out of trouble in New York.
Coast Guard
Third Officer (uncredited)
Steady, dependable Coast Guard Lieutenant Raymond "Ray" Dower and reckless aviator Thomas "Speed" Bradshaw are the closest of friends. Ray saves the life of Captain Tobias Bliss, tramp steamer skipper, in a daring rescue at sea. Speed flies the injured man back to the base hospital, where the two officers later visit him. There Ray meets Nancy Bliss, Bliss' grand-daughter, and falls in love with her. Speed meets her at a dance and urges Ray to propose before some other guy does. Ray is assigned to flood rescue duty, and Speed and Nancy start going out together and discover they are in love.
News Is Made at Night
Newspaper editor (Foster) will do almost anything to increase circulation. He campaigns to free a condemned man while accusing a wealthy ex-criminal of a string of murders.
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation
Museum Guard O'Hara
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
Daredevils of the Red Circle
Escaped Prisoner 39013 impersonates the rich and influential Horace Granville, allowing him to create a variety of disasters. Fortunately, he is thwarted repeatedly by three daring circus daredevils.
The Return of the Cisco Kid
In Arizona a young woman who's being manipulated by an evil businessman is helped by the Cisco Kid who happens to be there on holiday.
Frontier Pony Express
Union Army Officer
In the midst of the Civil War, Lassiter has a plan to get control of California. Working out of St. Joseph, he plans to send forged messages to the troops on the west coast via Pony Express. First he attempts to bribe Pony Express ride Roy Rogers. When Roy refuses he turns to the outlaw Johnson and his gang and this leads to trouble.
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
Henchman disguised as Ambulance Attendant
In Puerto Rico to investigate a glut of contraband diamonds that are flooding the world's jewel market, Mr. Moto and his sidekick, a wrestler, find themselves involved in murders by thrown daggers, the frame-up of an overstressed Army colonel, and a pirate gang led by an unknown boss who has inside knowledge of the ensuing investigation.
Sergeant Madden
Police Interrogator
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Star Reporter
An idealistic young newspaper reporter crusades against organized crime.
La delicia de los idiotas
Sergeant at Ambulance
En los Alpes, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), dos estafadores profesionales se conocen durante un espectáculo burlesco. Tras el estallido de la guerra, vuelven a encontrarse en Francia, pero ella va acompañada por un odioso barón, que se dedica al tráfico de armas y que cree que ella es una exiliada rusa.
Convict's Code
Tony Lynch
On parole after three years in prison, a football player (Robert Kent) encounters the man (Sidney Blackmer) who framed him.
The misteriosa Miss X
Bus Driver
Dos actores que interpretan el papel de detectives se verán involucrados en un asesinato en el hotel en el que acaban de registrarse.
Stand Up and Fight
Deputy Thomas
En 1840, un rico empresario del ferrocarril contrata a un hombre para investigar una ruta por la que cree se están transportando esclavos.
Ghost Town Riders
Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.
Submarine Patrol
Seaman Grainger
Durante la I Guerra Mundial, y tras cometer una negligencia, un oficial naval es destinado a un viejo submarino. Ansioso por redimirse ante sus superiores, pondrá todo su empeño en convertir a la desastrosa y conflictiva tripulación en un perfecto equipo de combate.
Adventure in Sahara
Agadez is a lonely French outpost baking under the desert sun and commanded by the cruel and oppressive Captain Savatt. To it comes, at his own request, Legionnaire Jim Wilson soon followed by his fiancée, Carla Preston, who has been tracing him from post to post. Legionnaires seize the fort and turn Savitt loose in the Arab-haunted desert with only a fraction of the water and food needed to get back to civilization. But Savitt gets through and returns to the fort at the head of an avenging troop of men. But Arabs surround Savitt and his men, and the mutineers, knowing that to leave the fort and aid them means their own death
Juvenile Court
Harris (uncredited)
Cuando no puede salvar a su cliente de la silla eléctrica, un abogado de oficio ayuda a la hermana del hombre a limpiar los bajos fondos.
Starlight Over Texas
Deputy Marshal Tom Carr
Tex has been sent to investigate the theft of government provisions along the border. Kildare is the leader of the outlaw gang and has his men posing as Indians. He has already killed the incoming Marshal and assumed his identity. When Tex asks too many questons, he plans to get rid of him also.
Army Girl
A young captain hoping to replace the U.S. Army's horses with mechanized vehicles faces court-martial after his commanding officer, who's opposed to modern changes, is killed.
The Chaser
Man at Calhoun's Auto
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Danger on the Air
Cab Driver at Ambush Attempt (Uncredited)
Trouble begins when a hated cad of a sponsor is found murdered during the climax of a live radio show. A radio engineer then tries to solve the murder.
A Criminal Is Born
An entry in MGM's Crime Does Not Pay series, this short tells the true story of how a young man, ignored by his parents, gets into a gang and starts a crime spree which leads to murder.
Phantom Ranger
Henchman Jeff
A Treasury Department engraver is being held captive by a counterfeiting gang that wants him to make counterfeit plates for them. A lawman is sent to rescue him.
Gunsmoke Trail
Henchman Stub
Learning of Walters' inheritance, Larson kills him and assumes his identity. When Larson's men try to kill Walter's niece Lola, Jack Lane breaks it up. This leads to a showdown with Jack outnumbered by Larson and his gang. Having saved Loma's life earlier, he has Fuzzy ride for him and his men.
Two Gun Justice
Joe - Henchman
A western town is being overrun and ruled by a gang of outlaws led by Bart (John Merton). Former Ranger Tim (Tim McCoy) is called out of retirement and assigned to clean up the gang. He disguises himself as a Mexican bandit, joins the gang and works from within.
The First Hundred Years
Jerry - the boat workman (uncredited)
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
The Purple Vigilantes
Jim Murphy
David Ross organizes the ranchers into a vigilante group to rid the town of outlaws. The plan succeeds but the trouble starts when some of the men form a new vigilante group and posing as the original one plunder for loot.
Una nación en marcha
Minor Role
Historia sobre el desarrollo de las comunicaciones terrestres en los EE.UU. durante su rápida expansión en el siglo XIX. La película se centra en la vida de Ramsey McCay, empleado de la recién creada asociación entre Henry Wells y William Fargo, y de cómo gracias a su especial dedicación, la Wells-Fargo llega a convertirse en una gran empresa de correos y transporte de mercancías hacia el Oeste, presente en los mayores acontecimientos de la época.
The Game That Kills
El jugador estrella del equipo de hockey de los Indians muere en un supuesto accidente. Su hermano se infiltra en el equipo para descubrir la verdad, y de paso se enamora de la hija del entrenador...
It Happened in Hollywood
Joe Pratt
A silent Western star has trouble adjusting to the coming of sound.
Midnight Taxi
FBI Agent
A federal agent goes to work for a taxi company believing it to be a front for a gang of counterfeiters.
Fair Warning
Officer O'Reilly
In California's Death Valley a chemistry whiz-kid helps a sheriff track the man who murdered a wealthy mine owner who had been staying at a fancy winter resort.
Ranger Courage
Snakey Joe
The Harper wagon train is carrying money and Bull and his gang are after it. When their first attack is foiled by the rangers, Allen trails them. But he is captured and his ranger badge used to divert the rangers away leaving the wagon train unprotected.
Mi adorable enemiga
I.R.A. Patriot (Uncredited)
Cuenta la historia de amor entre dos personajes enfrentados por razones políticas. Sucede en la Irlanda de los años 20, cuando el fuego de la revolución se lleva por delante todo cuanto le sale al paso. Sólo el amor puede salvarse de las llamas.
General Spanky
Encampment Sentry
Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.
Yellow Cargo
Joe Breeze - Bus Driver
An investigator looks into the activities of a movie producer he believes is involved in smuggling Asians into the U.S.
San Francisco
Soldier (uncredited)
La cantante de ópera Mary Blake huye de la miseria y busca cobijo en Blackie Norton, un empresario de San Francisco que le proporciona trabajo. Inevitablemente, surge una estrecha relación entre ambos que es desaprobada por el sacerdote Mullin. Mientras tanto, nos aproximamos a la fatídica fecha del 18 de abril de 1906, cuando un terremoto arrasó la ciudad y provocó más de 3.000 muertos.
The Country Doctor
Logger (uncredited)
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
Love on a Bet
Los Angeles Jailer
Aspiring Producer Michael McCreigh convinces Uncle Carlton to finance a play on the condition that he lives the play's ridiculous plot. If Michael fails, he must work in Carlton's meat packing plant.
Sutter's Gold
General Fremont's Scout
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
The Bridge of Sighs
Policeman Detaining Harry West (uncredited)
Assistant District Attorney Jeffery Powell has just sent an innocent man to prison for the murder of a gambler. Powell is in love with, Marion Courtney, but he's unaware that Marion is the sister of the innocent man he sent to prison. Marion gets herself committed to a women's prison to get proof from inmate, Evelyn 'Duchess' Thane, that her brother is innocent. Powell learns of Marion's plight and believes she's in love with the man he sent to prison.
Charlie Chan in Shanghai
When a prominent official is murdered at a banquet honoring Charle Chan, the detective and son Lee team up to expose an opium-smuggling ring.
La fugitiva
Police Dispatcher (uncredited)
Ann Grey, condenada por un asesinato que no cometió, escapa cuando un accidente de tráfico le concede la oportunidad. Recibe la ayuda de un joven abogado, que la esconde de la policía con la ayuda de su mayordomo. A la chica también la buscan los mafiosos que cometieron el crimen, pues creen que conoce el paradero de 250.000 dólares en bonos. Cuando los gangsters la secuestran, el abogado pide la ayuda del fiscal del distrito y de la policía.
The Daring Young Man
Dos reporteros planean casarse, pero la novia se queda esperando en el altar porque su novio se ha infiltrado para exponer la actividad de las pandillas.
The Ghost Walks
A ghostly and deadly dinner party, which at first turns out to be an elaborate staging of a new play for the benefit of a Broadway producer, becomes a true mystery when the players start to go missing.
One More River
Bartender (Uncredited)
A young lady leaves her brutal husband and meets another man on board a ship.
Cross Country Cruise
Detective (Uncredited)
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
Arizona to Broadway
Monk's Henchman
In the small town of Larrup, Arizona, Smiley, a con-artist traveling with cohorts Kingfish, Morris and Ambrose, persuades Lynn Martin, a traveling demonstrator of pancake making, to accompany him to a carnival, where Kingfish sells a large number of bottles of Bambo, an elixir...
The Devil's in Love
Medical Aide
The French Foreign Legion is the setting for this episodic adventure yarn. Victor Jory plays a Legion doctor falsely accused of murdering his commander over the love of Loretta Young. Jory escapes prosecution by heading for parts unknown, but when a deadly illness strikes his old fort, he returns to aid his comrades. He is arrested, but clears himself of the murder charge and ends up with Young. Devil's in Love is distinguished by the surprise appearance of Bela Lugosi, who shows up unbilled as a relentless prosecuting attorney in the courtroom scenes.
King Kong
Policeman at Headquarters (uncredited)
Un equipo de cine va a rodar una película a la misteriosa isla de Teschio, al este de Sumatra. Allí descubren la existencia de una civilización prehistórica y de una tribu ancestral que secuestra a la atractiva Ann, la actriz protagonista, para ofrecerla en sacrificio ritual a King, un gigantesco gorila.
King of the Jungle
Lion Attendant
A white youth who is raised in the jungle by the animals is captured by a safari and brought back to civilization as an attraction in a circus.
Duro de pelar
Water Sprayer (uncredited)
James Cagney interpreta a un agente de prensa que se convierte en promotor de un maratón de baile.
Veinte mil años en Sing Sing
Prison Guard (uncredited)
Tom Connors, un preso a quien se concede un permiso para visitar a su novia herida, se ve involucrado en una pelea con un mafioso, a quien su novia mata de un disparo. Connors huye del lugar del crimen por una ventana y, cuando regresa a prisión, es culpado del asesinato y condenado a la silla electrica.
El beso de la muerte
Mientras interpreta la escena final de "El beso de la muerte", el protagonista muere asesinado. Los sospechosos son muchos, pues ha flirteado, actuado o contraido matrimonio con casi todas las mujeres del estudio. Cuando la protagonista es detenida, un guionista del estudio empieza a investigar el asesinato para demostrar su inocencia. (FILMAFFINIT)
Men Of America
Blondie - Gang Member
Bank robbers and killers cause mayhem in a small western town.
The Lost Special
Eddie, Waiter at Red Lantern Cafe [Ch. 3]
A lady reporter and two college students search for the "Gold Special," a train that disappeared without a trace.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Veteran Hired as Elevator Operator
Button Gwinett Brown is a freshman congressman on a mission to rid Washington of corruption. He quickly runs afoul of the powerful Senator Norton...
70,000 Witnesses
Detective (uncredited)
College football player is asked to dope a star teammate by his crooked gambler brother. He refuses, but they player is doped anyway and collapses and dies. A detective has the whole game re-enacted to find important clues.
Alias Mary Smith
Detective Bosco Yaeger
A young woman trying to obtain proof that a gangster committed a murder is befriended by a playboy who drinks just a bit too much.
Tuya para siempre
Taxicab Driver (uncredited)
Un escritor alcohólico se dispone a estrenar su primera obra en Broadway, pero le conlleva tanto trabajo que le crea problemas matrimoniales...
Alcohol prohibido
Speakeasy Patron (uncredited)
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
Suicide Fleet
Havana Shore Patrolman
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
Bajo el cielo de Cuba
Marine Sergeant (uncredited)
Un marine estadounidense atormentado por la culpa regresa a Cuba para localizar a su hijo ilegítimo.
Hell Bound
Lane and Diane are a young married couple living in a coastal town whose lives are about to be torn apart by an old book of magic.
Induction Officer (uncredited)
Ni su condición aristocrática, ni su Rolls Royce, ni la presencia de un chófer al lado, sirve a Elmer Stuyvesant (Buster Keaton) para conseguir que Mary Kidd (Sally Eilers) la chica que le atrae, consiga acceder a su cortejo... pero el destino va a obligarlo a ponerse un uniforme militar y en plena base se reencontrará con Mary... en igualdad de condiciones.
Inside the Lines
During World War I, German spies will stop at nothing to spy on the allied war plans stored at Gibraltar.
Shadow of the Law
Prison Barber
John Nelson, a well-to-do businessman, is escorting a woman he knows as Ethel Barry to the door of her apartment suite when a man steps out of the shadows and angrily demands to know where she has been. The embarrassed Nelson excuses himself and goes to his rooms in the same hotel. The woman rushes into his apartment followed by the man who met her in the hall. The man threatens her with violence and Nelson comes to her defense. In the ensuing fight, the man is knocked out of the window and falls to his death to the pavement many stories down. He is charged with the killing and his only witness that can prove self-defense for him has disappeared, and can not be found.
Around the Corner
18-year-old Rosie Kaplan O'Grady was found as an abandoned baby by O'Grady, an Irish policeman, and Kaplan, a Jewish pawnbroker, and raised by them as their own. She is being courted by two men; prizefighter Terry Callahan and a rich socialite, Tommy Sinclair and has to choose between them.
Mujeres ligeras
Cruise Ship Officer (uncredited)
Kay Arnold es una cazafortunas que va de fiesta en fiesta con la intención de atrapar a un pretendiente rico. Jerry Strong es un joven procedente de una próspera familia que se esfuerza por tener éxito como artista. Lo que comienza como una relación de mutua conveniencia se convierte pronto en otra cosa.
The Greene Murder Case
Cop in House (Uncredited)
Philo Vance investigates when a murderer preys upon members of a wealthy family on New York's Upper East Side.