James Finlayson

James Finlayson

Nacimiento : 1887-08-27, Larbert, Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK

Muerte : 1953-10-09


James Henderson "Jimmy" Finlayson (August 27, 1887 – October 9, 1953) was a Scottish actor who worked in both silent and sound comedies. Bald, with a fake moustache, Finlayson had many trademark comic mannerisms and is famous for his squinting, outraged, "double take and fade away" head reaction, and characteristic expression "d'ooooooh", and as the most famous comic foil of Laurel and Hardy.


James Finlayson


Laurel & Hardy - Highlights
Experience Stan and Ollie in their funniest scenes: whether they build a house as construction workers or try to impress two young ladies as sailors. Watch as Stan fights a superior opponent in the boxing ring and as Ollie is taking an involuntary bath and see where a steadfast friendship between two men can get you...
The Further Perils of Laurel and Hardy
Film historian Robert Youngson presents a feature-length anthology of rarely seen silent films by comedy legends Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Along with clips from many of the shorts that made the duo stars, it includes clips from a 1918 comedy starring Laurel on his own as well as scenes from three shorts Hardy made in 1917 and '18 with his original comedy partner, Billy West. To put the duo's work in context, the film briefly features other comedians who worked with producer Hal Roach.
El gran desfile de la comedia
(archive footage)
Una recopilación de los momentos más divertidos de las comedias MGM.
The Slappiest Days of Our Lives
(archive footage)
Laurel is a Scottish reporter suspected of being a spy by police detective James Finlayson. Although trailed by the latter, Stan, who is reporting on the movie world, manages to be hired by Mack Sennett. He makes his debut in Nevada, in the middle of gold diggers. After managing to clear his name he becomes, with Oliver Hardy, a big comedy star.
Bodas reales
Cabby (uncredited)
Fred Astaire y Jane Powell son dos hermanos bailarines que acuden a Londres para actuar en la ceremonia que unirá en matrimonio a la princesa inglesa Elizabeth con Philip. Intentarán, además, encontrar el amor de sus vidas mientras la realeza celebra los fastos de la boda.
Grand Canyon Trail
Sintown is just a deserted ghost town until Vanerpool starts looking for silver. Cookie and Roy's partners put $20,000 into the business only to find that the mine is worthless and Vanerpool is bankrupt. Carol comes out to look for silver to save the company, but does not know that their engineer, named Regan, is crooked and wants all the silver for himself. But only Old Ed knows where the mother lode is located.
Los peligros de Paulina
Comic Chef
Una joven deja su trabajo como dependienta de una tienda de Nueva York y emprende una nueva vida dentro de una compañía teatral que recorre el país. Pero su verdadero éxito llega con el cine mudo, donde alcanzará la fama y adoración del público con su interpretación de la heroína en "Los peligros de Paulina".
Dos hermanas de Boston
Street Cleaner (uncredited)
Dos muchachas de Boston deciden trasladarse a Nueva York. Una de ellas trabaja como cantante en el local de un viejo amigo de la familia, mientras que la otra se enamora del hijo de un importante mecenas de la ópera.
Happy Times and Jolly Moments
(archive footage)
This short film takes a nostalgic look at the Mack Sennett comedies of the silent cinema era.
Ser o no ser
Scottish Farmer with Mustache (uncredited)
Las tropas de Hitler invaden Varsovia. En la ciudad, una compañía de teatro que iba a representar una obra, se ve obligada a sustituirla por Hamlet. Mientras, la esposa del actor principal empieza a flirtear con un apuesto oficial.
Enviado especial
Dutch Peasant (uncredited)
Poco antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un corresponsal americano enviado a Europa se ve envuelto en la lucha contra el fascismo durante la investigación del secuestro de un diplomático holandés. Se trata de un alegato en favor de la intervención de los americanos en la guerra. Fue propuesta como candidata a seis Óscar -incluyendo mejor película-, pero no consiguó ninguno.
Marinos a la fuerza
Dr. J.H. Finlayson (uncredited)
El malogrado Oliver trabaja desde hace tiempo en una factoría de bocinas. Tal trabajo le está costando la salud, ya que padece una extraña excitación que se convierte en delirio cada vez que suena, junto a sus oídos, una trompa o algo parecido. El médico que ha visitado para acabar con su afección le ha recomendado dos cosas: realizar un viaje largo para relajar los nervios y beber leche de cabra para mejorar su estado. Al conocer el estado de Oliver, su inseparable amigo, Stan le comenta que no es necesario realizar una gran travesía para disfrutar del aire marino, y le propone alquilar una pequeña embarcación del muelle. Oli acepta y Stan consigue una cochambrosa barca por cuatro cuartos. Junto a la pareja de amigos, viajan una entrañable cabra que le proporcionará leche a Oliver y un inesperado polizonte, un peligroso asesino que se acaba de fugar de la cárcel
Estudiantes en Oxford
Baldy Vandevere (uncredited)
Tras varios intentos desesperados de buscar trabajo, Laurel y Hardy terminan trabajando de barrenderos. Sin proponérselo, detienen a un ladrón de bancos, por lo que el director, en agradecimiento, decide pagarles los estudios en la prestigiosa universidad de Oxford. Cuando llegan allí, protagonizan varios enredos y bromas.
The Great Victor Herbert
In his last film assignment, portly Walter Connolly fills the title role (in more ways than one) in The Great Victor Herbert. Very little of Herbert's life story is incorporated in the screenplay (a closing title actually apologizes for the film's paucity of cold hard facts); instead, the writers allow the famed composer's works to speak for themselves. In the tradition of one of his own operettas, Herbert spends most of his time patching up the shaky marriage between tenor John Ramsey (Allan Jones) and Louise Hall (Mary Martin). Many of Herbert's most famous compositions are well in evidence, including "Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life", "March of the Toys" and "Kiss Me Again", the latter performed con brio by teenaged coloratura Susanna Foster. Evidently, the producers were able to secure the film rights for the Herbert songs, but not for the stage productions in which they appeared, which may explain such bizarre interpolations as having a song from Naughty Marietta.
Caballero y ladrón
Hansom Cab Driver
A.J. Raffles, hombre de mundo y jugador de cricket de primera, se mantiene solvente cometiendo robos atrevidos. Cuando se reencuentra con Gwen, su amor de adolescencia, vuelve a enamorarse otra vez de ella y pasa el fin de semana con sus padres, Lord y Lady Melrose. Un valioso collar supone una tentación irresistible para él, pero deberá tener cuidado con uno de los mejores agentes de Scotland Yard, que también está al acecho.
Locos del aire
Un hombre sufre un desengaño cuando descubre que la chica a la que quiere está casada con un soldado. Pretende suicidarse con la ayuda de un amigo, pero mientras lo intenta aparece un oficial de la Legión Extranjera que los anima a alistarse, asegurándoles que en pocos días olvidarán lo sucedido. Una vez allí, las aventuras se sucederán con cómicos resultados.
Hollywood Cavalcade
Keystone Cop
Starting in 1913 movie director Connors discovers singer Molly Adair. As she becomes a star she marries an actor, so Connors fires them. She asks for him as director of her next film. Many silent stars shown making the transition to sound.
Mr. Jones
Mr. Jones overhears a doctor prescribe a diet he thinks is for him, but it's really for his dog.
Cabezas de Chorlito
Man on Stairs
La película arranca en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial, donde un Stan despistado se queda guardando la posición... ¡por veinte años! Al fin, se entera que el conflicto ha terminado. Entretanto, su amigo Ollie se ha casado. El reencuentro supone reiniciar la amistad, pero esto puede traer consecuencias en el matrimonio de Ollie.
All Over Town
Two vaudevillian comedians try to stage a show in a theatre that has a reputation for being being haunted.
Pick a Star
A Cinderella story of a young country girl who comes to Hollywood and achieves movie stardom with the help of a publicity man.
Laurel y Hardy en el Oeste
Mickey Finn
Stan y Ollie acuden a Brushwood Gulch para entregarle a la hija de un buscador de oro la escritura de propiedad de la mina. Al ser engañados por el propietario del salón y su mujer, deciden recuperar el documento empleando el procedimiento de los rateros: cuerdas, poleas... ¡y una mula!
Dos pares de mellizos
Los magos del humor, Laurel y Hardy, interpretan a dos marineros encargados de entregar un valioso paquete en el puerto donde, por casualidad, viven sus hermanos gemelos, felizmente casados. Los gemelos y sus dos novias se intercambian, por error, con sus hermanos. Uno de los más divertidos trabajos de los míticos Laurel y Hardy, conocidos en España como El gordo y el flaco. En esta ocasión interpretan dos papeles cada uno, lo que fue posible gracias a los magistrales trucos fotográficos del cámara Rudolph Maté, uno de los grandes directores de fotografía de la historia del cine
Un par de gitanos
Captain Finn
Una caravana de gitanos con la que viajan los ladronzuelos Stan y Ollie acampa junto a las murallas del palacio del conde de Arnheim. Un día, la infiel y vengativa esposa de Ollie, enfurecida por el arresto de su amante, secuestra a la hija del Conde, Arline, y huye dejándola con Stan y Ollie, quienes la criarán desconociendo su auténtica identidad. Tras pasar doce años, Arline es detenida en las tierras del palacio y llevada al calabozo, sus torpes amigos armarán un auténtico embrollo tratando de rescatarla.
MGM 1935 Promo Reel
Promo for MGM's upcoming 1935-36 releases hosted by Laurel & Hardy and Jimmy Finlayson. Brief clips are shown from Rose Marie, Anna Karenina, Broadway Melody, China Seas, The Great Ziegfield and others. Don't miss a few seconds from the 1935 version (now lost) of Tarzan Escapes showing Jane with a great ape; there were no great apes in the 1936 release.
Life Hesitates at 40
Dr. James Finlayson
Charley finds himself having strange spells during which everything around him seems to stop.
Manhattan Monkey Business
Joyce's Father
When Charley can't pay his bill at a restaurant, he is forced to become a waiter.
Dos fusileros sin bala
Sgt. Maj. Finlayson
Ollie y Stanley marchan hacia tierras escocesas en busca de fortuna. Lo que allí les lleva no es otra cosa que una herencia de Stan, aquí apellidado MacLaurel. Pero, hete aquí, que cuando recibe la herencia todos sus anhelos se frustran: el montante consiste en unas gafas y una pitillera. Así las cosas, la pareja se enrola en las fuerzas de Su Majestad para luchar en las fronteras de la India.
La Subasta
Auction Manager
Oliver está en problemas con su esposa después de no hacer un pago de sus muebles, después de haberle dado el dinero a Stanley, quien lo usó para pagarle a la Sra. Hardy su alojamiento y comida. A sugerencia de Stan, Ollie retira los ahorros de la pareja del banco para pagar los muebles y, sin darse cuenta, paga prácticamente la cantidad total en una subasta por un reloj de pie que pronto es aplastado por un camión que pasa. La Sra. Hardy luego, sin querer, causa lesiones graves a Ollie, lo que requiere que lo lleven de urgencia al hospital para una transfusión de sangre. El médico recluta a Stan para que sea el donante de sangre involuntario. Ocurren problemas con la transfusión y cuando Stan y Ollie salen del hospital, parecen haberse transformado el uno en el otro.
Dick Turpin
The adventures of the eighteenth century highwayman Dick Turpin and his legendary ride to York.
So This Is Harris!
Golf Pro
The film is a series of comical musical numbers and skits following Phil Harris around, starting with him performing at the Cocoanut Grove nightclub, which is listened to by Dorothy on the radio whose home-brewing husband Walter hates Harris. The action then moves to the country club where Walter unknowingly encounters Harris while being aggravated by his music. Walter then pretends to be Phil to meet a woman while Harris "entertains" her friend, Dorothy.
The Gay Nighties
Mr. Amos Pipp
This short features two women who run around in their nighties. Paul McCullough spends most of the picture in a dress, and Bobby Clark does an extended riff on the word "Alright!" which Lou Costello later stole verbatim. There is a political frameup, a nearsighted hotel house detective, and the ever-popular upstairs motorcycle chase.
Mush and Milk
Mr. Brown, the banker
When Cap's back pension finally comes in, he treats the gang to a day at an amusement park.
The Druggist's Dilemma
Andrew Finch
Bobby Clark and Paul McCullough star as a couple of wacky soda jerks. They do a high wire act while delivering a much needed pair of pants to their boss.
Fra Diávolo
Lord Rocburg
El Gordo y el Flaco son dos picaruelos delincuentes de la Italia del siglo XVII llamados Stanlio y Ollio. Libre adaptación de la ópera de Auber.
His Silent Racket
James Finlayson manages to con Charley into becoming his partner in a failing dry cleaning shop that has been targeted by gangsters running a protection racket.
Mi amigo y yo
Peter Cucumber
El día en que Ollie se va a casar con la hija de su jefe, su amigo y padrino de boda, Stan, llega con un rompecabezas como regalo. El juego no sólo absorberá la atención de los dos compañeros, sino también del mayordomo y del chófer que los ha de llevar a la iglesia. Mientras, la novia y su padre esperan y desesperan...
Nature in the Wrong
Voice of lion (uncredited)
Charley, hoping to find cultured people in his ancestry in order to be suitable to Muriel's family, is tricked by his rival Ronnie into believing himself a descendant of Tarzan. Conked on the head, Charley suddenly believes he IS Tarzan.
Jitters the Butler
Phineas P. McPhinn
Two street cleaners, fired by the commissioner for playing with fire-crackers on the job, are taken to his home to recuperate from a car accident by his wife.
El abuelo de la criatura
Mientras Laurel y Hardy luchan en el frente durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), un buen amigo suyo resulta gravemente herido y, antes de morir, les pide que busquen a su hija y la lleven a casa de sus abuelos; pero la misión resultará más difícil de lo previsto. En su segundo largometraje, Laurel y Hardy se propusieron suavizar con unas pinceladas de humor un asunto tan serio como la guerra.
The Iceman's Ball
Commissioner Walters
Clark & McCullough are arrested for disturbing the peace. They steal the police car and return it to the station. The new police commissioner believes that they are real policemen and they get back the patrol car. Out on the beat, the duo chase women rather than criminals, just like real cops.
Thunder Below
Tallulah Bankhead's first Hollywood movie was this romantic-drama, in which she plays Susan, the unhappy wife of oil rigger Walt (Charles Bickford), who labors in a Central American oil field. The bored Susan falls in love with Walt's good friend Ken (Paul Lukas) but keeps her husband in the dark about her feelings... until he's plunged into darkness for real when he loses his eyesight. Susan finds her attentions then wandering yet another man, Davis (Ralph Forbes), and Ken urges her to return to Walt.
La vida es dura
Los desastres causados por los torpes artistas Stanley y Oliver llevan a la ruina al circo en el que trabajan. Su endeudado propietario decide compensar a los empleados repartiendo el circo entre ellos. A Stanley le toca el circo de pulgas mientras que Oliver se lleva un exótico chimpancé con tutú llamado Ethel...
Hasty Marriage
Kitty's Father
It's in three distinct segments. The first and probably best involves Charley, his girlfriend, and her father foolish her mother and the suitor she prefers into getting Charley into the house for dinner. In the later two segments, in which Charley must get married within minutes to get a job, and then tries to go on a picnic with his new family, are both also packed with laughs and timed with an almost musical brilliance.
Scratch-As-Catch-Can is a 1932 American short comedy film directed by Mark Sandrich. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 5th Academy Awards for Best Short Subject (Comedy).
¿Por qué trabajar?
A Community Player
Stan y Ollie, dos víctimas de la Gran Depresión que recorren América sin apenas pertenencias, agradecen la comida que les ofrece una anciana. Mientras almuerzan en su cocina, oyen como ésta implora a su casero que no la eche. Deciden ayudarla con una subasta sin saber que lo que oyeron fue el ensayo de una obra de teatro.
False Roomers
In the first RKO Short featuring the comedy team of Clark & McCullough, Clark (Bobby Clark)and Grustark (Paul McCullough)seek refuge in the boarding house owned by Finlayson (James Finlayson)after wrecking the car owned by Morgan (Kewpie Morgan). Finlayson, never without rules, warns them there is no cooking allowed in the rooms and his new roomers proceed to pop corn over the gas heater. A young girl (Josephine Whittell)mistakes their room for the bathroom, which leads to some pre-code complications. The slapstick ending finds Clark and Grustark driving out of the boarding house in Morgan's car with a bed attached to the car.
Beach Pajamas
Beach Pajamas is a 1931 Comedy short
De bote en bote
Encarcelados por vender cerveza casera en tiempos de ley seca, Laurel y Hardy logran el apoyo de un sorprendente aliado para escapar de prisión gracias al voz de pedorreta emitido por Laurel por culpa de un diente flojo.
Stout Hearts and Willing Hands
Stout Hearts and Willing Hands is a 1931 short comedy film directed by Bryan Foy. It was nominated for an Academy Award in 1932 for Best Short Subject (Comedy), but was disqualified.
One of the Smiths
Wine Brewer (uncredited)
Charley, representing a manufacturer of musical instruments, is sent to investigate why certain mail orders have not been settled. Charley, carrying multiple bulky instruments, boards a train and gives the conductor, the porter, and the passengers a terrible night as he tries to settle into his upper berth. Arriving at his rural destination of Beaver Dam, Charley masquerades as a hillbilly to track down the missing instruments. At the barn dance, he sings "Handsome Jim."
Amor, dulce amor
Father of the bride
Oliver está haciendo planes para casar a su novia Dulcy con Stan como su padrino, pero los planes se frustran cuando el padre de Dulcy ve una foto de Ollie y prohíbe el matrimonio. La pareja planea fugarse y huir a un juez de paz. Después de los típicos errores de Laurel y Hardy, logran escabullirse de la casa de su padre.
Ollie se postula para alcalde y un viejo amor amenaza con chantajearlo.
Second Hand Kisses
Jimmy Finlayson
Knockabout comedy in which woman marries widower each having a child of their own which the other knows nothing about.
Chickens Come Home
Ollie es candidato a alcalde cuando un viejo amor (Mae Busch) intenta chantajearlo con una foto antigua ("el mismo viejo muchacho con mejillas como manzanas"). Los intentos de Stan por ayudar a mantener a raya a la chantajiste de Ollie hacen incurrir en la ira de la señora Laurel, que se venga con un hacha.
Don't Leave Home
Johnny Hines flies in from Chicago early to surprise wife Doris Phillips and their infant. Meanwhile, Miss Phillips is preparing to take the baby with her to see Hines in Chicago. When he arrives home, there's a note that she's left, so Hines takes the baby to a hotel, setting off the usual series of misunderstanding.
Los calaveras
Col. Wilburforce Buckshot (uncredited)
Dos vagabundos sin hogar se esconden en una mansión vacía y se hacen pasar por los residentes cuando los arrendatarios potenciales llegan y tratan el alquiler.
Gold diggers
Chercheuses d'or is a American comedy short with all speaking French
El príncipe del dólar
El príncipe del dólar is an American comedy short with all speaking Spanish
Dollar Dizzy
House Detective (uncredited)
Charley and Thelma are millionaires, each trying to elude suitors who are trying to marry them for their money. Charlie gets word that a rich uncle has died, leaving him millions. Attorneys advise him to repair to a resort and avoid gold diggers. Once there, word spreads among the single women, and several try to ensnare him. At first he's gullible, then he cottons on, so when Thelma, a wealthy young woman, mistakes him for a fortune hunter, he dismisses her as well. A manager's error puts Charlie and Thelma in the same suite, and both think the other is prospecting. A dressing gown, radio, bare feet, pistol, keyhole, fountain pen, bedcovers, and a suspicious hotel detective join the mix-up. But wait, was the inheritance a mistake?
For the Defense
William Foster is a slick attorney who stays within the law, but specializes in representing crooks and shady characters. He's adept at keeping them out of jail, winning acquittals, and having decisions reversed, thus springing criminals out of prison. He is romantically involved with dancer Irene Manners, who is two-timing him, although she wants to marry him. She kills a man driving while out with her other man, Jack Defoe, who takes the blame. Unfortunately, a ring Foster had just given Irene is found at the crime scene. Foster ends up defending Jack, but when the ring is found, he thinks he is protecting Irene, so pleads guilty to jury tampering.
La escuadrilla del amanecer
Field Sergeant
Primera película sonora de Hawks, que relata la historia de un grupo de aviadores ingleses que se enfrentan a pilotos alemanes. En 1938 el director Edmund Goulding realizó un remake protagonizado por Errol Flynn en el que se usaron algunas escenas aéreas de esta primera versión. (FILMAFFINITY)
Young Eagles
Lieut. Robert Banks, an American aviator on leave in Paris, meets Mary Gordon, a young American who lives abroad, but their romance is cut short by his return to the front. In an air battle, Robert brings down and captures the Grey Eagle, Baden, and takes him to American Intelligence in Paris. Mary, ostensibly a spy for the Germans, drugs Robert, who awakens to find that his uniform has been stolen by Baden. Later, in an exciting air conflict, Baden is wounded but shoots down Robert's plane. The German rescues him, however, and takes him to an Allied hospital, assuring him of Mary's love; his faith in her is restored when he learns that she is actually a spy for U. S. Intelligence.
Versión bilingüe y extendida del cortometraje "Night Owls" (1930), rodada simultáneamente con su predecesora para el mercado español.
Night Owls
Policeman Edgar Kennedy is told by his chief he better stop a string of burglaries that have been happening on his watch or else he will get the sack. He persuades vagrants Stan and Ollie to rob the chief's house so he can regain his reputation by catching them. The policeman promises to later get the boys off. Things do not go as planned.
Wall Street
Andy (as Jimmy Finalyson)
A very topical early talkie from low-budget company Columbia Pictures, Wall Street starred Ralph Ince, brother of producer Thomas H. Ince, as Roller McCray, a steelworker turned ruthless tycoon whose tough business methods leads a rival (Philip Strange) to commit suicide. The widow (Aileen Pringle), believing she can ruin Ince by using his own methods, conspires with her husband's former partner (Sam De Grasse), but a strong friendship between Ince and Pringle's young son (Freddie Burke Frederick) changes things dramatically. According to future Three Stooges director Edward Bernds, who worked as a sound mixer on Wall Street, Ince's reaction to his rival's suicidal jump from a window ledge was changed from a sneering "I didn't think he had the guts" to the more respectful "I didn't think he'd do it" due to derisive laughter from the film's crew.
En la prisión
Stan y Ollie son arrestados “por estar viendo un robo”. Ya en prisión, el guardia los pilla intentando escapar y como castigo son enviados a realizar trabajos forzados en una carretera. Allí recibirán una visita de inspección del Gobernador.
Apuestos soldados
Soda jerk
Los marinos Stan y Ollie conocen a dos chicas en el parque. Después de una agradable visita a una heladería, deciden ir al lago a remar, allí comenzarán los líos.
Two Weeks Off
Pa Weaver
Frances, a salesgirl, is planning a summer vacation at the beach with a girlfriend, who also works at her store. Just as she is getting ready to leave home, Dave, a handsome young plumber, arrives to repair a leaky faucet. Her vacation turns into a bust when it rains at the beach, but a hunky lifeguard shows up to brighten her day. Then, of all people, Dave the plumber shows up, too. Complications ensue.
El gran negocio
Stan y Ollie tratan de vender un arbol de Navidad a un cliente gruñon.Un malentendido provoca que se origine una colosal batalla en la que Stan y Ollie destruyen la casa del cliente y este a su vez el coche de los dos.
Store keeper
Mientras se cambiaban de ropa en un auto de fuga, los convictos fugados Stan y Ollie se pusieron los pantalones por error. Pasan el resto de la película tratando de intercambiar pantalones en varios escenarios poco probables.
Fast Freight
Spooky Wall Painting
Fast Freight is a 1929 Our Gang short silent comedy film. It was the 85th Our Gang short that was released. The gang takes a tramp's train ride and end up taking shelter in a haunter house.
Show Girl
Mr. Dugan
An aspiring dancer fakes her own kidnapping as a publicity stunt. Her new found fame causes trouble with her boyfriend.
Lady Be Good
Trelawney West
Two engaged vaudeville magicians quarrel and go their separate ways.
Ladies' Night in a Turkish Bath
Pa Slocum
Ma and Pa Slocum sell up their thriving packed-lunch business (based on Ma's home cooking, Pa's packaging design, and pretty daughter Helen's salesmanship), and move 'uptown' to live the life of the idle rich on the proceeds.
Flying Elephants
Cavemen Stan and Ollie vie for the affections of a stone-age beauty.
Should Tall Men Marry?
Joe Skittle
This western comedy is about rancher Finlayson's beautiful daughter, Martha Sleeper, who refuses to marry the bad guy and how Jimmy and dimwitted cowhand Stan bumble their way into a successful defense of her and the ranch.
Do Detectives Think?
Judge Foozle
An escaped convict is out to kill the judge who sentenced him. Two inept detectives are hired to guard the judge.
Hats Off
Proprietor, Kwickway Washing Machine Co.
Stan and Ollie are salesmen attempting to sell a washing machine; they fail constantly after several near misses. One would-be sale has them carrying the machine up a large flight of steps, only to find out that a young lady wants them to post a letter for her. The boys later get into an argument knocking off each other's hats, which eventually involves scores of others. A police van eventually carts all those involved away except Stan and Ollie, who afterwards try to find their own headgear amongst the hundreds of others lying on the street.
Call of the Cuckoo
Asylum Inmate
Mishaps befall a new home owner located next door to an insane asylum.
The Second Hundred Years
Browne Van Dyke
Laurel and Hardy are convicts making an escape from prison.
Sugar Daddies
Oil tycoon Cyrus Brittle
James Finlayson es un rico hombre de negocios que un día se despierta sin recordar que se ha casado la noche anterior. Su abogado (Laurel) y el mayordomo (Hardy) tratarán de ayudarle a salir de esta situación.
With Love and Hisses
Captain Bustle
Dimwitted Cuthbert Hope is enlisted in the army, and gets himself and his sergeant in constant trouble.
Don't Tell Everything
Lawyer Goldblum
Max and his son Asher are invited to a party, where Max meets a rich widow, but Asher keeps annoying all of the guests, so Max refuses to speak to him. 10 days later he has married the widow, but hasn't told her about Asher. Asher doesn't like the situation either, and enters the home disguised as the new maid, that leeds to a growing suspicion of his step mother, who has her own little secret.
Love 'Em and Weep
Titus Tillsbury
Titus Tillsbury is a successful businessman who is visited by a blackmailing old flame. He enlists a friend to keep her away from his home and wife.
No Man's Law
Jack Belcher
A wild stallion (Rex the Wonder Horse) becomes the protector of a prospector and his foster daughter as two thugs plot to steal their claim.
Forgotten Sweeties
Thurston's former sweetheart has married a big brute, and they move in down the hall from him.
One Hour Married
A newly-married woman disguises herself as a doughboy in order to stay close to her husband.
Seeing the World
'Old Buzz-Fuzz,' teacher
In this Our Gang film, James Finlayson plays the gang's schoolteacher who takes the kids to Europe after winning a local contest. He takes them on a tour of Naples, Pompeii, Rome, the Vatican, Venice, London, and finally Paris, where problems arise on top of the Eiffel Tower.
Anything Once!
Mabel's Boss
ANYTHING ONCE! is a Cinderella story. Mabel works in a tailor shop, pressing clothes and dreaming of a better life. We're told that she's taken a lot of bumps in life and doesn't know where the next bump is coming from, which sounds uncomfortably close to the leading lady's real-life situation. Her boss is Jimmy Finlayson, but instead of playing the expected sourpuss Finn is quite benign here, and doesn't even punish Mabel when she accidentally sets his toupee on fire.
Raggedy Rose
Simpson Sniffle
Rose, who works for a penny-pinching junk dealer, dreams of romance with wealthy bachelor Ted Tudor.
Wise Guys Prefer Brunettes
Dean of Pinkham University
The crotchety dean of Pinkham University blames the "bad behavior of the school's female students on a dress shop owned by Helene, and informs her he's shutting her shop down. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Napoleon has invented a plaster that restores youth. The dean accidentally sits on the plaster and reverts back to his younger days when he himself used to chase college girls. Complications ensue.
Merry Widower
The Hunter
Julius loses his wife to Rudy because he's too busy going on hunting trips. But when she arranges to meet with a fortune teller, Julius hatches a plan to win her back.
Thundering Fleas
Justice of the Peace
The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.
Don Key (Son of Burro)
Vivien's Suitor
The head of a big movie studio is pulling his hair out because the company is bankrupt unless they can find a writer for a smash comedy. An aspiring writer is awaiting outside the office and the producer agrees to see him. He listens while the writer tells his story and acts the numerous parts. The story is rotten, but the producer lets him escape while vowing vengeance on any other author who would read his story aloud.
Wife Tamers
The Waiter
Mr. Barry has a huge argument with his wife, and to make her jealous, he asks his valet to set him up with a pretty girl who is stranded in their neighborhood. He takes her out to dinner, but to his disgust he discovers that she lacks even one ounce of class and her table manners are frightening. Soon enough, Barrymore is reunited with his wife.
Dizzy Daddies
Jonathan Haig
When the story begins, Johnnie comes to the lawyer's house (James Finlayson) in order to woo the man's daughter. However, a love-crazy woman has been chasing Johnnie and the lawyer tries to help out....and gets nothing but trouble in return. The lady now wants the lawyer...who's a married man. Soon all sorts of problems develop...and the lawyer is sure his wife is going to kill him!
Madame Mystery
Struggling Author
A female secret agent has gotten ahold of a new type of explosive gas. She has to avoid the efforts of two men who are trying to steal it. They succeed in doing so, but the gas turns out to be not quite what they expected.
What's the World Coming To?
The Father-in-Law
Short comedy which posits that in a hundred years men's styles will revert to Regency garb, and that there will be a complete gender role reversal, with husband Clyde Cook staying home alone while wife Katherine Grant goes tomcatting around town.
A Punch in the Nose
Flaming Flappers
Mother - The hand that rocks the family - and rocks it often! A family comedy.
The Caretaker's Daughter
The Prohibition Sleuth (as Jimmie Finlayson)
The two-reel silent film comedy The Caretaker's Daughter was distributed by Pathe in 1925. Produced by the prolific Hal Roach, the film stars the great Charley Chase in a case of multiple incarnations!
Moonlight and Noses
Professor Sniff
Two burglars break into the home of an eccentric doctor. The doctor catches them, but offers to let them go free -- and give them a thousand dollars -- if they go to a cemetery and bring back the body of a man who he believes died of "water on the brain."
Unfriendly Enemies
The Cameraman
Finlayson plays an intrepid army cameraman on the battlefield in the world war, and Rowe plays his hapless assistant. Cranking away in no man's land, they take foolish chances and must dodge flying shells, falling down and losing their film repeatedly.
Madame Sans Jane
A young couple want to marry, but the girl's father doesn't like her beau. To separate them, the father arranges to send the girl on a sea voyage along with a female companion. But the beau, dressed as a woman, manages to fool the father into hiring him as the companion, and they all board the ship together.
Innocent Husbands
The Desk Clerk (as Jimmie Finlayson)
Despite his faithfulness, Melvin is always under suspicion by wife Mame. Complications erupt when a woman from a party across the hall passes out in Melvin's bedroom just before Mame returns.
Yes, Yes, Nanette
Hillory, the new husband
Nanette sends a letter to her family telling of her new husband, Hillory. When Hillory arrives to meet the family, he gets insulted by each member, including the dog, and loses his wig. After having dinner with the family, Nanette's former lover returns, and Hillory must confront him
Chasing the Chaser
Gilroy (the husband)
A very good as a faithful husband, whose wife is looking for proof that more than his eyes have been roving. She hires a private detective to provide it.
Thundering Landlords
The Landlord
Thundering Landlords is a 1925 short
In the Grease
"IN THE GREASE" (1925) stars James Finlayson who must raise his kid by himself and also take over the unruly class room at the local schoolhouse.
Tell It to a Policeman
Two young lovers (Glenn Tryon and Blanche Mehaffey) are at home when a policeman (James Finlayson) comes to the door and begins telling them his life story.
The Floorwalker
Vermuda, a saleswoman in a department store, is very late for work. She relies on a ruse to fool the floorwalker, and when that doesn't work, she relies on her friendship with the store manager. But she is soon disillusioned as to where she really stands with the manager.
The Haunted Honeymoon
The Haunted Honeymoon is a 1925 American silent comedy film directed by Fred Guiol and Ted Wilde, starring Glenn Tryon and Blanche Mehaffey with Janet Gaynor in one of her first films. One of the first comedies to parody horror films, it was produced by Hal Roach and released by Pathé Exchange.
Hard Boiled
Hard Boiled comedy short
Short Kilts
McGregor's Son
As a way to make peace between two feuding Scottish clans, one invites the other over for supper, but things don't turn out quite as expected.
Why Husbands Go Mad
When Charley's wife buys a bulldog for his birthday present and has a special key made for the room in which she keeps it, trouble begins. He finds the key, and his suspicions are aroused. He storms about and makes trouble for all concerned until he learns that a dog, not a man, is behind the closed door.
Wide Open Spaces
Jack McQueen
Wide Open Spaces is a 1924 Western silent film starring Stan Laurel.
Rupert of Hee-Haw
Rupert of Hee Haw
Near Dublin
Sir Patrick
Sir Patrick attempts to marry a young lady against her will. Nice guy Stan Laurel tries to help out but gets thrown in jail for his trouble.
Brothers Under the Chin
A 1924 silent comedy.
Zeb vs. Paprika
Major Glanders Botts
Stan Laurel as a harness racing jockey who must win a big race.
Postage Due
Postal Inspector
Postage Due is a 1924 silent comedy film starring Stan Laurel.
After being discharged from the 372nd infantry, on account of a bean shortage, smithy seeks employment. He finds a job on a construction site, where he helps to build a house, and soon causes havoc amongst the other workers. The construction company owner leaves for a week, and tells his secretary to send a letter to Mr. Smith telling him to complete the construction of the house while he (the owner) is away. The letter is accidently sent to Smithy who manages to complete the house. When the owner returns the house is complete, and Smithy is commended until the last support beam is removed...
Fully Insured
The Foreman
A Hal Roach comedy starring 'Snub' Pollard and James Finlayson.
Scorching Sands
The misadventures of two intrepid explorers in the Egyptian desert.
The Soilers
During the Alaska gold rush, a miner hits the mother lode, but a corrupt sheriff jumps his claim, leading to a tremendous fight.
The Whole Truth
Defense lawyer
A prosecutor instructs the audience of a courtroom to observe the tearful and slightly hysterical wife (Helen Gilmore) who is sitting in the witness box, and claims she is this way due to her husband, who shows up very infrequently. For the defence (James Finlayson), he never did anything to be proud of - and was proud of it. He sits there smirking and sipping a glass of water before being momentarily distracted. He goes to take another sip of his drink but instead picks up a different glass containing something very different.
Frozen Hearts
General Sappovitch
In the trembling Russian village of Popoffski, a young woman (Katherine Grant) is wooed by a hopeful lover, the son of a humble pool shark (Stan) right under the very nose of her father. When the man proposes marriage to her the father is happy to let her go, seeing as he has nine other children to worry about. As the couple celebrate their love for one another they are approached by a military officer who threatens to take the woman away to use as a court dancer.
Roughest Africa
Hans Downe
Two bungling adventures go on a big game hunt in Africa.
A Man About Town
Humko, Store Detective
A feckless young man who wishes to switch from one streetcar to another is told to follow a pretty young lady-- so he follows her all over town.
Pitfalls of a Big City
The Hired Man
Pitfalls of a Big City is a 1923 short comedy
James Finlayson
Angela comes to Hollywood with only two things: Her dream to become a movie star, and Grandpa. She leaves an Aunt, a brother, Grandma, and her longtime boyfriend back in Centerville. Despite seeing major movie stars around every corner, and knocking on every casting office door in town, at the end of her first day she is still unemployed. To her horror, when she arrives back at their hotel, she finds that Grandpa has been cast in a movie by William DeMille and quickly becomes a star during the ensuing weeks. Her family, worried that Angela and Grandpa are getting into trouble, come to Hollywood to drag them back home. In short order Aunt, Grandma, brother, boyfriend and even the parrot become superstars, but Angela is still unemployed...
Oranges and Lemons
After getting into a scuffle with his boss and some co-workers, an orange packer tries to help another co-worker, only to wind up in a conflict with him as well. Trying to elude his boss, he heads inside the packing house, and visits with the women who are packing fruit into cases. Then he heads to a storage area, and tries to use the machinery to escape his pursuers.
Jack Frost
Wicked Man from the Wicked City
Jack Frost is a silent comedy short
Where's My Wandering Boy This Evening?
The Hired Man
Where's My Wandering Boy This Evening? is a comedy short released in 1923
Courtship of Miles Sandwich
Miles Sandwich
The story of the first Thanksgiving is re-imagined as a father tells it to his son.
Pico y pala
The Foreman
Surge un problema cuando un hombre incompetente, interpretado por Stan Laurel, va a trabajar a "una mina sin valor" y se enamora de la hija del jefe.
Sold at Auction
The Man Who WAS Sold
This Hal Roach comedy short I found on the "American Slapstick" DVD collection of rare silent comedies starts bizarre and has an anything goes-quality one rarely sees in Mr. Roach's output. It stars Snub Pollard who is initially introduced as a baby left on a doorstep before we see him fully grown about 20 or so years later still in that basket! From there, he gets bumped car to car crossing the street prior to getting literally thrown through a window as an auction is taking place! Also appearing is James Finlayson as a man who's items accidentally get sold.
White Wings
Dental Patient
Pursued by the law, a street cleaner finds refuge by impersonating a dentist.
California or Bust
Campground neighbor
After their house is blown away by a twister, a farmer and his wife decide to move to California. Once over the border they're greeted by rain, hail, snow and an Indian uprising.
Before the Public
'Snub' Pollard is an local actor getting a big break in the movie industry, coming home to show off his fame.
A Tough Winter
Silent film comedy from 1923. Parody of "Nanook of the North."
Newly Rich
Newly Rich is a silent comedy short
The Crossroads of New York
A young man from the country travels to the city to find his fortune. Although he has a letter of introduction from his wealthy uncle, the best job he can find is that of a street cleaner. He catches the eye of his landlady, who somehow manages to get the man to propose to her, but he then falls in love with a pretty young socialite, and when his rich uncle dies finds himself being sued by a gold-digging vamp who wants to her her hands on his inheritance.
A Small Town Idol
J. Wellington Jones
Sam, a young man in a small town, is accused of being a thief. Unable to prove his innocence--and not knowing that he's being framed by a local villain to keep him away from pretty young Mary, the town beauty whom the villain wants for himself--he leaves town and goes to Hollywood to become an actor. He eventually returns home to town as a star, but once again finds himself the victim of the town villain, who this time abducts sweet young Mary. Sam must use all his acting skills to track down the villain and save Mary.
Don't Weaken!
Lightfingered Luke - Professor Yonson's Assistant
A dancing instructor gets involved with a newly rich family.
Down on the Farm
The Sportive Banker with the Mortgage
The day starts off as any normal day on Roach's farm, where Teddy, the farmhouse dog, is doing more productive work than everyone else combined. But the day changes when Roach's farmhand sees an opportunity to be the knight in shining armor to Louise, Roach's daughter, who he wants to marry.
Up in Alf's Place
The Dancing Instructor
Charles Murray gets caught by his wife flirting with a dancer.
Yankee Doodle In Berlin
Commander's Officer (uncredited)
Por detrás de las líneas enemigas, el Capitán Bob White se disfraza de mujer para engañar a los miembros del Alto Mando alemán, incluido el propio Kaiser. (filmaffinit) Con Mack Sennett como supervisor y buena parte de su troupe en el reparto (Ford Sterling, Mal St. Clair, Chester Conklin, Ben Turpin, etcétera), no cabía esperar otro resultado como el que se nos ofrece: una brillante mascarada bélica que algunos podrían considerar como un "ajuste de cuentas" de los americanos contra los germanos, pero que a nosotros nos parece que ni siquiera el guionista se planteó presentarla como tal. Se nota que su objetivo principal era pasárselo bomba y, recíprocamente, nos lo hace pasar a nosotros.
In Dutch
Comedy short starring Alice Howell
The World of Laurel and Hardy
The funniest moments from Laurel and Hardy's most hilarious films