Toyo Takahashi
Nacimiento : 1903-07-14, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Muerte : 1981-03-14
Eighth installment in the "Gokudo" series. Depicts the activities of Shimamura Seikichi and his henchmen
Gin Shimamura
The fourth part in the series "Code Between Brothers". The story takes place in Fukagawa, Tokyo, at the beginning of the Showa era, where five players following the harsh path of a knight defeat a despicable Yakuza gang.
Nurse Hashimoto
After serving his sentence, Yakuza family member Toshin-gumi Umebayashi is released from prison. Toshin-gumi was already headed by the boss in the second generation of Shotaro, but Shotaro fell into a trap, he is manipulated by his sworn enemy Kanzaki-gumi. Kanzaki-gumi captures the Toshin-gumi oil fields mined by the first boss. Umebayashi explodes in anger and attacks Kanzaki-gumi, but...
Shochiku's popular series of gang films, this one has the hero returning from prison bent on revenge. He runs into Chinese hoodlums, blackmailers and gold-smugglers. But he also aids and abets young lovers yet, despite his help, their love ends in tragedy and he tracks down his prey in Kobe.
A young woman begins murdering all those responsible for her ailing father's condition. Because the girl is so outwardly sweet and innocent, the detective looking into the deaths does not suspect her.
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
On a small island, inhabited by only fourteen hundred people, a young fisherman's son, Shinji falls in love with Hatsue, the daughter of the richest and most difficult man on the island. Despite their differences in class, they begin to meet and rumors spread of them having an illicit affair. Soon after, Shinji jumps into a stormy sea to help a ship in distress. The vessel turns out to be owned by Hatsue's arrogant father, who now becomes an understanding and sympathetic parent and allows the two lovers to marry.
Based on Muneta Hiroshi's military novel. The main character, Yamaguchi Zensuke, is a military dog soldier. He joins the army and winds up sent overseas to China as a part of the military dog unit. He's ridiculed by others due to his inability to advance.
Frustrated with the bad behavior of his lord, Inaba Yajuro (Otomo) declares that he is leaving the clan and sets off on a journey that leads him into a small town besieged by a violent group of brigands. In a kind of homage to Kurosawa's 7 Samurai, the townspeople have been unable to defend themselves and Inaba sets out to teach them how to stand up for themselves. Meanwhile the vile Lord Yasumasa has sent the 4 finest swordsmen in the clan out to hunt Inaba down and kill him. Led by the magnificent Ichibei (Konoe), a master of weaponry in his own right, everything points to an ultimate showdown between the former friends in a battle to the death.
Ebina Hashirako
A laid-back man tries to become a member of the yakuza.
Shinko Terasawa was always considered to be the odd ball of the bunch. At a time when romance was against school regulations, Shinko was the first to take a bite out of the forbidden fruit. Expelled from her former school, she finds herself in an all-girls school in Jokamachi, where rumors fly. One day, Shinko delivers an anonymous love letter addressed to her English teacher, Ms. Shimazaki. Convinced that the students are playing a prank, Ms. Shimazaki is adamant about getting to the bottom of this "problem”.
'Wakamatsu' no Okami
Shubei Hirayama es un viudo que vive con su hija de veinticuatro años. Sintiéndose viejo y acabado, el hombre se da cuenta de que ella debería vivir su vida y no tener la obligación de cuidarle permanentemente, así que decide casarla. Aunque su hija se resiste a abandonar a su progenitor, finalmente acabará haciéndolo. Shubei buscará en el licor del sake el refugio de la soledad, el consuelo de la angustia.
Japanese comedy film.
Geisha A
Una joven que trabaja en unas aguas termales salva a un estudiante que quería suicidarse. Éste se enamora de la chica, encontrando un motivo para vivir.
An investigation into a drug smuggler who is assassinated in front of an insurance building sets two detectives, Sumikawa and Akine, into a sprawling investigation through Tokyo's underworld.
Tomi Hamuro
After moving in to their dream home, newlyweds decide to rent out their second floor to save money. They soon discover the woe of being landlords.
Asakichi beats a ganster, Sada, in a physical fight, leading to recognition by Sada's clan boss. When Kotoito, the geisha Asakichi is in love with, is kidnapped by a rival clan and sold to a a house of pleasure, Asakichi and Sada set out to rescue her.
Manao Horiuchi movie
Mrs. Okazaki
One week into newlywed Teiko Uhara's marriage, her husband, Kenichi, leaves on a short business trip and never returns. Teiko travels across Japan to search for him, and along the way discovers some surprising facts about her husband's past. With only a pair of old photographs among his belongings to go off of, Teiko tries to figure out what has happened to him.
Wakamatsu's Owner
Tras la muerte de Miwa, sus mejores amigos deciden hacerse cargo del futuro de su viuda Akiko y de su hija Ayako. Todos creen que la mejor solución es casar a la joven, pero ésta rechaza uno tras otro a todos los candidatos que le presentan; así que deciden casar primero a la viuda.
A successful textile industrialist from the provinces, who is beloved by his employees for his kindness, cannot find a wife because of a disfiguring birthmark on his face. Even the courtesans in Yoshiwara refuse to entertain him, until an indentured peasant prostitute, Tamarazu, takes the unsavoury assignment and treats him with brash tenderness.
An upstanding young man’s racy adventure filled with conspiracies and love.
Aiko's mother
Remake de un film mudo dirigido por el propio Ozu en el año 1934. Narra la historia de un grupo de actores ambulantes que van a parar a una pequeña población de provincias. Allí el actor principal se reencuentra con una antigua amante y con un hijo ilegítimo.
Drama which shows the struggle of Fumiko, a female teacher, at work and at home.
Story of a romance between a middle-aged journalist and a young woman.
Shige Ôkubo
Japón, años 50. Como todos los días, los miembros de una familia se disponen a afrontar sus problemas, sueños y realidades. El padre, con los altibajos de su trabajo y las exigencias que impone la educación de los hijos. La madre, administrando los ingresos familiares y atendiendo a las múltiples complicaciones de la vida doméstica. Y los hijos obsesionados por tener televisión en casa, y uno de ellos enfrascado en sus estudios y angustiado por un defecto físico.
Based on the Nobu Koito story
A young woman tries to keep her family together after her father disowns her sister.
A delinquent young man (Kobayashi Akira) from a wealthy family decides to get in on a blackmailing scheme targeting his young stepmother (Watanabe Misako). However, he doesn't realize that his fellow blackmailers have their eyes on his girlfriend next.
Wakamatsu's owner
A un hombre de negocios sus amigos le piden constantemente consejos sobre el matrimonio, la vida conyugal y la vida familiar. Su serenidad y sus agudos análisis le permiten encontrar el consejo oportuno para cada situación. Sin embargo, cuando él mismo tiene que afrontar una delicada situación que afecta a su hija mayor, tropezará con grandes dificultades para encontrar una solución al conflicto.
Mitsu Shirafuji
Former boxer Daishiro lost his wife, and his only son, Kaoru, went missing, it was a heavy blow for Daishiro. One day, Daishiro got a call from his relative Morihiko. He said he forgot the winning lottery ticket of 2 million yen at the hotel, so he wants Daishiro to go and pick it up. Morihiko used the hotel for secret meetings, so he said he couldn't go there himself because he was afraid it would become public. When Daishiro entered the hotel, the Yakuza, who learned about the lottery from the newspaper, threaten the hotel maid Noriko, and want to rob her. Daishiro helps Noriko and safely picks up the lottery, but a message arrives from his relative Seikichi from Osaka. His missing son Kaoru is said to be a boxer in Osaka. "My son... He has the blood of a boxer in him..." Daishiro is heading to Osaka in a hurry...
Nishida, un estudiante pobre, se instala en una miserable pensión, situada cerca de una base aérea americana. La casera es una viuda acostumbrada a la vida de los bajos fondos. La prostitución y el mercado negro son las constantes de la zona y de la vida de sus habitantes.
Tane, the lady proprietor of an inn for amorous couples, lives there with her three children. When her eldest daughter loses her fiancé due to the fact her mother is a mistress, her despair drives her to become a cabaret hostess.
The obstinate black market trader Okyo lives together with her son Seitaro, who works as a mechanic for a bus company. She also looks after her son's colleague, the bus driver Fujita. When he causes an accident one day, Seitaro testifies against him due to his moral scruples, thus getting his company into trouble.
The day to day life in an establishment for delinquent teenage girls.
The story of Yoshinaka during the tumultuous period of warring related to us in the Heike Monogatari. Close in setting to Kinugasa’s famous Gate of Hell (1953).
Concierge (segment 2)
Han Gan
An ethical, young tax collector new to his area encounters increasingly absurd individuals and groups coping with their post-war woes.
1928. En la idílica isla rural de Shodoshima, la joven, brillante y motivada maestra Hisaki Oishi empieza por primera vez su tarea de profesora a cargo de doce niños de primaria, los inocentes y entrañables veinticuatro ojos que la mirarán en su primer año formativo de escuela. Al principio, los métodos de enseñanza poco ortodoxos de la nueva maestra y su moderna visión de chica de ciudad provocan cierto recelo en la comunidad pero pronto niños y adultos caen bajo su irresistible encanto. Al cabo de los años, la inminente guerra cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
Rinka no saikun
Una pareja de ancianos viaja a Tokio para visitar a sus hijos, pero ninguno de ellos tiene tiempo para atenderlos, por lo que deciden enviarlos a un balneario. Cuando regresan, la madre pasa una noche en la casa de una nuera, viuda de uno de sus hijos. A diferencia de sus cuñados, Noriko muestra afecto por sus suegros y conforta a la anciana.
Сэцуко Ониси
Mother Aisha
War film by Kon Ichikawa
Nobu Tamura
En el Tokio de la posguerra, los miembros de una familia convencional llevan una vida tranquila y serena. Su única preocupación es la soltería de Noriko, la hija mayor, que ya tiene 28 años. Pero la sociedad está cambiando, y Noriko, que trabaja y se divierte con sus amigas, no siente la menor necesidad de tener un marido. Sin embargo, su hermano considera muy imprudente la actitud independiente de la chica. (FILMAFFINITY)
"Pure white nights" - A romantic tale that depicts love between married people and the psychology of their marriage with elegant and a controversial touch. Love, art and suffering until the tragic and absurd ending.
Asako works in a hostel for troubled young women. When a beautiful young girl is brought in one day after committing theft, Asako finds out from the older widow she works with that the new girl is undoubtedly her half-sister. When the younger sister suddenly flees on account of a misunderstanding, Asako makes up her mind to find the mother who deserted them both.
Somiya era un viudo viejo con una hija, Noriko, madura para el matrimonio, pero curiosamente sigue viviendo con su padre. Para hacerla cambiar de manera de pensar, Somiya finje tomar una esposa joven e intentar que su hija se de cuenta de su situación...
Moto Yasaka
A Japanese war widow recalls her love affair with her deceased husband.
A lawyer fights doggedly for a more just legal system to rid Japan of its draconian penal system.
Adaptation of Fumiko Hayashi's novel.
Mother of Kumagai