Tsutomu Kamimura


Journey Into Solitude
Bored with her school life, a 16-year-old student leaves home to take a trip along the Pacific Ocean. After meeting with a theatre group she falls sick and is rescued by a fisherman with who she shares her life with.
Kigeki: Hanayome sensô
Executive Producer
Human Target
At midnight, Yamabe, a killer, escapes from prison. Two years before, bribed by a narcotic smuggler, Yamabe killed a real estate broker. As he was being arrested by detective Negoro, the detective's bullet struck Sakuko, Yamabe's girl friend who attempted to protect him, and crippled her. When Yamabe was sent to prison, Negoro cared for her and they fell in love. Sakuko asked him to marry her, but Negoro was reluctant to take the killer's sweetheart from him. Learning of the relationship of his girl friend and the detective, Yamabe had pledged revenge.
Tabiji: ofukuro-san yori
Based on Shinichi Mori song
High-School Outcasts
Executive Producer
Tsutomu (Kensaku Morita), an orphan who once stabbed a man, is released from a reformatory and goes to Tottori, on the Japan Sea coast, to enter a high school. On the beach, he meets a young fisherman, Yusuke (Norihiko Yamamoto) also a student of the same school. They become friends and Tsutomu is offered free board at Yusuke's home.
Tora-san, His Tender Love
Executive Producer
Tora-san regresa a su ciudad natal a instancias de su tío y su tía, pero una vez más causa caos y problemas para su gran boca. En un intento por hacer que se quede en casa y termine con su vida como vagabundo, la pareja de ancianos decide arreglar el matrimonio de Tora-san. Pero la reunión matrimonial nuevamente termina en vergüenza y la pareja de ancianos tiene que pagar la cuenta nuevamente. Después de una gran pelea, Tora-san está en el camino una vez más...
Tora-san. It's Tough Being a Man
Executive Producer
Tora-san, un vendedor ambulante, vuelve a casa después de veinte años para encontrar que sus padres fallecieron y su única hermana, Sakura, trabajando en una tienda de dulces locales y vive con su tía y su tío. Tora de mala gana está de acuerdo con el matrimonio previsto de Sakura con un pintor, pero sólo consigue arruinar el matrimonio cuando se comporta de forma escandalosa en la fiesta pre-boda. Sin darse cuenta se enamora de la hija de un sacerdote budista. Al enterarse de que ella ya se está preparando para su propio matrimonio, decide salir de su casa de nuevo para ocultar su disgusto.