Magdalena Szwarcbart


Poland, 1990 – American music journalist Ruth takes her father Edek, a Holocaust survivor, on a journey to his childhood haunts, hoping to make sense of her family's troubled past. When Edek, reluctant to face his trauma, undermines their trip with his unpredictable and more eccentric than usual demeanor, Ruth is forced to challenge him and the values with which he raised her.
Zona de Interés
El comandante de Auschwitz Rudolf Höss y su esposa Hedwig se esfuerzan en construir una vida de ensueño para su familia en una casa con jardín cerca del campo.
Never gonna snow again
Zenia es una trabajadora ucraniana trabajadora en Polonia que hace visitas a domicilio como masajista para los residentes necesitados y ambiciosos de una comunidad cerrada de clase media cerca de Varsovia. Él está al tanto de todos sus problemas, ansiedades y secretos, y tiene una especie de figura de gurú involuntaria. La espiritualidad arraigada de Zenia, los aparentes poderes curativos y los hombros anchos lo convierten en un objeto de lujuria para muchas de las almas perdidas de la comunidad.
It is night in Warsaw. Two very different homes. In one, a father watches sports lying on the sofa, expecting the son to do the same. In another apartment, a wealthy-looking mother sits at the table to dine with her daughter, completely different from her. At the same time, the boy and the girl embark on a nocturnal adventure of transformation, during which they strip off the various stratifications of gender that they have inherited. The streets of the city are transformed into a liberating walkway. When by chance they meet – face to face, body to body – they mirror each other in silence, offering comfort, safety.
Mr. Jones
Casting Director
Drama basado en hechos reales que narra la historia de un periodista de investigación británico mientras viaja a lo más profundo de la Unión Soviética para descubrir una conspiración internacional.
A principios del siglo XX un médico militar hace experimentos científicos para poder manipular a la gente.
Jack Strong
Polonia, 1970. Firmemente decidido a luchar contra la tiranía soviética y a evitar la destrucción del mundo, el oficial de alto rango del ejército polaco Ryszard Kukliński toma una grave decisión que pondrá en peligro su vida, a su familia y el destino de toda una nación.
The Traffic Department
Seven policemen, seven deadly sins, a murder case, secrets and the filth of everyday police work: Traffic Department transports the viewer into the darkest Warsaw streets.
Hannah, a young Jewish girl, is rescued from a concentration camp by her Polish boyfriend, and believes he died after their perilous escape. More than 30 years later, the married Hannah faces an emotional crisis when she learns he's alive.
The Dark House
Poland, 1978. Edward Srodon, a zootechnician, makes an accidental stop at the Dziabas family farm, located in the remote area of the Bieszczady Mountains. Years later, on a winter day during Martial Law, a People's Militia investigation team examines a crime scene.
The peaceful world of a monastery, in a small town Jasmine, is destroyed by the arrival of monument restorers, Natasha, along with her daughter Eugenia. The legend associated with the monastery bode revelation in him a saint in the near future. Despite initial reluctance, Natasha starts the maintenance of the image stored there. The secrets of the monastery are unraveled: the unhappy lovers bodies placed in the catacombs, the secret elixir of love, created with the smell of the monks.
Genghis Khan
The programme is based on 'The Secret History of the Mongols', a manuscript written in the 13th century, some believe by the adopted son of the great Khan.
El ogro
El francés Abel Tiffauges es un hombre ingenuo que vive una vida sencilla trabajando como mecánico. Acusado falsamente de ser un pederasta, es reclutado como soldado al comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial; pero pronto es capturado y llevado al corazón de la Alemania nazi.
Holy Week
Assistant Director
During the Nazi era, a Jewish woman on the run takes a trolley which passes near the Warsaw ghetto, where the uprising battle is taking place, and some passengers are struck by stray bullets. They take temporary refuge in an empty building, and there she has a chance meeting with her ex-fiancé. He offers to put her up--that is, hide her--for a few days. He's now married, a professional who lives in an idyllic suburb reached by a trolley that runs through the woods. His wife seems more committed to putting up the fugitive than he is. The story involves the neighbors, the building owner who avoids involvement and seeks solace in classic poetry, and the super and his suspicious wife.
La lista de Schindler
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.