Julij Zornik


Sound Designer
Safe Place
Sound Designer
A traumatic event – a sudden suicide attempt – opens a gap in the everyday life of a family of three. Their lives change fundamentally, as if they've been pulled into a war invisible to everyone else. The plot is limited to the most acute, a short period of time and a situation that boils down to the most important thing – to save a loved one. The film was based on the personal experience of the director, who also plays the leading role.
Supervising Sound Editor
Julija parece enfadarse por momentos, y a pasos acelerados, por su situación familiar. Su padre no deja de darle órdenes a ella y a su madre, pero ella tiene sus propios sueños: venderle un terreno a un adinerado viejo conocido que está de visita.
Sound Designer
A small town orchestra goes on a tour to Austria - an occasion to escape their everyday lives, indulge in heavy partying and try to connect with their true emotions. However, not everything will go as planned...
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Una joven de 18 años es asesinada en una disputa familiar en las tierras altas de Albania. Su padre se ve abrumado por las presiones de un obispo local y del presidente de una ONG de la capital para que perdone al asesino encarcelado y a su familia, pero también para que se reconcilie con ellos, tal y como exige el antiguo código tribal Kanun.
Penalty Shot
Supervising Sound Editor
Two best friends spend an afternoon on a football field, dreaming of making it to the local football team. But dreams come with a price.
Sound Designer
Boris Robic es, como suele decirse, un tipo corriente. Una noche, sin embargo, alguien intenta dispararle. Las investigaciones no revelan nada. Ni enemigos, ni sospechosos. Se podría decir que Boris es la última persona a la que alguien querría matar. Cuando la policía cierra la investigación, Boris empieza a investigar por su cuenta. Mientras busca al sospechoso, vemos cómo se desarrolla la tragicomedia de un hombre que descubre que le odia mucha más gente de lo que pensaba y que la forma en que ve su propia vida era una ilusión.
El último día del patriarcado
Sound Designer
Esta noche probablemente será la última de Ivo y él lo sabe. Detrás de las puertas de la habitación del hospital, su familia y amigos esperan. El nieto de Ivo llega al hospital con su nueva novia joven embarazada. Cuando le presenta al anciano, Ivo le pregunta si podía ver sus pechos. En el pasillo, su deseo se convierte en un asunto público. Todos se dan cuenta de que este podría ser su último deseo, pero al mismo tiempo intentan ser más o menos considerados con la joven. ¿Cómo solucionará la familia una situación tan delicada? ¿Y es este realmente el último deseo de Ivo?
Once Were Humans
Sound Designer
Leo is an Italian who lives in Slovenia. Vučko is a Bosnian who arrived to Slovenia as a child refugee. Leo continues to stay in Slovenia because of his ex-wife Tanja and his son Luka, hoping that they can become a family again. When the bank refuses to grant a loan Leo and Vučko would need to renovate their restaurant, they have no choice but to accept an offer from Gianni, a swindler. They are tasked with stealing Gianni’s truck so that he can collect the insurance money. However, instead of stealing Gianni’s truck, Leo and Vučko mistakenly steal a truck full of refugees. Vučko the refugee and Leo the migrant themselves thus inadvertently become responsible for destinies of people similarly unfortunate as they had once been. In order to solve their financial problems, they decide to sell the refugees. At first it seems that they are not indifferent towards these people, but with each passing day there is less and less humanity left in Leo and Vučko.
Antigone, How Dare We!
Based on motifs from The Triple Life of Antigone by Slavoj Žižek, this film reflects on today’s planet and political “chaos” by placing the politicians, the decision-makers and the influencers of today in the roles of Žižek’s version of the ancient Greek drama Antigone. But what are the politicians roles? Does the Antigone of today represent populists, anti-migrants and fundamentalists, or those who would oppose them?
Liliana is a beautiful girl and dedicated hard worker. But she does have a secret that keeps her going... A poetic narrative from another time and place with a touch of nostalgic past.
Stories from the Chestnut Woods
Sound Mixer
In the mid-20th century, in a forested valley between Italy and Yugoslavia, a stingy widower befriends a young woman and helps her depart across the ocean to find there a better life. A chance encounter gives rise to a dreamy parable on loss, loneliness and the power of imagination.
Supervising Sound Editor
When a man known as Oroslan dies, the news quickly spreads through a little village, causing grief and emotion. Later on, actions become words and words become stories. In order to overcome the sorrow and restore the natural flow of life, the villagers start sharing their memories about Oroslan, re-creating his image through their tales.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Half-sisters from a small coastal town who were never that close are forced by circumstance to share a flat in Ljubljana.
Sound Designer
El problemático Andrej ha acabado su adolescencia, y con la paciencia de sus progenitores. Es llamado a declarar en un juicio por su ira, violencia y actos. Sentenciado, y con la aprobación de sus padres, es llevado a un correccional para jóvenes delincuentes. Una vez dentro, debe luchar por su lugar en la tribu mientras entabla un vínculo con su líder, Željko, quien pondrá a prueba su secreto más reprimido.
My Last Year as a Loser
Sound Editor
Špela graduated in Art History and has never had a steady job. Unlike her two best friends, who have moved out of Slovenia years ago with no plans to return, she is determined to stay in Ljubljana. When even her longtime boyfriend gets a job abroad she moves back in with her parents and her grandma. But Špela wants to grow up and cut the cord instead of delaying her already well overdue adulthood any longer.
Greetings from Free Forests
Sound Designer
Drifting through the densely forested landscape of southern Slovenia, the film encounters stories that emerge from the land itself, measuring the gap between an event of popular resistance and its lingering remains within a foreclosed present.
Supervising Sound Editor
Childhood memories of fishing with grandpa grow so vivid they visit the protagonist's present experience.
The Tree
Sound Editor
A family finds itself in a dead-end situation. They are only safe behind the walls of their own house and yard. As time vanishes from their home, the shelter slowly turns into a prison. However, nothing can keep the children from dreaming and yearning to be free and the urge to make a decision seems inevitable.
Sound Designer
Karpotrotter is a road movie about place, time, and memory, as well as an homage to filmmaker Karpo Godina, whose work flourished during the Black Wave of Yugoslav filmmaking in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Contemporary filmmaker Matjaz Ivanisin retraces the footsteps, 40 years later, of his compatriot’s road trip through small villages in the rural countryside. Constructed from Godina’s 8mm footage from this journey, Ivanisin interlaces this material with landscape footage from his current road trip and contemporary interviews of the citizenry who recall Godina’s visit decades earlier; period folkloric music augments the soundtrack. The filmmaker structures his film in five sections that articulate the local character of different villages. Richly multi-layered in both temporal and spatial terms, the filmmaker constructs a poignant meditation about the local village culture and inhabitants of this rural region of the former Yugoslavia.
Slovenian Girl
Sound Designer
Ljubljana, año 2008. Eslovenia ostenta la Presidencia de la Unión Europea. Alexandra, de 23 años, es una estudiante de filología inglesa. Viene de una ciudad pequeña; sus padres están divorciados. Nadie sabe que Alexandra pone anuncios personales con el apodo de "Eslovena" y que la prostitución es su fuente de ingresos secreta. Es una perfecta manipuladora, es mentirosa, un poco ladrona y odia a su madre. La única persona que le importa es su padre, un roquero acabado. Alexandra sabe lo que quiere, pero la vida no es tan fácil como esperaba. (FILMAFFINITY)